Introduction .................................................... 1
References ..................................................... 14
Encyclopedias .................................................. 16
Recent or large general texts .................................. 16
On various large groups of elements ............................ 17
On broad topics ................................................ 18
Other articles cited in the text ............................... 23
1. Hydrogen and the Alkali Metals .............................. 25
1.0. Hydrogen, 1H ........................................... 25
1.0.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 25
1.0.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 26
1.0.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 27
1.0.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ............ 27
1.1. Lithium, 3Li ........................................... 28
1.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 28
1.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 29
1.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 29
1.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 29
1.2. Sodium, 11Na ............................................ 30
1.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 30
1.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 30
1.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 31
1.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ............ 31
1.3. Potassium, 19K; Rubidium, 37Rb; Cesium, 55Cs
and Francium, 87Fr ...................................... 31
1.3.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 31
1.3.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 33
1.3.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 33
1.3.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 34
References ............................................. 35
Bibliography ........................................... 35
2. Beryllium and the Alkaline-Earth Metals ..................... 37
2.1. Beryllium, 4Be ......................................... 37
2.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 37
2.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 37
2.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 38
2.2. Magnesium, 12Mg ........................................ 39
2.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 39
2.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 39
2.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 40
2.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 41
2.3. Calcium, 20Ca; Strontium, 38Sr; Barium, 56Ba and Radium,
88Ra ................................................... 41
2.3.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 41
2.3.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-
Period Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ....... 43
2.3.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 44
2.3.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 46
Bibliography ........................................... 47
3. The Rare-Earth and Actinoid Elements ........................ 49
3.1. The Rare Earths Rth(0) and Actinoids An(0) ............. 52
3.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 52
3.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 53
3.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th -Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 54
3.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 54
3.2. The Rare Earths Rth(II) and Actinoids An(II) ........... 54
3.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 54
3.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 55
3.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 55
3.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 55
3.3. The Rare Earths Rth(III) and Actinoids An(III) ......... 56
3.3.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 56
3.3.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 58
3.3.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 61
3.3.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ............ 63
3.4. The Lanthanoids Ln(IV) and Actinoids An(IV) ............ 65
3.4.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 65
3.4.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 67
3.4.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 71
3.4.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 73
3.5. The Actinoids An(V) .................................... 75
3.5.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 75
3.5.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 76
3.5.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 78
3.5.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 79
3.6. The Actinoids An(VI) ................................... 79
3.6.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 79
3.6.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 81
3.6.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 83
3.6.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 85
3.7. The Actinoids An(VII) .................................. 86
3.7.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 86
3.7.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 87
3.7.3. Reagents Derived from the Heavier Non-Metals,
Silicon through Xenon ........................... 87
3.7.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 87
References ............................................. 87
Bibliography ........................................... 87
4. Titanium through Rutherfordium .............................. 91
4.1. Titanium, 22Ti ......................................... 91
4.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 91
4.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 92
4.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon ............... 93
4.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 94
4.2. Zirconium, 40Zr; Hafnium, 72Hf; and Rutherfordium,
104Rf .................................................. 95
4.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ....... 95
4.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine .............. 96
4.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th Non-
Metals, Silicon through Xenon ................... 98
4.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ..... 99
Bibliography ........................................... 99
5. Vanadium through Dubnium ................................... 101
5.1. Vanadium, 23V ......................................... 101
5.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 101
5.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 103
5.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 105
5.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 106
5.2. Niobium, 41Nb; Tantalum, 73Ta; and Dubnium, 105Db ..... 108
5.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 108
5.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 109
5.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th -Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 110
5.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 1ll
Bibliography .......................................... 1ll
6. Chromium through Seaborgium ................................ 113
6.1. Chromium, 24Сr ........................................ 113
6.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 113
6.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period Non-
Metals, Boron through Fluorine ................. 117
6.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th Non-
Metals, Silicon through Xenon .................. 121
6.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 124
6.2. Molybdenum, 42Mo; Tungsten, 74W and Seaborgium,
106Sg ................................................. 126
6.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 127
6.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period Non-
Metals, Boron through Fluorine ................. 130
6.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th Non-
Metals, Silicon through Xenon .................. 134
6.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons ........... 140
6.2.5. Reactions Involving Chalcogeno Mo and W
Clusters ....................................... 144
References ............................................ 151
Bibliography .......................................... 151
7. Manganese through Bohrium .................................. 153
7.1. Manganese, 2sMn ....................................... 153
7.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 153
7.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 155
7.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 157
7.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 161
7.2. Technetium, 43Tc; Rhenium, 75Re and Bohrium, 107Bh ..... 163
7.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 163
7.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 165
7.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 167
7.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 169
Bibliography .......................................... 171
8. Iron through Hassium ....................................... 173
8.1. Iron, 26Fe ............................................ 173
8.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 173
8.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 178
8.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 183
8.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 187
8.1.5. Reactions Involving the Prussian Blues ......... 190
8.2. Ruthenium, 44RU; Osmium, 760Os and Hassium, 108Hs ....... 192
8.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 193
8.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 196
8.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-5th-Реriod
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 202
8.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 205
References ............................................ 209
Bibliography .......................................... 209
9. Cobalt through Meitnerium .................................. 211
9.1. Cobalt, 27Co .......................................... 211
9.1.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 211
9.1.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 216
9.1.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 222
9.1.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 226
9.2. Rhodium, 45Rh; Iridium, 77Ir and Meitnerium, i09Mt ..... 230
9.2.1. Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 230
9.2.2. Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 231
9.2.3. Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 235
9.2.4. Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 238
Reference ............................................. 240
Bibliography .......................................... 240
10.Nickel through Darmstadtium ................................ 241
10.1.Nickel, 28Ni .......................................... 241
10.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 241
10.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2 -Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 242
10.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 244
10.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 246
10.2.Palladium, 46Pd; Platinum, 78Pt and Darmstadtium,
110Ds ................................................. 247
10.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 247
10.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 250
10.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 254
10.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 259
References ............................................ 261
Bibliography .......................................... 261
11. Copper through Roentgenium ................................ 263
11.1.Copper, 29CU .......................................... 263
11.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 263
11.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 264
11.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 267
11.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 269
11.2.Silver, 47Ag .......................................... 271
11.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 271
11.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 272
11.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 274
11.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 279
11.3.Gold, 79Au and Roentgenium, 111Rg ...................... 281
11.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 281
11.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 282
11.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 283
11.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 286
Reference ............................................. 287
Bibliography .......................................... 287
12.Zinc through Mercury ....................................... 289
12.1.Zinc, 30Zn ............................................ 289
12.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 289
12.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 290
12.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 291
12.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 292
12.2.Cadmium, 48Cd ......................................... 292
12.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 292
12.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 293
12.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 294
12.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 295
12.3.Mercury, 80Hg (and Ununbium, 112Uub) .................... 295
12.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 295
12.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 297
12.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 299
12.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 304
Reference ............................................. 306
Bibliography .......................................... 306
13.Boron through Thallium, the Triels ......................... 307
13.1.Boron, 5B ............................................. 307
13.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 307
13.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 308
13.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 309
13.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 310
13.2.Aluminum, 13Al ........................................ 310
13.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 310
13.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 311
13.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 313
13.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 314
13.3.Gallium, 31Ga ......................................... 314
13.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 314
13.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 315
13.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 316
13.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 317
13.4.Indium, 49In .......................................... 317
13.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 317
13.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 318
13.4.3.Reagents Derived from the Heavier Non-Metals,
Silicon through Xenon .......................... 318
13.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 319
13.5.Thallium, 81Tl (and Ununtrium, 113Uut) ................. 320
13.5.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 320
13.5.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 321
13.5.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 322
13.5.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 324
Reference ............................................. 325
Bibliography .......................................... 325
14.Carbon through Lead, the Tetrels ........................... 327
14.1.Carbon, 6C ............................................ 327
14.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 327
14.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 331
14.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 332
14.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 334
14.2.Silicon, 14Si ......................................... 340
14.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 340
14.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 341
14.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 341
14.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 342
14.3.Germanium, 32Ge ....................................... 342
14.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 342
14.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 343
14.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 343
14.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 345
14.4.Tin, 50Sn ............................................. 345
14.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 346
14.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 348
14.4.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 349
14.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 353
14.5.Lead, 82Pb (and Ununquadium, 114Uuq) ................... 354
14.5.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 354
14.5.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 356
14.5.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 357
14.5.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 360
References ............................................ 362
Bibliography .......................................... 362
15.Nitrogen through Bismuth, the Pentels ...................... 363
15.1.Nitrogen, 7N .......................................... 363
15.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 363
15.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 365
15.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 366
15.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 369
15.2.Phosphorus, 15P ....................................... 374
15.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 375
15.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 378
15.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 379
15.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 381
15.3.Arsenic, 33As ......................................... 385
15.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 385
15.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 386
15.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 387
15.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 390
15.4.Antimony, 51Sb ........................................ 393
15.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 393
15.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 395
15.4.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 397
15.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 400
15.5.Bismuth, 83Bi (and Ununpentium, 115Uup) ................ 401
15.5.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 401
15.5.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 402
15.5.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 403
15.5.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 405
Bibliography .......................................... 406
16.Oxygen through Polonium, the Chalcogens .................... 409
16.1.Oxygen, 80 ............................................ 409
16.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 409
16.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 410
16.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 410
16.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 411
16.2.Sulfur, 16S ........................................... 415
16.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 415
16.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 420
16.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 422
16.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 426
16.3.Selenium, 34Se ........................................ 436
16.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 436
16.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 436
16.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 437
16.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 438
16.4.Tellurium, 52Te and Polonium, 84Po (and Ununhexium,
116Uuh) ............................................... 439
16.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 439
16.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 440
16.4.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 440
16.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 441
Bibliography .......................................... 442
17.Fluorine through Astatine, the Halogens .................... 445
17.1.Fluorine, 9F .......................................... 445
17.1.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 445
17.1.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 445
17.1.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 446
17.1.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 446
17.2.Chlorine, 17C1 ........................................ 447
17.2.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 447
17.2.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 449
17.2.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 451
17.2.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 454
17.3.Bromine, 35Br ......................................... 459
17.3.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 459
17.3.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 460
17.3.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 461
17.3.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 462
17.4 Iodine, 53I and Astatine, 85At (and Ununseptium,
117Uus) ................................................ 464
17.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 465
17.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 466
17.4.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 467
17.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 471
Reference ............................................. 474
Bibliography .......................................... 474
18.Helium through Radon, the Aerogens ......................... 475
18.0.Helium, 2He through 18.2 Argon, 18Ar ................... 475
18.3.Krypton, 36Kr ......................................... 475
18.4.Xenon, 54Xe and Radon, 86Rn (and Ununoctium, n8Uuo) ... 475
18.4.1.Reagents Derived from Hydrogen and Oxygen ...... 475
18.4.2.Reagents Derived from the Other 2nd-Period
Non-Metals, Boron through Fluorine ............. 476
18.4.3.Reagents Derived from the 3rd-to-5th-Period
Non-Metals, Silicon through Xenon .............. 476
18.4.4.Reagents Derived from the Metals Lithium
through Uranium, plus Electrons and Photons .... 477
Reference ..................................................... 477
Bibliography .................................................. 477
Appendix A: Periodic Charts ................................... 479
References .................................................... 490
Appendix B: Atomic and Ionic Energy Levels .................... 491
References .................................................... 494
Appendix C: Electrode/Reduction Potentials .................... 495
References .................................................... 512
Appendix D: Abbreviations and Definitions ..................... 513
Index ......................................................... 515