List of Contributors .......................................... vii
Preface ........................................................ ix
Introduction ................................................... xi
1. El Nino and La Nina: Physical Mechanisms and Climate
Impacts ...................................................... 1
Michael J. Mcphaden
2. How do Scale and Sampling Resolution Affect Perceived
Ecological Variability and Redness? ......................... 17
John M. Halley
3. Assessing the Impact of Environmental Variability on
Trophic Systems using an Allometric Frequency-resolved
Approach .................................................... 41
David A. Vasseur
4. Filtering Environmental Variability: Activity
Optimization, Thermal Refuges, and the Energetic
Responses of Endotherms to Temperature ...................... 61
Murray M. Humphries and James Umbanhowar
5. Environment Forcing Populations ............................. 89
Esa Ranta, Veijo Kaitala, Mike S. Fowler and Jan
6. Interaction Assessments in Correlated and Autocorrelated
Environments ............................................... 1ll
Jorgen Ripa and Anthony R. Ives
7. Specialist-Generalist Competition in Variable
Environments; the Consequences of Competition between
Resources .................................................. 133
Peter A. Abrams
8. Environmental Variability Modulates the Insurance
Effects of Diversity in Non-equilibrium Communities ........ 159
Andrew Gonzalez and Oscar De Feo
9. Effects of Environmental Variability on Ecological
Communities: Testing the Insurance Hypothesis of
Biodiversity in Aquatic Microcosms ......................... 179
Owen L. Petchey
10.Environmental Variability and the Antarctic Marine
Ecosystem .................................................. 197
Valerie Loeb
Index ......................................................... 227