The Tangle of Nuclear Receptors that Controls Xenobiotic
Metabolism and Transport: Crosstalk and Consequences
Jean-Marc Pascussi, Sabine Gerbal-Chaloin, Cedric Duret,
Martine Daujat-Chavanieu, Marie-Jose Vilarem, and
Patrick Maurel ............................................... 1
Mechanisms of Placebo and Placebo-Related Effects Across
Diseases and Treatments
Fabrizio Benedetti .......................................... 33
Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Choroidal
Neovascularization Due to Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Gary D.Novack ............................................... 61
Nicotinic Acid: Pharmacological Effects and Mechanisms
of Action
Andreas Gille, Erik T.Bodor, Kashan Ahmed, and Stefan
Offermanns .................................................. 79
Activation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors: Beyond Two-State
Models and Tertiary Conformational Changes
Paul S.-H. Park, David T. Lodowski, and Krzysztof
Palczewski ................................................. 107
Apoptin: Therapeutic Potential of an Early Sensor of
Carcinogenic Transformation
Claude Backendorf, Astrid E. Visser, A.G. de Boer,
Rhyenne Zimmerman, Mijke Visser, Patrick Voskamp,
Ying-Hui Zhang, and Mathieu Noteborn ....................... 143
Chemokines and Their Receptors: Drug Targets in Immunity
and Inflammation
Antonella Viola and Andrew D. Luster ....................... 171
Apoptosis Signal-Regulating Kinase 1 in Stress and
Immune Response
Kohsuke Takeda, Takuya Noguchi, Isao Naguro, and
Hidenori Ichijo ............................................ 199
Pharmacogenetics of Anti-HIV Drugs
A.Telentiand U.M.Zanger .................................... 227
Epigenetics and Complex Disease: From Etiology to
New Therapeutics
Carolyn Ptak and Arturas Petronis .......................... 257
Vesicular Neurotransmitter Transporters as Targets
for Endogenous and Exogenous Toxic Substances
Farrukh A.Chaudhry, Robert H.Edwards, Frode Fonnum ......... 277
Mechanism-Based Concepts of Size and Mifturity in
B.J.Anderson and N.H.G.Holford ............................. 303
Role of CYPIBI in Glaucoma
Vasilis Vasiliou and Frank J. Gonzalez ..................... 333
Caveolae as Organizers of Pharmacologically Relevant Signal
Transduction Molecules
Hemal H.Patel, Fiona Murray, and Paul A.Insel .............. 359
Proteases for Processing Proneuropeptides into Peptide
Neurotransmitters and Hormones
Vivian Hook, Lydiane Funkelstein, Douglas Lit,
Steven Bark, Jill Wegrzyn, and Shin-Rong Hwang ............. 393
Targeting Chemokine Receptors in HIV: A Status Report
Shawn E.Kuhmann and Oliver Hartley ......................... 425
Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury
Vishal S.Vaidya, Michael A.Ferguson, and Joseph
V.Bonventre ................................................ 463
The Role of Cellular Accumulation in Determining
Sensitivity to Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
Matthew D.Hall, Mitsunori Okabe, Ding- Wu Shen,
Xing-Jie Liang, and Michael M.Gottesman .................... 495
Regulation of GPCRs by Endocytic Membrane Trafficking
and Its Potential Implications
Aylin C.Hanyaloglu and Mark von Zastrow .................... 537
PKC Isozymes in Chronic Cardiac Disease: Possible
Therapeutic Targets?
Eric Churchill, Grant Budas, Alice Vallentin,
Tomoyoshi Koyanagi, Daria Mochly-Rosen ..................... 569
G Protein-Coupled Receptor Sorting to Endosomes and
Adriano Marchese, May M.Paing, Brenda R.S.Temple,
and JoAnn Trejo ............................................ 601
Strategic Approach to Fit-for-Purpose Biomarkers in
Drug Development
John A.Wagner .............................................. 631
Metabolomics: A Global Biochemical Approach to Drug
Response and Disease
Rima Kaddurah-Daouk, Bruce S.Kristal, and Richard
M.Weinshilboum ............................................. 653
Contributing Authors, Volumes 44-48 ........................... 685
Chapter Titles, Volumes 44-48 ................................. 688