Part I: Summarizing and complementing overview
Abstract ........................................................ 5
Abstrakta ....................................................... 6
Acknowledgements ................................................ 7
Abbreviations .................................................. 13
1. Introduction ................................................ 14
1.1. The object of the study ................................... 16
1.2. The methodological framework of the study ................. 21
1.3. The materials of the study ................................ 24
2. The main results of the original papers ..................... 28
2.1. Defining non-finites (Ylikoski 2003a) ..................... 28
2.2. On the adverbial non-finite constructions in North
Saami (Ylikoski 2002, 2004a) .............................. 32
2.3. The curious non-finite in -nláhkai -nládje
(Ylikoski 2006a) .......................................... 47
2.4. On the functions of adpositions in North Saami
(Ylikoski 2006b) .......................................... 54
2.5. Conclusions ............................................... 60
3. Additional observations on the system of non-finites
in North Saami .............................................. 62
3.1. On the criteria for identifying non-finite verb forms
(with special reference to verbal-noun based
constructions) ............................................ 62
3.1.1. What counts as a non-finite verb form? ............. 63
3.1.2. Historical background of the "new" verbal-noun
based non-finites in -ndihte, -miin and -nláhkai ... 66 The purposive converb in -ndihte
and related phenomena in North
Saami and its nearest relatives ........... 68 The instrumental converb in -miin
and related phenomena in North
Saami and its nearest relatives ........... 80 The non-finite in -nláhkai
and related phenomena in North
Saami and its nearest relatives ........... 88
3.1.3. More marginal verb-like formations based
on adverbial verbal noun constructions ............. 96
3.1.4. Other related phenomena: the rare instances
of deverbal nouns with objects .................... 103
3.1.5. On the morphological independence of
the non-finites in -ndihte and -nláhkai:
the role of conjunction reduction in North
Saami inflection and derivation ................... 116
3.2. The subsystem of participles revisited ................... 128
3.2.1. The received view: two or three participles ....... 129
3.2.2. Passive participles ............................... 136
3.2.3. The negative participle ........................... 161
3.2.4. Summary of participles ............................ 182
4. Concluding remarks and further perspectives ................ 186
4.1. Summary of the synchronic description .................... 186
4.2. Diachronic perspectives .................................. 190
4.2.1. The emergence of new non-finites
-rehabilitating the agglutinative
technique in North Saami? ......................... 191
4.2.2. Conclusion: user-based approaches to the
dynamics of the North Saami non-finites ........... 201
References .................................................... 208
Data sources .................................................. 208
Data sources: North Saami literary language ................... 208
Data sources: North Saami dialects ............................ 209
Data sources: Inari Saami ..................................... 210
Data sources: Lule Saami ...................................... 211
Data sources: Skolt Saami ..................................... 211
Data sources: other languages ................................. 211
Other references .............................................. 212
Non-finites in North Saami
Part II: Original papers
1. Defining non-finites: action nominals, converbs
and infinitives. - SKY Journal of Linguistics 16:
185-237. (2003)
2. Zu den adverbialen Nominalkonstruktionen im Nordlappischen.
- Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 57: 68-166. (2002)
3. Zu den adverbialen Nominalkonstruktionen im
Nordsaamischen II. Finale Konstruktionen.
- Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungen 58: 57-161. (2004)
4. Davvisámegiela - nláhkai - nládje - suffiksála ii-finihtta
- Sámi dieđalaš áigečála 1/2006: 18-38. (2006)
5. Fuomášumit sámegiela adposišuvnnaid funksuvnnain:
ovdamearkan alde- ja ala-postposišuvnnaid ii-lokála
- Sámi diedalas áigečála 1/2006: 39-61. (2006)