Александр Николаевич Скринский. Указатель заглавий (издания на иностранных языках)
Скринский А. Н.
Александр Николаевич
Указатель заглавий (издания на иностранных языках) на русском языке

  1. α1(1260)π dominance in the process e+ e- → 4π at energies 1.05–1.38 GeV, 1999.
  2. α1(1260)π dominance in the process e+e- → 4π at energies 1.05–1.38 GeV, 1998.
  3. Φ-meson: high accuracy mass measurement, observation of ω-Φ interference, 1977.
  4. τ lepton mass determination at KEDR, 2011.
  5. 3,5 Bev electron-positron colliding beam machine VEPP-3 at Novosibirsk, 1967.
  6. A Feasibility Study of a Neutrino Source Based on a Muon Storage Ring, 2000.
  7. A high precision measurement of the Υ, Υ' and Υ''-meson masses, 1983.
  8. A High Precision Measurement of the Υ, Υ′ and Υ′′ Meson Masses, 1984.
  9. A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN, 2012.
  10. A Large Hadron Electron Collider at CERN: Report on the Physics and Design Concepts for Machine and Detector, 2012.
  11. A project of the 2.5 GeV booster-synchrotron in BINP, 2004, 2005.
  12. A proposal for the experimental study of plasma wake-field acceleration at the "BEP" electron storage ring, 1991.
  13. A proposal to install a superconducting wiggi.er magnet on the storage ring VEPP-3 for generation of the synchrotron radiation, 1978.
  14. A search for ξ(2.2) in radiative decays of the Υ-meson, 1986.
  15. A Superhigh energy colliding electron — positron beam facility (VLEPP), 1980.
  16. Absolute calibration of beam energy in the storage ring. Phi-meson mass measurement, 1975.
  17. Academician Gersh Itskovich Budker (obituary), 1978.
  18. Accelerator activities at Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics, 1998, 1999.
  19. Accelerator and detector prospects of elementary particle physics, 1982.
  20. Accelerator and instrumentation prospects of elementary particle physics , 1981.
  21. Accelerator based neutron source for neutron capture therapy, 2002.
  22. Accelerator based neutron source for the neutron capture therapy at hospital, 2001.
  23. Accelerator based neutron source for the neutron-capture and fast neutron therapy at hospital (Physical project), 1997, 1998.
  24. Accelerator development in Novosibirsk: II. Status of work on the VEP-1 electron storage machine, 1966.
  25. Accelerator development in Novosibirsk: III. Status of the positron-electron VEPP-2 storage ring, 1966.
  26. Accelerator field development at Novosibirsk (history, status, prospects), 1996.
  27. Accelerator prospects for high energy physics, 2006, 2007.
  28. Accelerator-based neutron source for the neutron-capture and fast neutron therapy at hospital, 1998.
  29. Accelerators: their role, history, status, prospects and applications, 2001.
  30. Accurate calibration of the beam energy in a storage ring based on measurement of spin precession frequency of polarized particles, 1980.
  31. Advanced physics potential of electron positron factories. (Accelerator aspects), 1995.
  32. An electron cooling system for the proposed HESR antiproton storage ring, 2004.
  33. An electron-nucleus collider design study (Enc) , 1998.
  34. An experiment on measurement of two-photon width of the η' and A2, 1987.
  35. An observation of the spin dependence of synchrotron radiation intensity, 1984.
  36. An observation of the spin derendence of SR intensity, 1983.
  37. Analysis of e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- and e+ e- → π+ π- π0 π0 processes in the energy range of √s=0.98-1.38 GeV in experiments with a spherical neutral detector, 2003.
  38. Antihydrogen beam generation using storage rings, 1995, 1996.
  39. Anti-Proton Source for the Accelerator-Storage Complex, 1981.
  40. Antiproton-ion collider for FAIR project, 2006.
  41. Application of internal gas target for beam polarization measurement in the electron storage ring, 2001.
  42. Background Conditions In The Detector MВ-1 With Perpendicular Magnetic Field, 1982.
  43. Beam driven plasma acceleration for linear collider (Physics and development stage), 1997.
  44. Beam driven plasma wake-field acceleration, 1997.
  45. Beam dynamics of a colliding linear electron-positron beam (VLEPP), 1979.
  46. Beam energy calibration in experiment on precise tau lepton mass measurement at VEPP-4M with KEDR detector, 2006.
  47. Beginning of the experiments with electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M, 1975.
  48. Beginning of the experiments with SND detector at e+ e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1995.
  49. Beginning of the experiments with SND detector at e+e- collider VEPP-2M, 1995.
  50. Bose-Einstein correlations in e+e- annihilation in the Υ(1S) and continuum, 1995, 1996.
  51. Budker INP Proposals for HESR and COSYElectron Cooler Systems, 2006.
  52. Bunch-by-bunch ejection of 20-TeV proton beam from SSC for fixed target experiments, 1993.
  53. Carbon ion accelerator facility for cancer therapy, 2006.
  54. Central Mass Energy Determination in High Precision Experiments on VEPP 4M, 2007.
  55. Cinetique du refroidissement electronique , 1975.
  56. Colliding beams - present and future, 1979.
  57. Commission of electron cooler EC-300 for HIRFL-CSR, 2004, 2006.
  58. Commissioning of the accelerator-recuperator for high power FEL of the Siberian center for photochemical research, 2004.
  59. Commissioning of the accelerator-recuperator for the FEL at the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research, 2003.
  60. Commissioning Results with Multi-Pass ERL, 2010.
  61. Compact storage rings Siberia-AS and Siberia-SM synchrotron radiation sources for lithography, 1989.
  62. Comparison of the electron and positron anomalous magnetic moments: experiment 1987, 1987, 1989.
  63. Complex of electron-positron storage rings for investigation of charmed particles and tau leptons (tau-charm-factory), 1990.
  64. Concept for a polarized electron-proton collider with 15-30 GeV c.m. energy and 1033 cm-2 s-1 luminosity, 2001.
  65. Conceptual design and the simulation of final cooling section for a muon collider, 2009.
  66. Conceptual design of an electron-nucleus scattering facility at GSI, 2002.
  67. Conceptual design study of the electron-proton storage ring collider with polarized beams, 2001.
  68. Conceptual design study of the GSI electron-nucleon collider, 1997.
  69. Continuous electron cooling for high-luminosity colliders, 2000, 2003.
  70. Conversion decays φ → η e+e-, φ → π0 e+ e- γ at CMD-2, 2000.
  71. Cooling methods for beams of charged particles, 1981.
  72. Cooling methods for charged particle beams, 2008.
  73. Cross section of the reaction e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- below 1 GeV at CMD-2, 2000.
  74. Current status of the Novosibirsk infrared FEL and the third stage lasing , 2016.
  75. Current status of the VEPP-5 preinjector, 1998.
  76. Damping ring for electrons and positrons BEP, 1984.
  77. DELSY project:status and development, 2003.
  78. Design of an experiment on plasma wakefield acceleration at Budker INP, 2006.
  79. Design of an experiment on wakefield acceleration on the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2005.
  80. Determination of the Υ(1s) leptonic width, 1992.
  81. Development of techniques for the cooling of ions, 2018.
  82. Development Of The Conversion System For VLEPP Project, [1984].
  83. Diffraction-limited fourth generation VUV and X-ray sources based on accelerators-recuperators, 2002.
  84. Diffusion electron-electron a 2x135MeV, 1967.
  85. Direct measurement of the φ(1020) leptonic branching ratio, 2000, 2001.
  86. e+e- Colliders, 1980.
  87. Effects of electromagnetic interaction between particles and colliding bunch , 1966.
  88. Electromagnetic pion form factor in the timelike region, 1985.
  89. Electron cooling : physics and perspective application, 1990.
  90. Electron cooling and electron-nuclei colliders, 2001.
  91. Electron cooling and its applications in elementary particle physics, 1978.
  92. Electron cooling and new possibilities in elementary particle physics, 1978.
  93. Electron cooling and new possibilities in elementary particle physics — VAPP-NAP group, 1977.
  94. Electron Cooling and New Possibilities in Elementary Particle Physics, 1976.
  95. Electron Cooling for RHIC, 2001.
  96. Electron cooling of RHIC, 2005.
  97. Electron cooling: 35 years of development, 2000.
  98. Electron cooling: physics and prospective applications, 1991.
  99. Electron positron preinjector complex at Novosibirsk, 1994.
  100. Electron-electron scattering at 2х135 MeV, 1967.
  101. Electron–positron beam collision studies at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2018.
  102. Electron-positron colliders at INP: Status and prospects, 1990.
  103. Electron-positron colliders, detectors and experiments at BINP, 2009.
  104. Electron-positron pre-injector of VEPP-5 complex, 1996.
  105. Elementarteilchen auf Gegenkurs, 1972.
  106. Elementary particle physics activity at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 2002.
  107. Energy monochromatization of particle interaction in storage rings, 1979.
  108. Energy recirculation linacs: an alternative light source concept, 2002.
  109. Evidence of φ → π0 π0 γ and φ → π0 νγ decays in SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1998.
  110. Evidence of the φ → ηπ0γ decay, 1998.
  111. Experiment on 2 γ-quantum annihilation on the VEPP-2, 1971.
  112. Experimental investigations of beam-beam interaction In storage rings, 1967.
  113. Experimental plasma wakefield acceleration project at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004.
  114. Experimental plasma wake-field acceleration project at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004.
  115. Experimental studies of electron cooling, 1976.
  116. Experimental study of ρ → π0 π0 γ and ω → π0 π0 γ decays, 2002.
  117. Experimental study of the e+ e- → π+ γ process in the energy region √s=0.60-0.97 GeV, 2003.
  118. Experimental study of the reaction e+ e- → K(S)K(L) in the energy range √s=1.04-GeV divided by 1.38-GeV , 2006.
  119. Experiments at VEPP-2M with SND detector, 1998.
  120. Experiments on cooling by electrons, 1976.
  121. Experiments on Coulomb-nuclear interference in proton-proton scattering at superhigh energy colliding beams, 1983.
  122. Experiments on electron cooling, 1975.
  123. Experiments on the physics of charged particle beams at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider, 2009.
  124. Experiments with neutral detector at VEPP-2M in the energy range 1.0-1.4 GeV, 1986.
  125. Experiments with the MD-1 detector at the e+e-collider VEPP-4 in the energy region of Υ-mesons, 1995.
  126. Experiments with the SND detector at the e+e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1998.
  127. Expression of interest for R&D towards a neutrino factory based on a storage ring and a muon collider, 1999.
  128. Expression of Interest to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration, 1990.
  129. Feasibility of creating a superhigh energy colliding electron-positron beam facility, 1978.
  130. Feasibility study of the Erlangen synchrotron light source, 1992.
  131. Feasibility Study-II of A Muon Based Neutrino Source, 2001.
  132. Final analysis of KEDR data on J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) masses, 2015.
  133. Final stage of muon beam cooling , 1999.
  134. Final stage of muon beam cooling, 1999.
  135. First experimental results at the high power free electron laser at Siberian center for photochemistry research, 2003.
  136. First experimental results obtained using the high-power free electron laser at the Siberian center for photochemical research, 2004.
  137. First experiments on nigh power Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser, 2005.
  138. First experiments on the VEPP-2 positron-electron storage system, 1967.
  139. First experiments with SR from the 75 kG superconducting wiggler on the VEPP-2M storage ring, 1986.
  140. First lasing at the high-power free electron laser at Siberian center for photochemistry research, 2004.
  141. First Lasing of the Third Stage of Novosibirsk FEL, 2015.
  142. First observation of φ(1020) → π0 π0 γ decay, 1998.
  143. First observation of the φ → π+ π- γ decay, 1999.
  144. First observation of the decay φ → η′(958)γ, 1997.
  145. First physical results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 1997.
  146. First results of SND experiments at VEPP-2000, 2012.
  147. First results of spherical neutral detector (SND) experiments at VEPP-2000, 2012.
  148. First results of the work with a superconducting "snake" at the VEPP-3 storage ring, 1980.
  149. First results on application of the synchrotron radiation for medical diagnostics, 1981.
  150. First results on the nucleon form factors from SND, 2012.
  151. First SND detector results on hadron cross sections at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2012.
  152. First UV/visible lasing with the OK-4/duke storage ring FEL: desing and initial performance, 1997.
  153. First UV/visible lasing with the OK-4/Duke storage ring FEL, 1998.
  154. Fission of U-238 and Np-237 by intermediate-energy γ rays, 1984.
  155. G. I. Budker: Brilliant Physicist, Great Scientific Leader, 2010.
  156. Gamma-ray production in a storage ring free-electron laser, 1997.
  157. Generation of High Energy Synchrotron Radiation with a 10-T Superconducting Wiggler Installed in the SPring-8 Storage Ring, 2003.
  158. Hadronic Cross Section Measurements at SND, 2014.
  159. Hadronic cross sections measurement with the SND detector at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2015.
  160. High accuracy comparison of the electron and positron magnetic moments, 1976, 1977.
  161. High precision mass measurements in Ψ and Υ families revisited, 2000.
  162. High Precision Measurement Of Masses Of Elementary Particles On The Storage Rings With Polarized Beams, [1984].
  163. High precision measurement of the Ψ and Ψ′ meson masses, 1980.
  164. High precision measurement of the Ψ- and Ψ'-meson masses, 1980.
  165. High precision measurement of the Υ-meson mass, 1982.
  166. High-precision measurement of the beam energy in a storage ring using the spin presession frequency of polarized particles, 1976.
  167. High-precision particle mass measurements using the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M collider, 2014.
  168. High-statistics measurement of the pion form factor in the ρ-meson energy range with the CMD-2 detector, 2007.
  169. I. Ya. Pomeranchuk and synchrotron radiation, 2004.
  170. Influence of the sign of the charge of an ion on the friction force in electron cooling, 1988.
  171. Influence on the sign of an ion charge on friction force at electron cooling, 1989.
  172. International Linear Collider Reference Design Report, 2007.
  173. Intersecting storage rings at Novosibirsk, 1996.
  174. Investigation of the φ-meson resonance by electron-positron colliding beams, 1971.
  175. Investigation of the ρ-meson resonance with electron-positron colliding beams, 1967.
  176. Investigation of the process e+e- → 4π below 1,34 GeV, 1979.
  177. Investigation of the rare φ radiative decays with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1999.
  178. Investigation of the reaction e+e → ηπ+π- in the energy range up to 1.4 GeV, 1986.
  179. Investigation of Ф-meson resonance by electron-positron colliding beams, 1970.
  180. Ionization cooling and muon collider, 1996, 1997.
  181. Ionization Cooling for a Muon Collider, 1996.
  182. Ionization cooling research and development program for a high luminosity muon collider, 1998.
  183. Ionization Cooling: Physics and Applications, [1984], 1996.
  184. Lasing in Visible and Ultraviolet Regions in Optical Klystron Installed on the Vepp-3 Storage Ring, 1989.
  185. Letter of Intent to the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory by the L* Collaboration, 1990.
  186. Light Hadron Production in Experiments with the SND Detector at the e+ e- Collider VEPP-2000, 2014.
  187. Limitations on performance of e+ e- storage rings and linear colliding beam systems at high energy , 1979.
  188. Linear Colliders, 1984.
  189. Linear colliders: Accelerator physics aspects, problems, options, prospects, 1998.
  190. Liquid metal jet targets for muon colliders, 1999.
  191. Li-rod based muon ionization cooling channel, 2012.
  192. Longitudinal Beam-Beam Effects for an Ultra-High Luminosity Regime, 1991.
  193. Longitudinal effects in beam-beam interaction for an ultra-high luminosity regime, 1992.
  194. Longitudinally polarized colliding beams, 1982.
  195. Low energy luminosity at VEPP-4M collider, 2001.
  196. Magnetic detector MD-1, 1977.
  197. MARS - a project of diffraction limited fourth generation X-ray source, 1998.
  198. MARS - a project of the diffraction-limited fourth generation X-ray source based on supermicrotron, 2001.
  199. MARS-recirculator-based diffraction-limited X-ray source, 1997.
  200. Measurement of Γee × Βμμ for Ψ(2S) meson, 2018.
  201. Measurement of Γee (J /ψ) · Β(J / ψ → e+ e-) and Γee (J / ψ) · Β(J / ψ → μ+ μ-), 2010.
  202. Measurement of Γee(J / ψ) with KEDR detector, 2018.
  203. Measurement of ω meson parameters in π+ π- π0 decay mode with CMD-2, 2000.
  204. Measurement of φ meson parameters in KL0, KS0, decay mode with CMD-2, 1999.
  205. Measurement of Φ meson parameters with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1995.
  206. Measurement of Φ-meson parameters with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1995.
  207. Measurement of Φ-meson radiative decays at the storage ring VEPP-2M with the neutral detector, 1984.
  208. Measurement of Φ-meson radiative decays at the storage ring VEPP-2M with the neutral detector, 1984.
  209. Measurement of π± and K± pair production cross-sections with the colliding beams at the energy of 1180-1340 MeV, 1971.
  210. Measurement of ψ(3770) parameters, 2012.
  211. Measurement of B (J / ψ → ηsubc/sub γ) at KEDR, 2011.
  212. Measurement of charged kaon formfactor in the energy region 1.12-1.40 GeV, 1979.
  213. Measurement of Dsup0/sup and Dsup+/sup meson masses with the KEDR detector, 2010.
  214. Measurement of e+e- → π+ π- cross-section with CMD-2 around ρ-meson, 2002.
  215. Measurement of e+e- → π+π- cross section with CMD-2 around ρ-meson, 1999, 2001.
  216. Measurement of hadronic cross-sections in e+ e- collisions below 1.4-GeV at CMD-2, 2001.
  217. Measurement of inclusive Λ production in electron-positron interactions at the upsilon energies, 1994.
  218. Measurement of J/ψ → γηc decay rate and ηc parameters at KEDR, 2014.
  219. Measurement of J/ψ leptonic width with the KEDR detector, 2010.
  220. Measurement of J/ψ to ηc γ at KEDR , 2010.
  221. Measurement of main parameters of the ψ(2S) resonance , 2012.
  222. Measurement of pion form-factor in E+ E- → Π+ Π- reaction near production threshold, 1979.
  223. Measurement of R at KEDR, 2015.
  224. Measurement of R between 1.84 and 3.05 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2017.
  225. Measurement of Ruds and R between 3.12 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2016.
  226. Measurement of the ω,ρ → π0 e+ e- branching fractions, 2008.
  227. Measurement of the Φ → π+π- branching ratio, 1981.
  228. Measurement of the φ → π0 e+ e- decay probability, 2002.
  229. Measurement of the τ lepton mass at the KEDR detector, 2007.
  230. Measurement of the branching ratio for Υ(1S) state into μ+ μ- and search for decays Υ(1S) → π+ π-, K+K-, p anti-p, 1991, 1992.
  231. Measurement of the Charged Kaon Form-factor in the Energy Range 1.0 GeV to 1.4 GeV, 1981.
  232. Measurement of the cross section for the e+ e- → ωπ0 → π0π0γ process in the energy range of 1.1-GeV-1.9-GeV, 2011.
  233. Measurement of the cross section for the process e+e- → KL0 KS0 in the energy range 2E = 1.05-1.35 GeV with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2002.
  234. Measurement of the e+e- → ηπ+ π- cross section in the √s = 1.04-GeV - 1.38-GeV energy range with a spherical neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 2010.
  235. Measurement of the e+e- → ηπ+ π- cross section in the center-of-mass energy range 1.22-2.00 GeV with the SND detector at the VEPP-2000 collider , 2015.
  236. Measurement of the e+e- → ηK+K- Cross Section by Means of the SND Detector, 2018.
  237. Measurement of the e+e- → ωη cross section below √s = 2 GeV, 2016.
  238. Measurement of the e+e- → π+ π- cross section with the CMD-2 detector in the 370 - 520-MeV c.m. energy range, 2006.
  239. Measurement of the e+e- → π+ π- cross-section with the CMD-2 detector, 1998, 2000.
  240. Measurement of the e+e- → K+K- cross section in the energy range √s =1.05 - 2.0 GeV, 2016.
  241. Measurement of the e+e- → K+K- process cross-section in the energy range √s = 1.04 - 1.38 GeV with the SND detector in the experiment at VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 2007.
  242. Measurement of the electron-positron annihilation cross-section into π+π- and K+K- -pairs at the total energy 1,18-1,34 Gev, 1972.
  243. Measurement of the electron-positron annihilation cross-section into π+π-, K+K- - pairs at the total energy 1.18-1.34 GeV, 1972.
  244. Measurement of the leptonic width and the muon pair branching ratio of the Υ(1S) with the MD-1 detector, 1992.
  245. Measurement of the mass of the neutral kaon, 1985.
  246. Measurement of the omega meson parameters with CMD-2 detector, 2000.
  247. Measurement of the pion form-factor in the range 1.04-GeV to 1.38-GeV with the CMD-2 detector, 2005.
  248. Measurement of the pion form-factor near the threshold of the reaction e+ e- → π+ π- with a time-of-flight detector, 1981.
  249. Measurement of the properties of the ω-meson with a cryogenic magnetic detector, 1987.
  250. Measurement of the ratio of the leptonic widths Γeeμμ for the J/ψ meson, 2014.
  251. Measurement of the total cross section of tow photon production of hadrons, 1986.
  252. Measurement of two photon widths of the α2, η′, η, 1990.
  253. Measurements of the form factor of the neutral kaon from 1.06 to 1.40 GeV, 1982.
  254. Measurements of the parameters of the φ(1020) resonance through studies of the processes e+ e- → K+ K- , KSKL, and π+ π- π0, 2001.
  255. Measuring of the pion form factor at 640 ≤√s≤ 1400 MeV, 1983.
  256. Method of the measurement of supersmall beam size in electron positron colliders by Compton scattering, 1991.
  257. Multichannel system for highly polarized muon beam production, 1999.
  258. Muon colliders, 1996.
  259. Muon collider design, 1996.
  260. Muon Collider(s): basics, status, problems, prospects, 2001.
  261. Muon colliders and neutrino factories: Basics and prospects, 2004.
  262. Muon muon collider: Feasibility study, 1996.
  263. NAP-M proton storage ring, 1976.
  264. New data from SND detector in Novosibirsk, 2000.
  265. New e+e- Colliders at Novosirbirsk, 2003.
  266. New experiment on the precise comparison of the anomalous magnetic moments of relativistic electrons and positrons, 1987.
  267. New experiments with polarized beams at VEPP-4M, 2002.
  268. New measurement of the Υ-meson mass, 1985, 1986.
  269. New measurement of the rare decay φ → η 'γ with CMD-2, 2000.
  270. New possibilities for nuclear physics experiments with Novosibirsk Race-Track Microtron-Recuperator, 2000.
  271. New precise determination of the τ lepton mass at KEDR detector, 2007.
  272. New precise measurement of Ruds and RR between 3.08 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2018.
  273. New precision measurement of the J/ψ and ψ-prime meson masses, 2003, 2004.
  274. New results of measurement of cross sections for electron-positron annihilation to hadrons with the SND detector at VEPP-2000, 2015.
  275. New results on e+e- → hadrons exclusive cross sections from experiments with SND detector at VEPP-2M e+e- collider in the energy range √s = 0.4 ÷ 1.4 GeV, 2006.
  276. Nonlinear effects in plasma wake-field accelerator driven by the bunch sequence, 1996.
  277. Novosibirsk Φ-factory project, 1998.
  278. Novosibirsk B-Factory: Status and Perspectives, 1993.
  279. Novosibirsk ERL Facility, 2018.
  280. Novosibirsk four-orbit ERL with three FELs, 2017.
  281. Novosibirsk free eectron laser facility: two-orbit ERL with two FELs, 2010.
  282. Novosibirsk free electron laser: operation and second stage commissioning, 2008.
  283. Novosibirsk project of Phi meson factory, 1991.
  284. Novosibirsk Tau-Charm Factory Design Study, 1996.
  285. Novosibirsk terahertz free electron laser. Status and survey of experimental results, 2005.
  286. Observation of Φ → π+π- decay, 1979.
  287. Observation of φ → π0 π0 γ and φ → π0 η γ decays in SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1999.
  288. Observation of KS0 semileptonic decays with the CMD-2 detector, 1999.
  289. Observation of the φ → η′γ decay with four charged particles and photons in the final state, 2000.
  290. Observation of the Φ → π+ π- π+ π- decay, 2000.
  291. Observation of the conversion decay φ → π0 e+ e- at CMD-2, 2001.
  292. Observation of the conversion deсay φ → π°е+е- at CMD-2, 1999.
  293. Observation of the decay φ → ω π0, 1999.
  294. Observation of the decays Φ → π0 π0 γ and Φ → π0 η γ in the SND experiment at VEPP-2M, 1999.
  295. On a search for the η → e+ e- decay at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider, 2015.
  296. On energy loss of narrow and dense ultrarelativistic bunch in plasma, 1996.
  297. On energy loss of narrow and dense ultrarelativistic bunch in plasma, 1997.
  298. On experiments on Coulomb-nuclear interference in p anti p scattering at superhigh-energy colliding beams, 1982.
  299. On high energy electron cooling, 1979.
  300. On obtaining beams of required polarization in storage rings and accelerators, 1976.
  301. On possible use of intense beams of the big proton accelerators for excitation of a linear accelerator structure, 1979.
  302. On the method of the polarization measurement by the spectral density of sinchrotron radiation, 1982.
  303. On the possibilities of polarized experiments in proton (antiproton) storage rings, 1978.
  304. On the possibility for experiments on plasma wake-field acceleration in Novosibirsk, 1992.
  305. On the possible use of intense beams of the big proton accelerators for excitation of a linear accelerator structure , 1980.
  306. On the Proton Klystron, [1984].
  307. On the Relation of the LHeC and the LHC, 2012.
  308. Operational status of the VEP-1 electron storage rings, 1965.
  309. Operational status of the VEPP-2 positron-electron storage rings, 1965.
  310. Optimization of parameters of a dedicated synchrotron radiation source for technology, 1983.
  311. Parameters of charmonium states from KEDR, 2014.
  312. Phase instability of intense electron beam in a storage ring, 1966.
  313. Phi factory project in Novosibirsk, 1990.
  314. Pion form factor at SND (new edition), 2006.
  315. Pion form factor measurement by e+e-→ π+ π- in the energy range 2E from 0.78 up to 1.34 GeV, 1978.
  316. Pion form factor measurement in the energy region 1.06-1.4 GeV, 1979.
  317. Pion form-factor measurement in the reaction e+e- → π+π- for energies within the range from 0.4 GeV to 0.46 GeV, 1981.
  318. Pion pair production in photon-photon collisions, 1991, 1992.
  319. Pions and muons acceleration at the UNK-VLEPP facility, 1991.
  320. Plasma compensation of beam-beam interaction in muon collider, 1998.
  321. Plasma suppression of beam-beam interaction in a muon collider, 2000.
  322. Plasma wake field acceleration, 1996.
  323. Plasma wake-field acceleration of high energies: Physics and perspectives, 1998.
  324. Polarization Measurement In Storage Rings Of The Institute Of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk), [1984].
  325. Polarized beams in storage rings and high precision measurements of particle masses, 1989.
  326. Polarized muon beams for muon collider, 1996.
  327. Possibilities for antiproton beams at CERN using cooling by electrons, 1976.
  328. Precise energy measurement in experiments on VEPP-4M collider, 2005.
  329. Precise measurement hadronic cross-sections with CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2002.
  330. Precise measurement of Ruds and R between 1.84 and 3.72 GeV at the KEDR detector, 2019.
  331. Precise measurements of the hadronic cross sections at the VEPP-2M collider with the CMD-2 detector, 2004.
  332. Precision measurement of the mass of the neutral kaon, 1987.
  333. Precision measurements of masses of charmonium states, 2006.
  334. Precision measurements of masses of elementary particles using storage rings with polarized beams, 1989.
  335. Preliminary results from the CMD-2 detector, 1992.
  336. Preliminary results from the neutral detector at VEPP-2M, 1983.
  337. Preliminary results of a study of the ρ meson resonance using colliding electron - positron beams, 1969.
  338. Preliminary results of the experiment with MD-1 detector on two-photon production of muon pairs and hadrons, 1985.
  339. Preliminary results of the experiments with the MD-1 detector on the study of two photon processes and Υ-meson, 1984.
  340. Premieres experiences de refroidissement electronique, 1975.
  341. Premieres experiences sur l'anneau de stockage a electrons et positons VEPP-2, 1967.
  342. Present Status of VEPP-2000, 2010.
  343. Proceedings of XIII International Conference on High-energy Accelerators, held at Novosibirsk August 7-11, 1986, 1987.
  344. Production of four pions in e+e- collisions below 1,4 GeV, 1979.
  345. Production of intense positron beams at the VEPP-5 injection complex, 2008.
  346. Progress report on the 3.5-Gev electron - positron colliding beam installation (VEPP-3) , 1969.
  347. Project of a new electron positron collider VEPP-2000, 2000.
  348. Project of a race-track microtron-recurperator for free electron laser, 1990.
  349. Project of Obtaining Longitudinally-Polarized Colliding Beams In The Storage Ring VEPP-4 At Energies Up To 2x2 GeV, [1984].
  350. Project of The Compact Superconducting Storage Ring Siberia-SM, 1989.
  351. Project of the Dubna Electron Synchrotron, 2000, 2001.
  352. Project of the experiments on plasma wake field acceleration in Novosibirsk, 1993.
  353. Project of VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider, 2001.
  354. Proposal of a high-field superconducting wiggler for a slow positron source at SP ring-8, 1998.
  355. Proposal of the round beam lattice for VEPP-2M collider, 1993.
  356. Proposal to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory: an international muon ionization cooling experiment (MICE), 2003.
  357. Prospects for polarized electron nuclei colliders, 2000.
  358. Proton-Antiproton Colliding Beams, 1971.
  359. Radiation therapy facility based on carbon ion cooler synchrotron, 2008.
  360. Radiative polarization at ultrahigh-energies , 1979.
  361. Radiative polarization of the beams in the storage ring VEPP-2M, 1975.
  362. Radiative polarization: obtaining, control, using, 1976.
  363. Radiative polarization: obtaining, control, using, 1978.
  364. Radiative Polarization: Production, Control, and Using, 1977.
  365. Reanalysis of hadronic cross-section measurements at CMD-2, 2004.
  366. Recent Progress in Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Research within the Muon Collaboration, 2003.
  367. Recent results from CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 1999.
  368. Recent results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 2000.
  369. Recent results from SND experiment at the VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 1999.
  370. Recent results from SND experiment at VEPP-2000 collider, 2012.
  371. Recent results from the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1997.
  372. Recent results from the KEDR Detector, 2010, 2012, 2014.
  373. Recent results of experiments with the neutral detector at VEPP-2M, 1984.
  374. Recent results of the φ-meson study with CMD-2 at VEPP-2M and relevance to future CP, CPT φ factory studies, 1995.
  375. Recent results of the study of hadronic production with the CMD-2 and SND detectors at the VEPP-2M collider, 2004.
  376. Recent results on e+e- → hadrons cross sections from SND and CMD-3 detectors at VEPP-2000 collider, 2016.
  377. Remarks on high energy muon collider, 1999.
  378. Research of possibility to use beam polarization for absolute energy calibration in high-precision measurement of tau-lepton mass at VEPP-4M, 2004.
  379. Resent results from CMD-2 detector on e+e- annihilation to hadrons, 1999.
  380. Restrictions on electric dipole moment measurement at storage rings, 1999.
  381. Results of experiments with OLYA detector at VEPP-2M, 1982.
  382. Results of experiments with the neutral detector at e+ e- storage ring VEPP-2M, 1989.
  383. Results of hadronic cross section measurement at VEPP-2M collider with CMD-2 and SND detectors, 2007.
  384. Results of MD-1 detector on the search of ξ(2.2) in the decays Υ → γK+K- and Υ → γΦΦ, 1987.
  385. Results of the experiments from the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M storage ring in the energy region 2E0=1.05-1.40 GeV, 1985.
  386. Results on J / ψ, ψ(2S), ψ(3770) from KEDR, 2008.
  387. Retrospectives on international collaboration, 1997.
  388. Review of experimental results from SND detector at VEPP-2M, 1999.
  389. Review of experimental results from SND detector, 2002.
  390. RF system for a high-intensity heavy ion synchrotron with strong bunch compression. Part 2, 2000.
  391. ROKK-1M is the Compton source of the high intensity polarized and tagged gamma beam at the VEPP-4M collider, 1995.
  392. Round Beam Collisions at VEPP-2000, 2011.
  393. Round colliding beam activities at BINP, 2000.
  394. Search for ξ(2.2) and Χ(2.2) in radiative decay of ϒ-meson, 1989.
  395. Search for direct production of α2(1320) and f2(1270) mesons in e+ e- annihilation, 2000.
  396. Search for e+e- → f0(600)γ, f0(980)γ, f0(1350)γ, and f2(1270)γ, 2011.
  397. Search for lepton flavor violation process e+ e- → eμ in the Energy Region √s = 984 - 1060 MeV and φ → eμ decay, 2010.
  398. Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector, 2011.
  399. Search for narrow resonances in e+e- collisions in the mass region 7.2-10 GeV, 1985.
  400. Search for rare Φ decays in π+ π- γ final state, 1997.
  401. Search for rare processes with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1987.
  402. Search for resonances in e+e- -collisions in the mass region 1.0-1.4 GeV, 1979.
  403. Search for the φ → π+ π- Decay, 1978.
  404. Search for the e+ e- → K+ - K(S) π+ - process on the VEPP-2M e+ e- collider, 2011.
  405. Searching for the process e+ e- → K+ K- π0 in experiments with the spherical neutral detector at VEPP-2M , 2010.
  406. Self focused particle beam drivers for plasma wakefield accelerators, 1997.
  407. Set-up for electron cooling experiments, 1975.
  408. Some possibilities of increasing the limiting current density in colliding beam machines, 1981.
  409. Specialized storage ring with longitudinally polarized electrons for internal target experiments, 1989.
  410. Specific features of the MD-1 detector for γγ processes, 1984.
  411. Spherical Neutral Detector for experiments at VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider, 2010, 2012.
  412. Stability of the polarization of colliding beams, 1982.
  413. Status and perspectives of the VEPP-2000, 2016.
  414. Status and progress VEPP-2000, 2008.
  415. Status and prospects of the Novosibirsk FEL facility, 2010.
  416. Status and prospects of VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider, 2014.
  417. Status and recent developments in electron cooling, 1988.
  418. Status of Electron Cooling in NAP-M, [1984].
  419. Status of experiments and recent results from CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M, 2000.
  420. Status of MARS-L project of high power FEL and prototype of a diffraction limited X-ray source, 2002.
  421. Status of muon collider research and development and future plans, 1999.
  422. Status of the experiments with SND detector at e+e- collider VEPP-2M in Novosibirsk, 1996.
  423. Status of the free electron laser for the Siberian centre for photochemical research, 2001.
  424. Status of the injector complex ctau-factory at Novosibirsk, 1998.
  425. Status of the INP optical klystron, 1983, 1985.
  426. Status of the Novosibirsk energy recovery linac, 2006.
  427. Status of the Novosibirsk free electron laser and first experiments with high power terahertz radiation, 2004.
  428. Status of the Novosibirsk high power free electron laser project, 1997.
  429. Status of the Novosibirsk high power free electron laser, 2004, 2005.
  430. Status of the Novosibirsk high power terahertz FEL, 2006.
  431. Status of the Novosibirsk high-power FEL project, 1998.
  432. Status of the Novosibirsk high-power free electron laser, 2001.
  433. Status of the Novosibirsk Phi-factory project, 1991.
  434. Status of the Novosibirsk Terahertz FEL, 2004.
  435. Status of the Novosibirsk terahertz FEL, 2005, 2006.
  436. Status of the VEPP-5 complex, 1994.
  437. Status of VEPP-2M collider, its upgrade plans and Novosibirsk Phi-factory project , 1999.
  438. Status of VEPP-4M collider: current activity and plans, 2006.
  439. Status of VEPP-5 injection complex, 2004, 2006.
  440. Storage ring program in Novosibirsk, 1973.
  441. Storage rings VEPP-2M, VEPP-3 and VEPP-4 as the source of the synchrotron radiation, 1977, 1978.
  442. Studies of K0 L → π e ν with CMD-2, 2000.
  443. Studies on electron cooling of heavy particle beams made by the VAPP-NAP group at the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Science at Novosibirsk, 1977.
  444. Study for a high-intensity heavy ion synchrotron with strong bunch compression. Part 1, 2000.
  445. Study of φ → π+ π- π0 with CMD-2 detector, 2006.
  446. Study of Φ-meson decays with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1985.
  447. Study of ψ(2S) → μ+ μ- decay with KEDR detector , 2014.
  448. Study of conversion decays φ → ηe+ e- and η → γe+ e- in the experiment with SND detector at VEPP-2M collider, 2001.
  449. Study of conversion decays φ → ηe+ e-, η → e+ e- γ and η → π+ π- e+ e- at CMD-2, 2001.
  450. Study of conversion decays φ → ηе+е-, η → е+е-γ and η → π+π-е+е- at CMD-2, 2000.
  451. Study of decays of ρ and ω-mesons with the neutral detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 1986.
  452. Study of dynamics of φ → π+ π- π0 decay with CMD-2 detector, 1998.
  453. Study of e+e → ωπ0 → π0 π0 γ in the energy range 1.05-2.00 GeV with SND, 2013.
  454. Study of e+e- → π+π-π+π- reaction at 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1988.
  455. Study of e+e- Annihilation Into Hadrons at Vepp-2m, 2002.
  456. Study of K(S) K(L) coupled decays and K(L)-Be interactions with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M Collider, 1997.
  457. Study of KsKl coupled decays and KL-Be interactions with the CMD-2 detector at VEPP-2M collider, 1996.
  458. Study of the φ decays into π+π-γ, π°π°γ and ηπ°γ final states, 1999.
  459. Study of the φ decays into π0π0 γ and η π0γ final states, 1999.
  460. Study of the ρ and ω meson decays into a pseudoscalar meson and e+ e- pair with the CMD-2 detector, 2005.
  461. Study of the e+ e- → ηγ process with Spherical Neutral Detector at the VEPP-2M e+ e- collider, 2006.
  462. Study of the e+e+ → Π0γ process in the energy range 0.60 - 1.06 GeV, 2004.
  463. Study of the K(S)K(L) Coupled Decays and K(L)-Be Interactions and Relevance to Future CP, CPT Φ-Factory Study, 1997.
  464. Study of the K0L K0L/ couple decays with CMD-2, 2000.
  465. Study of the process e+ e- → ωηπ0 in the energy range √s < 2 GeV with the SND detector , 2016.
  466. Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy region √s below 0.98 GeV, 2003.
  467. Study of the process e+ e- → ηγ in c.m. energy range 600 - 1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2001.
  468. Study of the process e+ e- → ηγ in the center-of-mass energy range 1.07-2.00 GeV, 2014.
  469. Study of the process e+ e- → ω π0 → π0 π0 γ in c.m. energy range 920-MeV - 1380-MeV at CMD-2, 2003.
  470. Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 π0 at energies √s < 1 GeV , 2010.
  471. Study of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy region √s from 0.98 to 1.38 GeV, 2002.
  472. Study of the process e+ e- → nn- at the VEPP-2000 e+ e- collider with the SND detector, 2014.
  473. Study of the process e+e- → ηγ in center-of-mass energy range 600 MeV to 1380 MeV at center-of-MASSD-2, 2001.
  474. Study of the process e+e- → μ+ μ- in the energy region √s = 980, 1040 – 1380 MeV, 2009.
  475. Study of the process e+e- → π+ π- π+ π- π0 with the CMD-2 detector, 2000.
  476. Study of the process e+e- → π+ π- in the energy region 400 < √s < 1000 MeV, 2005.
  477. Study of the process e+e- → π0π0γ in c.m. energy range 600-MeV to 970-MeV at CMD2, 2004.
  478. Study of the process e+e- → KL0K S0 in the c.m. energy range 1.05 to 1.38 GeV with CMD-2, 2003.
  479. Study of the processes e+e- → ηγ, πγ → 3γ in the c.m. energy range 600-1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2005.
  480. Study of the processes e+e- → ηγ, π0γ → 3γ in the c.m. energy range 600 - 1380 MeV at CMD-2, 2004.
  481. Study of the radiative decay φ → η γ with CMD-2 detector, 1999.
  482. Study of the radiative polarization of beams in the VEPP-2M storage ring , 1976.
  483. Study of the rare decays B0 → Ds(*)+π- and B0 → Ds(*)+ K+, 2003.
  484. Study of the Reaction e+e- → π+π- In The Energy Range From 640 MeV - 1400 MeV, 1984.
  485. Study of the reaction e+e- → π+π-π0π0 at 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1986.
  486. Study of the reaction e+e- → π0 γ with the SND detector at the VEPP-2M collider, 2016.
  487. Summary of experiments with the neutral detector at the e+e- storage ring VEPP-2M, 1991.
  488. Superconducting "snake" for the dedicated SR source Siberia-1, 1986.
  489. Superstrong quadrupoles of liquid metal for final focusing at linear colliders, 1990.
  490. Suppression of Beam-Beam Interaction in a Muon Collider, 1998.
  491. Suppression of emittance growth caused by mechanical vibrations of magnetic elements in presence of beam-beam effects in the SSC, 1991.
  492. Survey of experimental results obtained with the SND detector at the VEPP-2M e+e- collider, 1999.
  493. Synchrotron light sources and recent developments of accelerator technology, 1998.
  494. Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser activities at SSRC, 1998.
  495. Synchrotron radiation and free electron laser activities in Novosibirsk, 1994, 1995.
  496. Tagging system for scattered electrons in two-photon reactions at the MD-1 detector, 1994.
  497. Tau mass measurement at KEDR, 2008, 2009.
  498. Tau threshold experiments: status and expectations, 2005.
  499. Test of accelerating section for VEPP-5 pre-injector, 2000.
  500. Test of electron linac for VEPP-5 pre-injector, 2000.
  501. Test of quantum electrodynamics by e+ e- - μ+ μ-, 1971.
  502. Test of the prototype of VEPP-5 preinjector, 1997.
  503. The φ → η π0 γ decay, 2000.
  504. The φ meson: precision measurement of its mass, observation of the ω φ interference, 1978.
  505. The φ(1020) → π0 π0 γ decay, 2000.
  506. The 75 kG superconducting wiggler magnet for the electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M, 1984.
  507. The antihydrogen and positronium generation and studies using storage rings, 1997.
  508. The Antiproton-ion collider at FAIR, 2005, 2006.
  509. The beam control system of the electron storage ring Vep-1 , 1966.
  510. The CBS - the most cost effective and high performance carbon beam source dedicated for a new generation cancer therapy, 2005.
  511. The charged kaon mass measurement, 1977, 1979.
  512. The CMD-2 cryogenic magnetic detector, 2006.
  513. The concept of round colliding beams, 1996.
  514. The Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation Source Siberia-2, 1989.
  515. The Effect of an Accompanying Magnetic Field on Electron Cooling, 1978.
  516. The electron-ion scattering experiment ELISe at the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR): A conceptual design study, 2011.
  517. The Interaction Region Of The VEPP-4 Storage Ring For The Detector With The Transverse Field MD-1, [1984].
  518. The KEDR Detector, 2013.
  519. The kinetics of electron cooling of beams on heavy particle storage rings , 1977.
  520. The measurement of R in e +e--annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 7.25 and 10.34 GeV, 1996.
  521. The measurement of R in e+e- -annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 7.2 and 10.34 GeV, 1993.
  522. The Neutral Kaon Mass Measurement, 1986.
  523. The Novosibirsk electron positron colliders: Status and prospects, 1996.
  524. The physics of electron cooling, 1981.
  525. The precise measurement of the ω-meson parameters with the CMD-2 detector, 1996.
  526. The process e+ e- → ω π0 → π0 π0 γ up to 1.4 GeV, 2000.
  527. The process e+ e- → π+ π- π0 in the energy range 2E0 = 1.04-1.38 GeV, 1999.
  528. The process e+e- → ωπ0 near the φ resonance, 2000.
  529. The process e+e- → π+π-π0 above φ at VEPP-2M from SND. Results of preliminary study, 2000.
  530. The process e+e-→ π+π-π0 in nonresonance energy region 2E up to 1.4 GeV, 1989.
  531. The Program in Muon and Neutrino Physics: Super Beams, Cold Muon Beams, Neutrino Factory and the Muon Collider, 2001.
  532. The project of high free electron laser using race-track microtron-recurperator, 1993.
  533. The project of high power submillimetr-wavelength free electron laser, 2001.
  534. The Project of Modernization of the VEPP-4 Storage Ring for Monochromatic Experiments in the Energy Range of Ψ And Υ Mesons, [1984].
  535. The Project of Tau-charm factory with crab waist in Novosibirsk, 2009.
  536. The project of T-Charm factory with crab waist, 2008.
  537. The Proton Klystron, 1982.
  538. The results of exsperiments with CMD on VEPP-2M storage ring, 1983.
  539. The results of lasing linewidth narrowing on the VEPP-3 storage ring optical klystron, 1991.
  540. The results of lasing linewidth narrowing on VEPP-3 storage ring optical klystron, 1991.
  541. The scheme of antiproton production for the proton - antiproton colliding beam facility in Novosibirsk, 1970.
  542. The search for narrow resonances in the reaction e+ e- → hadrons at center-of-mass energy range between 7.23 GeV and 10.34 GeV, 1991.
  543. The status of electron cooling at Novosibirsk (theory and experiment), 1983.
  544. The study of fast electron cooling, 1979.
  545. The study of the radiation from the helical undulator installed in the storage ring VEPP-2M as a source for X-ray microscopy and holography, 1983.
  546. The VLEPP Project Status Report, 1981.
  547. TNK - Synchrotron radiation source for submicron technology applications, 1991.
  548. Total cross section of the process e+ e- → π+ π- π+ π- in the c.m. energy range 980–1380 MeV, 2004.
  549. Total cross section of two photon production of hadrons, 1991.
  550. Total cross-section of two photon production of hadrons, 1991, 1992.
  551. Towards ultimate luminosity polarized muon collider (problems and prospects), 1998.
  552. Ultimate brightness synchrotron radiation sources, 2002.
  553. Unique features of the OK-4/Duke storage ring XUV FEL and monochromatic γ-ray source, 1998.
  554. Update of the e+ e- → π+ π- cross-section measured by the spherical neutral detector in the energy region 400 < √S < 1000 МеV, 2006.
  555. Updated measurement of the e+ e- → ωπ0 → π0 π0γ cross section with the SND detector, 2016.
  556. Upper limit for a two-photon width of ηc(2980), 1986.
  557. Upsilon Physics at MD-1 in Novosibirsk, 1998.
  558. Usage of Li-rods for ionization cooling of muons, 2011.
  559. Use of Synchrotron Radiation from the VEPP-3 Storage Ring for x-Ray Structural Study, 1975.
  560. Utilization of synchrotron radiation: current status and prospects, 1977.
  561. VEPP-2000 Electron-Positron Collider Commissioning and First Results of Round Colliding Beam Tests, 2008.
  562. VEPP-2000 operation with round beams in the energy range from 1-GeV to 2-GeV, 2012.
  563. VEPP-3 dedicated straight section for OK operation, 1989.
  564. VEPP-4M Collider: Status and Plans, 1998.
  565. VEPP-4M operation at low energy, 2004.
  566. VEPP-5 Injection Complex: New Possibilities for BINP Electron-Positron Colliders, 2018.
  567. VEPP-5 injection complex: two colliders operation experience, 2017.
  568. VLEPP project (Status Report), 1981.
  569. Vlepp: Status Report, 1987.
  570. X-ray holography of microobjects, 1976.