Зарубежные журналы, доступные ГПНТБ СО РАН в 2005 году - [J]
Зарубежные журналы 
Горячие новости | Архив новостей  
Зарубежные журналы, полные тексты которых доступны читателям ГПНТБ СО РАН в 2005 году
A | B | С | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
APSBlackwellElsevierInstitute of PhysicsRSCSpringerWorld Scientific
J.UCS Journal of Universal Computer ScienceSpringer
Japan Journal of Nursing ScienceBlackwell
Japanese Heart JournalSpringer
Japanese Journal of OphthalmologySpringer
Japanese Psychological ResearchBlackwell
JARO - Journal of the Association for Research in OtolaryngologySpringer
JCMS: Journal of Common Market StudiesBlackwell
Jewish HistorySpringer
Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen GesellschaftBlackwell
Journal for General Philosophy of ScienceSpringer
Journal for Nature ConservationElsevier
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric NursingBlackwell
Journal for the Scientific Study of ReligionBlackwell
Journal for the Study of JudaismSpringer
Journal for the Theory of Social BehaviourBlackwell
Journal of Abnormal Child PsychologySpringer
Journal of Academic EthicsSpringer
Journal of Accounting ResearchBlackwell
Journal of Adhesion Science and TechnologySpringer
Journal of Adult DevelopmentSpringer
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems (jams)WSP
Journal of Advanced NursingBlackwell
Journal of Advancement in MedicineSpringer
Journal of Aerosol ScienceElsevier
Journal of African Earth SciencesElsevier
Journal of Aging and IdentitySpringer
Journal of Agrarian ChangeBlackwell
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental EthicsSpringer
Journal of Agronomy and Crop ScienceBlackwell
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications (jaa)WSP
Journal of Algebraic CombinatoricsSpringer
Journal of Alloys and CompoundsElsevier
Journal of Analytical ChemistrySpringer
Journal of AnatomyBlackwell
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern ReligionsSpringer
Journal of AnesthesiaSpringer
Journal of Animal Breeding and GeneticsBlackwell
Journal of Animal EcologyBlackwell
Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal NutritionBlackwell
Journal of Applied Corporate FinanceBlackwell
Journal of Applied CrystallographyBlackwell
Journal of Applied EcologyBlackwell
Journal of Applied ElectrochemistrySpringer
Journal of Applied EntomologyBlackwell
Journal of Applied IchthyologyBlackwell
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical PhysicsSpringer
Journal of Applied MicrobiologyBlackwell
Journal of Applied PhilosophyBlackwell
Journal of Applied PhycologySpringer
Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic StudiesSpringer
Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual DisabilitiesBlackwell
Journal of Applied SpectroscopySpringer
Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health)Springer
Journal of Arabic LiteratureSpringer
Journal of Archaeological Method and TheorySpringer
Journal of Archaeological ResearchSpringer
Journal of Archaeological ScienceElsevier
Journal of Architectural EducationBlackwell
Journal of Artificial OrgansSpringer
Journal of Asian Earth SciencesElsevier
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and GeneticsSpringer
Journal of Atmospheric ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Autism and Developmental DisordersSpringer
Journal of Automated ReasoningSpringer
Journal of Avian BiologyBlackwell
Journal of Bamboo and RattanSpringer
Journal of Banking & FinanceElsevier
Journal of Behavioral EducationSpringer
Journal of Behavioral MedicineSpringer
Journal of BioeconomicsSpringer
Journal of Bioenergetics and BiomembranesSpringer
Journal of BiogeographyBlackwell
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (jbcb)WSP
Journal of Biological Inorganic ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Biological PhysicsSpringer
Journal of Biological Systems (jbs)WSP
Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer EditionSpringer
Journal of BiomechanicsElsevier
Journal of Biomedical InformaticsElsevier
Journal of Biomedical SciencesSpringer
Journal of Biomolecular NMRSpringer
Journal of Bioscience and BioengineeringElsevier
Journal of BiotechnologyElsevier
Journal of Bone and Mineral MetabolismSpringer
Journal of Business and PsychologySpringer
Journal of Business EthicsSpringer
Journal of Business Finance & AccountingBlackwell
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical OncologySpringer
Journal of Cardiac SurgeryBlackwell
Journal of Career DevelopmentSpringer
Journal of CatalysisElsevier
Journal of Chemical CrystallographySpringer
Journal of Chemical Ecology Springer
Journal of Chemical ResearchRSC
Journal of Child and Adolescent Group TherapySpringer
Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric NursingBlackwell
Journal of Child and Family StudiesSpringer
Journal of Chinese PhilosophyBlackwell
Journal of Chromatography AElsevier
Journal of Chromatography BElsevier
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers (jcsc)WSP
Journal of ClassificationSpringer
Journal of Clinical GeropsychologySpringer
Journal of Clinical ImmunologySpringer
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and ComputingSpringer
Journal of Clinical NursingBlackwell
Journal of Clinical PeriodontologyBlackwell
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and TherapeuticsBlackwell
Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical SettingsSpringer
Journal of Clinical VirologyElsevier
Journal of Cluster ScienceSpringer
Journal of Cognition and CultureSpringer
Journal of Combinatorial OptimizationSpringer
Journal of Community HealthSpringer
Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral PhysiologySpringer
Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental PhysiologySpringer
Journal of Comparative Policy AnalysisSpringer
Journal of Computational Acoustics (jca)WSP
Journal of Computational Analysis and ApplicationsSpringer
Journal of Computational ElectronicsSpringer
Journal of Computational NeuroscienceSpringer
Journal of Computational PhysicsElsevier
Journal of Computer Assisted LearningBlackwell
Journal of Computer-Aided Materials DesignSpringer
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular DesignSpringer
Journal of Computer-Assisted MicroscopySpringer
Journal of Construction Research (jcr)WSP
Journal of Consumer AffairsBlackwell
Journal of Consumer PolicySpringer
Journal of Contaminant HydrologyElsevier
Journal of Contemporary PsychotherapySpringer
Journal of Contingencies and Crisis ManagementBlackwell
Journal of Cosmetic DermatologyBlackwell
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsIoP
Journal of Criminal JusticeElsevier
Journal of Critical RealismSpringer
Journal of Cross-Cultural GerontologySpringer
Journal of CryptologySpringer
Journal of Crystal GrowthElsevier
Journal of Cultural EconomicsSpringer
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Incorporating Medical and Surgical DermatologySpringer
Journal of Cutaneous PathologyBlackwell
Journal of Derivatives Accounting (jda)WSP
Journal of Development EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Developmental and Physical DisabilitiesSpringer
Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship (jde)WSP
Journal of Digital ImagingSpringer
Journal of Dynamical and Control SystemsSpringer
Journal of Dynamics and Differential EquationsSpringer
Journal of Early Modern HistorySpringer
Journal of Earthquake Engineering (jee)WSP
Journal of East Asian ArchaeologySpringer
Journal of East Asian LinguisticsSpringer
Journal of EcologyBlackwell
Journal of Economic GrowthSpringer
Journal of Economic InequalitySpringer
Journal of Economic SurveysBlackwell
Journal of Economics & Management StrategyBlackwell
Journal of EconomicsSpringer
Journal of Educational ChangeSpringer
Journal of Educational MeasurementBlackwell
Journal of ElasticitySpringer
Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryElsevier
Journal of ElectroceramicsSpringer
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and ApplicationsSpringer
Journal of Electronic TestingSpringer
Journal of Electronics Manufacturing (jem)WSP
Journal of Empirical Legal StudiesBlackwell
Journal of Empirical TheologySpringer
Journal of Engineering MathematicsSpringer
Journal of Engineering Physics and ThermophysicsSpringer
Journal of Enterprising Culture (jec)WSP
Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management (jeapm)WSP
Journal of Environmental ManagementElsevier
Journal of Environmental MonitoringRSC
Journal of EthologySpringer
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical PracticeBlackwell
Journal of Evolution EquationsSpringer
Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and PhysiologySpringer
Journal of Evolutionary BiologyBlackwell
Journal of Evolutionary EconomicsSpringer
Journal of Experimental Animal ScienceElsevier
Journal of Experimental CriminologySpringer
Journal of Family and Economic IssuesSpringer
Journal of Family TherapyBlackwell
Journal of Family ViolenceSpringer
Journal of Financial EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Financial Services ResearchSpringer
Journal of Fish BiologyBlackwell
Journal of Fish DiseasesBlackwell
Journal of FluorescenceSpringer
Journal of Fluorine ChemistryElsevier
Journal of Food BiochemistryBlackwell
Journal of Food EngineeringElsevier
Journal of Food LipidsBlackwell
Journal of Food Process EngineeringBlackwell
Journal of Food Processing & PreservationBlackwell
Journal of Food QualityBlackwell
Journal of Food SafetyBlackwell
Journal of Forest EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Forest ResearchSpringer
Journal of Fourier Analysis and ApplicationsSpringer
Journal of Fusion EnergySpringer
Journal of Gambling StudiesSpringer
Journal of Gastroenterology and HepatologyBlackwell
Journal of GastroenterologySpringer
Journal of Gender, Culture, and HealthSpringer
Journal of General Internal MedicineBlackwell
Journal of General Plant PathologySpringer
Journal of Genetic CounselingSpringer
Journal of Geochemical ExplorationElsevier
Journal of GeodesySpringer
Journal of GeodynamicsElsevier
Journal of Geographical SystemsSpringer
Journal of Geometry and PhysicsElsevier
Journal of GeometrySpringer
Journal of Global OptimizationSpringer
Journal of Government InformationElsevier
Journal of Grid ComputingSpringer
Journal of Happiness StudiesSpringer
Journal of Hazardous MaterialsElsevier
Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic SurgerySpringer
Journal of HeuristicsSpringer
Journal of Hospital InfectionElsevier
Journal of Housing and the Built EnvironmentSpringer
Journal of Human EvolutionElsevier
Journal of Human GeneticsSpringer
Journal of Human Nutrition and DieteticsBlackwell
Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (jhde)WSP
Journal of Immigrant HealthSpringer
Journal of Immunological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Indian PhilosophySpringer
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and BiotechnologySpringer
Journal of Industry, Competition and TradeSpringer
Journal of Infection and ChemotherapySpringer
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (jikm)WSP
Journal of Inherited Metabolic DiseaseSpringer
Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic PolymersSpringer
Journal of Insect BehaviorSpringer
Journal of Insect ConservationSpringer
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (jin)WSP
Journal of Integrative Plant BiologyBlackwell
Journal of Intellectual Disability ResearchBlackwell
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic SystemsSpringer
Journal of Intelligent Information SystemsSpringer
Journal of Intelligent ManufacturingSpringer
Journal of Interconnection Networks (join)WSP
Journal of Internal MedicineBlackwell
Journal of International EconomicsElsevier
Journal of International EntrepreneurshipSpringer
Journal of International Financial Management & AccountingBlackwell
Journal of Interventional Cardiac ElectrophysiologySpringer
Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed ProblemsSpringer
Journal of Investigative DermatologyBlackwell
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (jktr)WSP
Journal of Law and SocietyBlackwell
Journal of Legal Studies EducationBlackwell
Journal of Logic, Language and InformationSpringer
Journal of Low Temperature PhysicsSpringer
Journal of LuminescenceElsevier
Journal of Magnetic ResonanceElsevier
Journal of Magnetic ResonanceElsevier
Journal of Mammalian EvolutionSpringer
Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and NeoplasiaSpringer
Journal of Management and GovernanceSpringer
Journal of Management StudiesBlackwell
Journal of Marine BiotechnologySpringer
Journal of Marine Science and TechnologySpringer
Journal of Market-Focused ManagementSpringer
Journal of Marriage and FamilyBlackwell
Journal of Material Cycles and Waste ManagementSpringer
Journal of Materials ChemistryRSC
Journal of Materials Science LettersSpringer
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in ElectronicsSpringer
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in MedicineSpringer
Journal of Materials ScienceSpringer
Journal of Materials Synthesis and ProcessingSpringer
Journal of Maternal-Fetal InvestigationSpringer
Journal of Mathematical BiologySpringer
Journal of Mathematical ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Mathematical EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Mathematical Fluid MechanicsSpringer
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and VisionSpringer
Journal of Mathematical Logic (jml)WSP
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and AlgorithmsSpringer
Journal of Mathematical SciencesSpringer
Journal of Mathematics Teacher EducationSpringer
Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (jmmb)WSP
Journal of Medical HumanitiesSpringer
Journal of Medical PrimatologyBlackwell
Journal of Medical SystemsSpringer
Journal of Medical UltrasonicsSpringer
Journal of Membrane BiologySpringer
Journal of Membrane ScienceElsevier
Journal of Metamorphic GeologyBlackwell
Journal of Microbiological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Micromechanics and MicroengineeringIoP
Journal of MicromechatronicsSpringer
Journal of MicroscopyBlackwell
Journal of Mining ScienceSpringer
Journal of Molecular BiologyElsevier
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: ChemicalElsevier
Journal of Molecular EvolutionSpringer
Journal of Molecular HistologySpringer
Journal of Molecular LiquidsElsevier
Journal of Molecular MedicineSpringer
Journal of Molecular ModelingSpringer
Journal of Molecular StructureElsevier
Journal of Monetary EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Muscle FoodsBlackwell
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell MotilitySpringer
Journal of Musculoskeletal Research (jmr)WSP
Journal of Nanoparticle ResearchSpringer
Journal of Near-Death StudiesSpringer
Journal of Network and Systems ManagementSpringer
Journal of Neural EngineeringIoP
Journal of Neural TransmissionSpringer
Journal of Neuro-OncologySpringer
Journal of NeurochemistryBlackwell
Journal of NeurocytologySpringer
Journal of NeuroendocrinologyBlackwell
Journal of NeuroimmunologyElsevier
Journal of NeurologySpringer
Journal of Neuroscience MethodsElsevier
Journal of Non-Crystalline SolidsElsevier
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Journal of Nondestructive EvaluationSpringer
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials (jnopm)WSP
Journal of Nonlinear ScienceSpringer
Journal of Nonverbal BehaviorSpringer
Journal of Nuclear MaterialsElsevier
Journal of Numerical MathematicsSpringer
Journal of Nursing ManagementBlackwell
Journal of Nursing ScholarshipBlackwell
Journal of Occupational RehabilitationSpringer
Journal of OceanographySpringer
Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications ReportsSpringer
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied OpticsIoP
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical OpticsIoP
Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsSpringer
Journal of Oral Pathology and MedicineBlackwell
Journal of Oral RehabilitationBlackwell
Journal of Organometallic ChemistryElsevier
Journal of OrnithologySpringer
Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopa"die Springer
Journal of Orthopaedic ScienceSpringer
Journal of Orthopaedics and TraumatologySpringer
Journal of Paediatrics and Child HealthBlackwell
Journal of PaleolimnologySpringer
Journal of Periodontal ResearchBlackwell
Journal of PersonalityBlackwell
Journal of Personnel Evaluation in EducationSpringer
Journal of Pest ScienceSpringer
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and PharmacodynamicsSpringer
Journal of Phenomenological PsychologySpringer
Journal of Philosophical LogicSpringer
Journal of Philosophy of EducationBlackwell
Journal of PhycologyBlackwell
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and GeneralIoP
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsElsevier
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical PhysicsIoP
Journal of Physics D: Applied PhysicsIoP
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle PhysicsIoP
Journal of Physics: Condensed MatterIoP
Journal of PhytopathologyBlackwell
Journal of Pineal ResearchBlackwell
Journal of Plant Growth RegulationSpringer
Journal of Plant PhysiologyElsevier
Journal of Plant ResearchSpringer
Journal of Poetry TherapySpringer
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual DisabilitiesBlackwell
Journal of Policy ModelingElsevier
Journal of Polymer ResearchSpringer
Journal of Polymers and the EnvironmentSpringer
Journal of Popular Music StudiesBlackwell
Journal of Population EconomicsSpringer
Journal of Porous MaterialsSpringer
Journal of Product Innovation ManagementBlackwell
Journal of Productivity AnalysisSpringer
Journal of ProsthodonticsBlackwell
Journal of Protein ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health NursingBlackwell
Journal of Psychiatric ResearchElsevier
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Springer
Journal of Psychology and JudaismSpringer
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral AssessmentSpringer
Journal of Psychotherapy IntegrationSpringer
Journal of Public Economic TheoryBlackwell
Journal of Public EconomicsElsevier
Journal of Public HealthSpringer
Journal of Pure and Applied AlgebraElsevier
Journal of Quantitative CriminologySpringer
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Radiological ProtectionIoP
Journal of RadiosurgerySpringer
Journal of Rapid Methods & Automation in MicrobiologyBlackwell
Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior TherapySpringer
Journal of Real Estate LiteratureSpringer
Journal of Reducing Space Mission CostSpringer
Journal of Regional ScienceBlackwell
Journal of Regulatory EconomicsSpringer
Journal of Religion and HealthSpringer
Journal of Religion in AfricaSpringer
Journal of Religious EthicsBlackwell
Journal of Religious HistoryBlackwell
Journal of Research in ReadingBlackwell
Journal of Research in Special Educational NeedsBlackwell
Journal of Research on AdolescenceBlackwell
Journal of Restructuring Finance (jrf)WSP
Journal of Risk & InsuranceBlackwell
Journal of Risk and UncertaintySpringer
Journal of Russian Laser ResearchSpringer
Journal of SchedulingSpringer
Journal of School HealthBlackwell
Journal of Science Education and TechnologySpringer
Journal of Science Teacher EducationSpringer
Journal of Scientific ComputingSpringer
Journal of SeismologySpringer
Journal of Sensory StudiesBlackwell
Journal of Sleep ResearchBlackwell
Journal of Small Business ManagementBlackwell
Journal of Social Distress and the HomelessSpringer
Journal of Social IssuesBlackwell
Journal of Social PhilosophyBlackwell
Journal of Social Theory (jst)WSP
Journal of SociolinguisticsBlackwell
Journal of Soils and SedimentsSpringer
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and TechnologySpringer
Journal of Solid State ElectrochemistrySpringer
Journal of Solution ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Statistical PhysicsSpringer
Journal of Statistical Planning and InferenceElsevier
Journal of Structural and Functional GenomicsSpringer
Journal of Structural ChemistrySpringer
Journal of Structural GeologyElsevier
Journal of SuperconductivitySpringer
Journal of Supreme Court HistoryBlackwell
Journal of Synchrotron RadiationBlackwell
Journal of Systems IntegrationSpringer
Journal of Texture StudiesBlackwell
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse PractitionersBlackwell
Journal of the American Ceramic SocietyBlackwell
Journal of the American Geriatrics SocietyBlackwell
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the OrientSpringer
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and VenereologyBlackwell
Journal of the European Mathematical SocietySpringer
Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical AssociationSpringer
Journal of the History of BiologySpringer
Journal of the History of International Law / Revue d??Histoire du droit internationalSpringer
Journal of the Peripheral Nervous SystemBlackwell
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)Blackwell
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)Blackwell
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics)Blackwell
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (jtcc)WSP
Journal of Theoretical ProbabilitySpringer
Journal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetrySpringer
Journal of Thermal BiologyElsevier
Journal of Thrombosis and HaemostasisBlackwell
Journal of Thrombosis and ThrombolysisSpringer
Journal of Time Series AnalysisBlackwell
Journal of Traumatic StressSpringer
Journal of TurbulenceIoP
Journal of Urban AffairsBlackwell
Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical CareBlackwell
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series ABlackwell
Journal of Veterinary Medicine Series BBlackwell
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and TherapeuticsBlackwell
Journal of Viral HepatitisBlackwell
Journal of Virological MethodsElsevier
Journal of Wood ScienceSpringer
Journal of World PrehistorySpringer
Journal of Youth and AdolescenceSpringer
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary ResearchBlackwell
Journals in the 2003 Historic Archive packageIoP

A | B | С | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z • • • По издательствам
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  © 1997–2024 Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН  

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Посещение N 905 с 15.05.2006