1. Environmental isotope tracers ................................ 1
1. Application of accelerator mass spectrometry
to environmental and paleo-cimate studies at
the University of Arizona
by A.J. Timothy Jull, George S. Burr,
J. Warren Beck, Gregory W.L. Hodgins, Dana
L. Biddulph, John Gann, Arthur L. Hatheway,
Todd E. Lange, Nathaniel A. Lifton ..................... 3
2. Discriminating biogenic and anthropogenic
chlorinated organic compounds using multi-isotope
analyses of individual compounds
by Kazushi Aranami, Steven J. Rowland,
James W. Readman ...................................... 24
3. Shift in stable water isotopes in precipitation
in the Andean Amazon: Implications of deforestation
or greenhouse impacts?
by A. Henderson-Sellers, K. McGuffie .................. 39
2. Oceanic radionuclide tracers ................................ 51
4. Southern Hemisphere Ocean Tracer Study (SHOTS):
An overview and preliminary results
by M. Aoyama, M. Fukasawa, K. Hirose,
R.F.C. Mantoura, P.P. Povinec, C.S. Kim,
K. Komura ............................................. 53
5. Plutonium isotopes in seawater of the North
Pacific: Effects of close-in fallout
by K. Hirose, M. Aoyama, C.S. Kim, C.K. Kim,
P.P. Povinec .......................................... 67
6. Distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in
the water column off Rok-kasho. Japan
by Shigeki Shima, Shin-ichi Gasa, Ken-ichi Iseda,
Tomoharu Nakayama, Hisao Kawamura ..................... 83
7. Artificial radionuclides in the Yellow Sea:
Inputs and redistribution
by G.H. Hong, C.S. Chung, S.-H. Lee, S.H. Kim,
M. Baskaran, H.M. Lee, Y.I. Kim, D.B. Yang,
C.K. Kim .............................................. 96
3. Bionuclides in the European seas ........................... 135
8. Distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in
the water column of the south-western
Mediterranean Sea
by S.-H. Lee, F.R. Mantoura, P.P. Povinec,
J.A. Sanchez-Cabeza, J.-L. Pontis, A. Mahjoub,
A. Noureddine, M. Boulahdid, L. Chouba,
M. Samaali, N. Reguigui .............................. 137
9. Distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides in
Moroccan coastal waters and sediments
by M. Benmansour, A. Laissaoui, S. Benbrahim,
M. Ibn Majah, A. Chafik, P.P. Povinec ................ 148
10.137Cs in seawater and sediment along the Algerian
by A. Noureddine, M. Menacer, R. Boudjenoun.,
M. Benkrid. M. Boulahdid, M. Kadi-hanifi,
S.-H. Lee and P.P. Povinec ........................... 156
11.Physical and chemical characteristics of 137Cs
in the Baltic Sea
by Galina Lujaniené, Kęstutis Jokšas,
Beata Šilobritiené and Rasa Morkūniené ............... 165
4. Bioecological studies ...................................... 181
12.Comparison of the MARINA II dispersion model
with CSERAM for estimating concentrations of
radionuclides in UK waters
by Kamaljit Sihra, Antony Bexon and
John Aldridge ........................................ 183
13.Assessment of the discharge of NORM to the North
Sea from produced water by the Norwegian oil and
gas industry
by T. Gäfvert, I. Færevik and A.L. Rudjord ........... 193
14.Uranium mining and ore processing in Ukraine -
radioecological effects on the Dnipro River
water ecosystem and human health
by O. Voitsekhovitch, Y. Soroka and
T. Lavrova ........................................... 206
15.90Sr, 137Cs,238Pu, 239/240Pu and 241Am
distributions in an alpine wetland, Boreon (France)
by Maïa Schertz, Hervé Michel, Geneviève
Barci-Funel, Vittorio Barci .......................... 215
16.Concentrations and characteristics of uranium
isotopes in drinking waters collected in Italy
and the Balkan regions and their radiological
impact on the public
by Guogang Jia, Giancarlo Torri, Umberto Sansone,
Piera Innocenzi, Silvia Rosamilia, Antonio Di
Lullo, Stefania Gaudino .............................. 223
17.The radiological evaluation of uranium, radium
and radon in metallic and thermo-metallic
springs in Ikaria Island, the eastern Aegean
Sea, Greece
by H. Florou, K. Kehagia, A. Savidou and
G. Trabidou .......................................... 235
5. Isotope biomonitors ........................................ 243
I8.Bioaccumulation of radiocaesium in Arctic
seals from Northeast Greenland
by JoLynn Carroll, Kristina Rissanen,
Tore Haug ............................................ 245
19.Anthropogenic radionuclides in biota samples
from the Caspian Sea
by J. Gastaud, B. Oregioni, S.V. Pagava,
M.K. Pham, P.P. Povinec .............................. 255
20. 210Po in fish, algae, mussel and beach sediment
samples collected along the Turkish coast of the
Black Sea
by Nurdan Güngör, Emin Güngör, B. Gül
Göktepe, Güler Köksal ................................ 265
21. 210Po in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis)
and sediments along the Turkish coast of the
Aegean Sea
by Aysun Uǧur, Güngör Yener, Sayhan Topcuoǧlu,
Uǧur Sunlu, Serpil Aközcan and Banu Özden ............ 272
22.Stable nitrogen isotopes reveal weak dependence
of trophic position of planktivorous fish on
individual size: A consequence of omnivorism and
Antonio Bode, Pablo Carrera, Carmela
Porteiro ............................................. 281
6. Isotope hydrology .......................................... 295
23.Radiocarbon loss from DIC in vadose water flow
above the Judea Aquifer, Israel
by Israel Carmi, Mariana Stiller, Joel Kronfeld,
Yoseph Yechieli, Miriam Bar-Matthews, Avner
Ayalon, Elisabetta Boaretto .......................... 297
24.Stable water isotopes as tools for basin-scale
water cycle: Diagnosis of the Murray-Darling
by A. Henderson-Sellers, P. Airey, K. McGuffie
and D.J.M. Stone ..................................... 307
25.Isotopic characteristics of the Sava River
basin in Slovenia
by Nives Ogrinc, Tjaša Kanduč and Janja
Vaupotič ............................................. 317
26.222Rn as a tracer for the estimation of infiltration
of surface waters into aquifers
by M. Schubert, K. Knoeller, H.-C. Treutler,
H. Weiss and J. Dehnert .............................. 326
27.Monitoring of geochemical and geophysical
parameters in the Gran Sasso aquifer
by Wolfango Plastino ................................. 335
7. Groundwater-seawater interactions .......................... 343
28.Coastal water exchange rate studies at the
southeastern Brazilian margin using Ra isotopes
as tracers
by Joselene de Oliveira, Mathew Charette,
Mathew Allen, Elisabete de Santis Braga
and Valdenir Veronese Furtado ........................ 345
29.Submarine groundwater discharge in the
southeastern Mediterranean (Israel)
by Y. Weinstein, G. Less, U. Kafri and
B. Herut ............................................. 360
30.Submarine groundwater discharge investigations
in Sicilian and Brazilian coastal waters using
an underwater gamma-ray spectrometer
by Pavel P. Povinec, Isabelle Levy-Palomo,
Jean-Francois Comanducci,. Joselene de Oliveira,
Benjamino Oregioni and Agata M.G. Privitera .......... 373
31.Isotope hydrochemical investigation of saline
intrusion in the coastal aquifer of Karachi.
by A. Mashiatullah, R.M. Qureshi,
M.A. Tasneem, T. Javed, C.B. Gaye, E. Ahmad
and N. Ahmad ......................................... 382
8. Coastal radionuclide studies ............................... 395
32.Temporal variations and behaviour of 90Cs137
and l37Cs in precipitation, river water and seawater
in Japan
by Yoshihiro Ikeuchi ................................. 397
33.Isotope fractionations and radiocarbon ages of
beach rock samples collected from the Nansei
Islands, southwest of Japan
by Kunio Omoto ....................................... 406
34.A model of recent sedimentation in the
Cananeia-Iguape estuary, Brazil
by R.T. Saito, R.C.L. Figueira, M.G. Tessler
and I.I.L. Cunha ..................................... 419
9. Modelling of environmental processes ....................... 431
35.Simulation of the advection-diffusion-scavenging
processes for 137Cs and 239.240Pu in tne japan
by Masanao Nakano .................................... 433
36.A biokinetic model for the uptake and depuration
of radioiodine by the edible periwinkle Liltorina
by J. Vives i Batlle, R.C. Wilson, P. McDonald
and T.G. Parker ...................................... 449
37.Environmental modelling: Modified approach for
compartmental models
by M. Iosjpe ......................................... 463
38.Assessment of 7Cs outspread in the Lithuanian
part of the Baltic Sea
by L. Davuliene, N. Tarasiuk, N. Spirkauskaite,
G. Trinkunas and L. Valkunas ......................... 477
10.Radiometrics techniques .................................... 493
39.Low -level germanium gamma-ray spectrometry at
the uBq/kg level and fu ture developments towards
higher sensitivity
by G. Heusser, M. Laubenstein and H. Neder ........... 495
40.Depth profiles of environmental neutron fluxes
in water and lead
by Y. Hamajima and K. Komura ........................ 511
41.Radiocarbon measurement by liquid scintillation
spectrometry at the Gran Sasso National
by Wolfango Plastino and Lauri Kaihola ............... 520
42.Monte Carlo simulation of the muon-induced
background of an anti-Compton gamma-ray
spectrometer placed in a surface and
underground laboratory
by Pavol Vojtyla and Pavel P. Povinec ................ 529
43.IAEA-MEL's underground counting laboratory -
The design and main characteristics
by P.P. Povinec, J.-F. Comanducci,
I. Levy-Palomo and F. Avaullee ...................... 538
44.Levels of airborne radionuclides at Hegura
Island, Japan
by K. Komura, N. Muguntha Manikandan,
Y. Yamaguchi, M. Inoue, T. Abe and Y. Murata ......... 554
45.The use of sodium iodide detectors to locate
buried radioactive particles in the seabed off
Dounreay nuclear facility, Scotland
by J. Toole, S.C. Innes, M. Liddiard,
J. Cassidy and S. Russ ............................... 562
11.Mass spectrometry techniques ............................... 579
46.Isotope selective ultratrace analysis of
plutonium by resonance ionisation mass
by Stefan Burger, Razvan Aurel Buda, Horst
Geckeis, Gerhard Huber, Jens Volker Kratz,
Peter Kunz, Christoph Lierse von Gostomski,
Gerd Passler, Ariane Remmert and Norbert
Trautmann ............................................ 581
47.Two 60-year records of 1291 from coral skeletons in
the South Pacific Ocean
by D.L. Biddulph, J.W. Beck, G.S. Burr and
D.J. Donahue ......................................... 592
48.Factors influencing the determination of ultra
low levels of Pu-isotopes
by sector field ICP-MS by Per Roos ................... 599
12.Management of data quality ................................. 615
49.Recent IAEA reference materials and intercomparison
exercises for radionu clides in the marine
by M.K. Pham, J. Gastaud, J. La Rosa,
S.-H. Lee, I. Levy-Palomo, B. Oregioni
and P.P. Povinec ..................................... 617
50.Towards quality excellence in radioanalytical
laboratories at STUK, Finland
by Tarja K. Ikäheimonen, Seppo Klemola
and Pia Vesterbacka .................................. 629
Author Index .................................................. 641
Keyword Index ................................................. 643