Dosch H.G. Beyond the nanoworld: quarks, leptons and gauge bosons (Wellesley, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDosch H.G. Beyond the nanoworld: quarks, leptons and gauge bosons. - Wellesley: AK Peters, 2008. - xii, 282 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.279-282. - ISBN 978-1-56881-345-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

1. The Heroic Time .............................................. 1
   1.1. Introduction ............................................ 1
   1.2. Brave Old World ......................................... 6
   1.3. Detection of Particles ................................. 16
   1.4. Quantum Physics Becomes Decisive ....................... 21
   1.5. Symmetries in Particle Physics ......................... 40
   1.6. The Discovery of the Positron and the Mesotron ......... 53
   1.7. Early Accelerators ..................................... 59
2. The Great Leap Forward ...................................... 63
   2.1. The Predicted Meson Is Found ........................... 63
   2.2. Strange Particles Cause Excitement ..................... 66
   2.3. Particles Slightly out of Tune ......................... 72
   2.4. Successes and Failures of Quantum Field Theory ......... 74
   2.5. The Beginnings of a New Spectroscopy ................... 78
   2.6. Producing More and Seeing Better ....................... 82
   2.7. More and More New Particles ............................ 85
   2.8. The Surprises of the Weak Interaction .................. 90
3. Up by Their Own Bootstraps .................................. 97
   3.1. S-Matrix Theory ........................................ 97
   3.2. Scattering Amplitudes .................................. 99
   3.3. Bootstrapping and Nuclear Democracy ................... 104
   3.4. Rigorous Theorems and Complex Angular Momenta ......... 107
4. Composite Elementary Particles ............................. 111
   4.1. FirstAttempts ......................................... 1ll
   4.2. The Eightfold Way ..................................... 114
   4.3. The Quark Model ....................................... 120
   4.4. The Quarks Assume Color ............................... 127
5. On the Path to the Standard Model .......................... 131
   5.1. The Master of the Gauge ............................... 131
   5.2. New Dimensions for the Gauge .......................... 138
   5.3. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking ......................... 141
   5.4. The Higgs-Kibble Dinner ............................... 147
   5.5. Anomalies ............................................. 149
   5.6. Better Counters, Better Accelerators, and Better
        Beams ................................................. 150
   5.7. The Electron Microscopes of Particle Physics .......... 156
   5.8. Deep Inelastic Scattering ............................. 159
6. The Standard Model of Particle Physics ..................... 165
   6.1. Introduction .......................................... 165
   6.2. A Model for Leptons ................................... 167
   6.3. Weak Currents ......................................... 170
   6.4. The Strong Interaction Becomes Dynamic ................ 177
   6.5. Running Coupling and Asymptotic Freedom ............... 179
   6.6. Quantitative Calculations in Strong Interactions ...... 186
   6.7. Quantum Chromodynamics on the Lattice ................. 189
   6.8. The Consolidation of the Standard Model ............... 192
   6.9. Quark Masses and Their Consequences ................... 203
   6.10.The Standard Model in All Its Glory ................... 207
7. Storm Clouds or the Dawn of a New Physics? ................. 213
   7.1. Neutrinos, Too, Are Out of Tune ....................... 213
   7.2. Why Do Elementary Particles Have Mass? ................ 219
   7.3. The Grand Unification ................................. 221
   7.4. Supersymmetry ......................................... 223
   7.5. Monopoles ............................................. 226
   7.6. The Microcosm and the Macrocosm ....................... 228
   7.7. Silent Strings ........................................ 234
8. Epilog ..................................................... 239
   8.1. Peculiarities of Particle Physics ..................... 239
   8.2. Philosophy ............................................ 245

A. Glossary ................................................... 251
В. Physical Units ............................................. 263
С. Nobel Prize Winners ........................................ 267
D. Recommended Reading ........................................ 277

Index ......................................................... 279

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