Participants and scientific program .......................... 9-14
Y. Rudyak, M.M. Postnikov: his life, work and legacy ........ 15-29
Geometric topology
A. Fel'shtyn
Bitwisted Burnside-Frobenius theorem and Dehn conjugacy
problem ..................................................... 31-42
S. Friedl and S. Vidussi
Twisted Alexander polynomials, symplectic 4-manifolds
and surfaces of minimal complexity .......................... 43-57
U. Kaiser
Frobenius algebras and skein modules of surfaces in
3-manifolds ................................................. 59-81
T. Morifuji
On a secondary invariant of the hyperelliptic mapping
class group ................................................. 83-92
H. Ohta and K. Ono
An inequality for symplectic fillings of the link of
a hypersurface КЗ singularity .............................. 93-100
D.S. Silver and S.G. Williams
Nonfibered knots and representation shifts ................ 101-107
A. Teleman
Gauge theoretical methods in the classification of
non-Kahlerian surfaces .................................... 109-120
M. Ue
The Fukumoto-Furuta and the Ozsvath-Szabo invariants
for spherical 3-manifolds ................................. 121-139
Homotopy theory
A. Angel
A spectral sequence for orbifold cobordism ................ 141-154
S.A. Antonyan and E. Elfving
The equivariant homotopy type of G-ANR's for proper
actions of locally compact groups ......................... 155-178
M. Golasinski, D.L. Goncalves and P.N. Wong
A note on generalized equivariant homotopy groups ......... 179-185
F. Gomez Ruiz
On residue formulas for characteristic numbers ............ 187-192
M. Grant
Topological complexity of motion planning and Massey
products .................................................. 193-203
N. Iwase
Categorical length, relative L-S category and higher
Hopf invariants ........................................... 205-224
T. Kadeishvili
Cohomology G∞-algebra and rational homotopy type .......... 225-240
R.M. Kaufmann
Dimension vs. genus: A surface realization of the
little k-cubes and an Е∞ operad ........................... 241-274
U. Koschorke
Some homotopy theoretical questions arising in Nielsen
coincidence theory ........................................ 275-280
V.V. Sharko
The L2-invariants and Morse numbers ....................... 281-295
D. Sullivan
Homotopy theory of the master equation package applied
to algebra and geometry: a sketch of two interlocking
programs .................................................. 297-305
T. Terpai
Calculation of the avoiding ideal for ∑1,1 ................. 307-313