Foreword ........................................................ V
Introduction .................................................... 1
1. Kinetic Equations: From Newton to Boltzmann .................. 5
2. The Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations - Fluid and Gas
Dynamics .................................................... 21
3. Granular Material Flows (with G. Toscani) ................... 37
4. Chemotactic Cell Motion and Biological Pattern Formation
(with D. Ölz) ............................................... 55
5. Semiconductor Modeling ...................................... 73
6. Free Boundary Problems and Phase Transitions ................ 87
7. Reaction-Diffusion Equations - Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Environments ................................. 109
8. Optimal Transportation and Monge-Ampere Equations .......... 129
9. Wave Equations ............................................. 149
10.Digital Image Processing and Analysis - PDEs and
Variational Tools .......................................... 167
11.Socio-Economic Modeling (with G. Toscani) .................. 185