Hanamura E. Quantum nonlinear optics (Aerlin, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHanamura E. Quantum nonlinear optics / Hanamura E., Kawabe Y., Yamanaka A. - Aerlin: Springer, 2007. - ix, 234 p.: ill. - (Advanced texts in physics). - ISBN 978-3-540-4233-2-4

Оглавление / Contents
1 Quantization of the Radiation Field ........................... 1

  1.1 Maxwell's Equations and Hamiltonian Formalism ............. 2
  1.2 Quantization of the Radiation Field and
      Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle ........................ 5
  1.3 Coherent State of Light ................................... 8
  1.4 Squeezed State of Light .................................. 15
      1.4.1 Quadrature-Phase Squeezed State .................... 16
      1.4.2 Antibunching Light and Photon-Number
            Squeezed State ..................................... 24

2 Interaction Between the Electron and the Radiation
  Field ........................................................ 31

  2.1 Electron Radiation Coupled System ........................ 31
  2.2 Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions ..................... 33
  2.3 Natural Width of a Spectral Line ......................... 38
  2.4 Suppression and Enhancement of the Spontaneous
      Emission ................................................. 40
      2.4.1 Suppression of the Spontaneous Emission
            from Cs Atoms ...................................... 40
      2.4.2 Suppression and Enhancement of Spontaneous
            Emission ........................................... 41
  2.5 Laser Cooling of an Atomic System ........................ 44
      2.5.1 Doppler Cooling .................................... 45
      2.5.2 Polarization-Gradient Cooling ...................... 46
  2.6 Bose-Einstein Condensation in a Gas of Neutral
      Atoms .................................................... 49
  2.7 Condensates of a Fermionic Gas ........................... 52

3 Statistical Properties of Light .............................. 57

  3.1 The Degree of Coherence and Correlation Functions
      of Light ................................................. 58
      3.1.1 Coherent State ..................................... 61
      3.1.2 Thermal Radiation .................................. 62
      3.1.3 Photon-Number State and Antibunching
            Characteristics .................................... 67
  3.2 Photon-Count Distribution ................................ 68

4 Laser Oscillation ............................................ 75

  4.1 Laser Light and its Statistical Properties ............... 76
      4.1.1 Photon Statistics Below the Threshold
            (A/C < 1) .......................................... 82
      4.1.2 Photon Statistics Above the Threshold
            (A/C > 1) .......................................... 84
  4.2 Phase Fluctuations of Lasers ............................. 86
  4.3 Several Examples of Lasers ............................... 90
      4.3.1 Ruby Laser ......................................... 90
      4.3.2 Alexandrite and Ti-Sapphire Lasers ................. 94
      4.3.3 Other Important Lasers ............................. 95
      4.3.4 The Road to X-ray Lasers ........................... 97

5 Dynamics of Light ............................................ 99

  5.1 Short Light Pulses and Optical Solitons ................. 102
      5.1.1 Q-Switching ....................................... 102
      5.1.2 Mode Locking ...................................... 103
      5.1.3 Pulse Compression ................................. 105
      5.1.4 Optical Solitons .................................. 110
      5.1.5 Chirped Pulse Amplification ....................... 114
  5.2 Superradiance ........................................... 117
      5.2.1 Experiments of Superradiance ...................... 117
      5.2.2 Theory of Superradiance ........................... 123
      5.2.3 Quantum and Propagation Effects on
            Superradiance ..................................... 129
      5.2.4 Superradiance from Excitons ....................... 131

6 Nonlinear Optical Responses I ............................... 135

  6.1 Generation of Sum-Frequency and Second Harmonics ........ 136
      6.1.1 Principle of Higher-Harmonic Generation ........... 136
      6.1.2 Second-Order Polarizability X(2) .................. 138
      6.1.3 Conditions to Generate Second Harmonics ........... 143
      6.1.4 Optical Parametric Amplification and
            Oscillation ....................................... 146
  6.2 Third-Order Optical Response ............................ 148
      6.2.1 Four-Wave Mixing - CARS ........................... 150
      6.2.2 Phase-Conjugated Waves ............................ 152
      6.2.3 Optical Instability ............................... 154
  6.3 Excitonic Optical Nonlinearity .......................... 157
  6.4 Two-Photon Absorption Spectrum .......................... 165
  6.5 Two-Photon Resonant Second-Harmonic Generation .......... 169
      6.5.1 SHG Spectra in Hexagonal Manganites
            RMnO3 ............................................. 171
      6.5.2 Ferroelectric and Magnetic Domains ................ 179
      6.5.3 SHG from the Corundum Structure Cr2O3 ............. 183

7 Nonlinear Optical Responses II .............................. 191

  7.1 Enhanced Higher-Harmonic Generation ..................... 192
  7.2 Attosecond Pulse Generation ............................. 197
      7.2.1 Attosecond Pulse Bunching ......................... 197
      7.2.2 Direct Observation of Attosecond Light
            Bunching .......................................... 199
      7.2.3 Attosecond Control of Electronic
            Processes by Intense Light Fields ................. 202
  7.3 Coherent Light Comb and Intense Few-Cycle Laser
      Fields .................................................. 205
      7.3.1 Quasistationary Regime ............................ 207
      7.3.2 Transient Regime .................................. 209
      7.3.3 Impulsive Regime .................................. 214
  7.4 Multistep Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering
      in Crystals ............................................. 217
      References .............................................. 225

Index ......................................................... 231

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