Mineral deposit research: meeting the global challenge. Vol. 2 (Berlin, 2005) - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMineral deposit research: meeting the global challenge: proceedings of the 8th biennial SGA meeting, Beijing, China, 18 - 21 august 2005: in 2 v. Vol. 2 / ed. by Mao J., Bierlein F.P. - Berlin: Springer, 2005. - p. 873-1613. - ISBN 3-540-27945-8

Оглавление / Contents
Session 9
General geology and economic geology .......................... 873

Chapter 9-1.   Phosphorite and gypsum occurrence in the
Upper Cretaceous Dahomey Basin, SW Nigeria: Chemistry,
mineralogy and origin ......................................... 875
   Akinlolu F. Abimbola, Akinade S. Olatunji, Samuel O.
   Akande, Adenike M. Borode

Chapter 9-2.   PIXE analysis of contrasting fluid inclusion
types in intrusion-related gold systems of the Tintina Gold
Province, Yukon, Alaska ....................................... 877
   T. Baker, С. Ryan

Chapter 9-3.   Structural control on the localisation and deep
oxidation of the Skorpion supergene zinc deposit, Namibia ..... 881
   Gregor Borg, Katrin Kärner, Eva Klein

Chapter 9-4.   Metal content and spatial distribution of
Au and PGE in the Kupferschiefer of the Mansfeld/
Sangerhausen mining district, Germany ......................... 885
   Gregor Borg, Manuela Frotzscher, Bodo Ehling

Chapter 9-5.   Sulphur, selenium and silver contents of
palladiferous gold from Serra Pelada, northern Brazil ......... 889
   Alexandre Raphael Cabral, Georges Beaudoin, Bernd Lehmann

Chapter 9-6.   New constraints on the timing and origin of
the Dachang tin-polymetallic deposit, Guangxi, China .......... 893
   Minghai Cai, Jingwen Mao, Ting Liang

Chapter 9-7.   Simulation test on migration of geogas-
carrying gold nanoparticles in slope sediments ................ 897
   Cao Jianjina, Hu Ruizhong, Liu Shen, Xie Guiqing

Chapter 9-8.   Crustal evolution constraints on the
metallogeny of the Yilgarn Craton ............................. 901
   Kevin F. Cassidy, David С. Champion, David L. Huston

Chapter 9-9.   Linking the CMF model to metallogenic zoning
in the east Qinling Orogen, central China ..................... 905
   Yan-Jing Chen, Franco Pirajno

Chapter 9-10.  The relationship between detachment faults
and mineralization in Luolin district, Henan, China ........... 909
   Dai Tagen, Zou Haiyang

Chapter 9-11.  Characterisation of the nonsulphide zinc ore
at Angouran, Northwestern Iran, and its genetic aspects ....... 913
   Farahnaz Daliran, Gregor Borg

Chapter 9-12.  New discovery of epithermal gold at Chahnali
prospect, Bazman volcano, SE-Iran ............................. 917
   Farahnaz Daliran, Werner H. Paar, Franz Neubauer,
   Bahman Rashidi 

Chapter 9-13.  Deep structure and ore-forming processes of
the Sukhoi Log gold-platinum deposit, Russia .................. 921
   Vadim V. Distler, Gennady L. Mitrofanov, Marina A.
   Yudovskaya, Erick N. Lishnevsky, Vsevolod Y. Prokof'ev

Chapter 9-14.  Comparison of temporal metallogenic trends
in the Canadian and Arabian geological provinces - A
geostatistical analysis ....................................... 925
   Rao S. Divi

Chapter 9-15.  Fluxes of arsenic in soil-water system in
the Celina-Mokrsko gold district, Bohemian Massif ............. 927
   P. Drahota, Z. Pertold

Chapter 9-16.  Gold deportation in the Asimotrypes
carbonate-hosted mesothermal Au deposit, Greece:
Mineralogical sitting, distribution and onditions of
deposition .................................................... 931
   Demetrios G. Eliopoulos, Stefen L. Chryssoulis

Chapter 9-17.  Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics
of the Skouries porphyry-Cu-Au-Pd-Pt deposit (Greece):
Evidence for the precious metal ............................... 935
   Maria Economou-Eliopoulos, Demetrios G. Eliopoulos

Chapter 9-18.  Mineralogy, geochemistry and genesis of the
Faryadun clay deposit, south Abarkuh, Iran .................... 939
   Amin Eslami, Bijan Etemadi

Chapter 9-19.  The Bilimoia gold deposit, Kainantu, Papua
New Guinea: A fault-controlled, lode-type, synorogenic
tellurium-rich quartz-gold vein system ........................ 941
   Joseph O. Espi, Ken-ichiro Hayashi, Kosei Komuro,
   Yoshimichi Kajiwara, Hiroyasu Murakami

Chapter 9-20.  Aqueous-carbonic-REE fluids in the giant
Bayan Obo deposit, China: implications for REE
mineralization ................................................ 945
    Hong-Rui Fan, Fang-Fang Hu, Kai-Yi Wang, Yi-Han Xie

Chapter 9-21.  The world's largest gold province:
Implications on Archaean atmospheric evolution ................ 949
   Hartwig E. Frimmel

Chapter 9-22.  Short-range gold mobilisation in palaeoplacer
deposits ...................................................... 953
   Hartwig E. Frimmel, W.E. Lawrie Minter, John Chesley,
   Jason Kirk, Joaquin Ruiz

Chapter 9-23.  Geochemical constraints on thermal brine
genesis of Wulagen Pb-Zn deposit, Wuqia, Xinjiang, China ...... 957
   Zhen-quan Gao, Wei-xuan Fang, Rui-zhong Hu, Ji-shun Liu

Chapter 9-24.  Platinum-group element geochemistry of the
Eastern Creek Volcanics, Mount Isa, Australia ................. 961
   Melissa J. Gregory, Reid R. Keays, Andy R. Wilde

Chapter 9-25.  A new metallogenical association (Sn-Cd-In-
Zn-Ag-Au) in the Deseado auroargentiferous province, Deseado
Massif, Patagonia, Argentina .................................. 965
   D.M. Guido, S.M. Jovic, I.B. Schalamuk

Chapter 9-26.  Gold prospects in Meso- to Neoproterozoic
strata in the Inner Mongolia section of the north margin
of North China plate .......................................... 969
   Hou Wanrong, Chen Xiaowu, Zhao Guangming, He Feng,
   Hu Hongfei

Chapter 9-27.  Mineralizing age and ore-forming fluid
evolution in the Rushan lode gold deposit, Jiaodong
Peninsula, eastern China ...................................... 973
   Fang-Fang Hu, Hong-Rui Fan, Jing-Hui Yang, Ming-Guo Zhai

Chapter 9-28.  Diverse controls on Paleoproterozoic lode
gold deposits in the Tanami region, northern Australia ........ 977
   David L. Huston, Terrence P. Mernagh, Andrew Cross,
   Andrew S. Wygralak, Leon Bagas

Chapter 9-29.  The Apdong Nb-Ta ore deposit, North Korea ...... 981
   Jae Ho Lee, In Joon Kim, You Dong Kim

Chapter 9-30.  Lavrion smithsonites: A mineralogical
and mineral chemical study of their coloration ................ 983
   Athanasios Katerinopoulos, Christos Solomos, Panagiotis

Chapter 9-31.  Decoupled lamprophyric magmatism and gold
mineralization at the Archean Darlot lode gold deposit,
Western Australia ............................................. 987
    Shane Kenworthy, Steffen G. Hagemann

Chapter 9-32.  Gold, palladium and platinum recovery, as
by-products, from the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au deposit,
Chalkidiki area, northeastern Greece - preliminary results .... 991
   G. Kiousis, M. Economou-Eliopoulos, I. Paspaliaris,
   I. Mitsis

Chapter 9-33.  Alteration and gold mineralization of the
Ciurug vein, Pongkor Au-Ag deposit, Indonesia ................. 995
   Syafrizal Koichiro, Yasushi Watanabe, Akira Imai,
   Youshinobu Motomura

Chapter 9-34.  Thermal effects of magmatic activity on clay
sediments in eastern Tunisia .................................. 999
   Hanene Mattoussi Kort, Néjia Laridhi Ouazaa, Samia
   Kassaa, Aîcha Beji Sassi

Chapter 9-35.  Micro-organisms as fossils and present-day
development in Ni-laterites and bauxites of the Balkan
peninsula .................................................... 1003
   M. Laskou, M. Economou-Eliopoulos

Chapter 9-36.  Pyrite-rich bauxites from the Parnassos-
Ghiona zone, Greece .......................................... 1007
   M. Laskou

Chapter 9-37.  Metamorphic anatexis and the generation of
ore deposits ................................................. 1011
   Zhaolin Li, Wen Li, Wei Zhai, Wenlan Zhang, Bin Zhao

Chapter 9-38.  Petrographic and stable isotope (C,O)
studies of the Pangeon Mountain marbles, northern Greece:
Implications for metallogenesis .............................. 1015
   Myrsini Varti-Matarangas, Demetrios G. Eliopoulos

Chapter 9-39.  Geochemical exploration in igneous rocks
of the Tootyzar area, Aran, central Iran ..................... 1019
   M. Movahedi, E. Chitgari, M. Yazdi, A. Khakzad

Chapter 9-40.  The Savran ore field of the Dniestr-Boug
domain, Ukrainian Shield: A rare example of
Paleoproterozoic (ca 2 Ga) orogenic gold mineralization
related to retrogressive alteration of Archaean (= 3 Ga)
granulite-facies host rock ................................... 1021
   I.V. Mudrovska, I.E. Merkushin, A.A. Lysenko,
   A.B. Bobrov

Chapter 9-41.  Gaojiacun intrusive complex in Sichuan
Province, SW China: Geology, petrology and mineralization .... 1025
   Marian Munteanu, Yong Yao, Gordon Chunnett, Yaonan Luo

Chapter 9-42.  Genetic environment of the Yuryang
Te-bearing Au deposit: Batholith-type orogenic Au
mineralization in Korea ...................................... 1029
   Sang Joon Pak, Seon-Gyu Choi, Chang Whan Oh, Sung
   Won Kim, Soo-Meen Wee

Chapter 9-43.  Unusual PGE concentration in early
disulfides of a low-temperature hydrothermal
Cu-Ni-Co-Au deposit at Villamanin (Leon, northern Spain) ..... 1033
   A. Paniagua, I. Fanlo, B. Garcia, I. Subias, F.
   Gervilla, R.D. Acevedo

Chapter 9-44.  The global mineral resource assessment
project in the southeast Asia region ......................... 1037
   Stephen G. Peters, Walter J. Bawiec, Klaus J. Schulz,
   Joseph A. Briskey

Chapter 9-45.  New minerals from the red bed type precious
metal deposit of the Lubin-Sieroszowice mining district,
SW Poland .................................................... 1041
   J. Pieczonka, A. Piestrzynski

Chapter 9-46.  Hydrothermal ore systems associated with the
extensional collapse of collision orogens .................... 1045
   Franco Pirajno, Yanjing Chen

Chapter 9-47.  Large igneous provinces in Western
Australia: Implications for Ni-Cu and Platinum Group
Elements (PGE) mineralization ................................ 1049
   Franco Pirajno, Paul Morris

Chapter 9-48.  The Kuranakh epithermal gold deposit,
East Russia .................................................. 1053
   Sergey M. Rodionov, Rick S. Fredericksen, Nikolay V.

Chapter 9-49.  Mineralogical and chemical features of
gangue phases in relation to hydrothermal mineralization
and their host rocks ......................................... 1057
   F. Javier Carrillo Rosúa, Salvador Morales Ruano,
   Purifkación Fenoll Hach-Ali Diego Morata Céspedes,
   Mauricio Belmar, Adrian J. Boyce, Anthony E. Fallick

Chapter 9-50.  Rare earth elements distribution of Tertiary
phosphorites in Tunisia ...................................... 1061
   A. Béji Sassi, A. Zaïer, J.L. Joron, M. Treuil

Chapter 9-51.  Alteration of organic matter as a new
exploration guide for Kupferschiefer-type Cu-Ag and
Au-Pt-Pd deposits ............................................ 1065
   Stanislaw Speczik, Slawomir Oszczepalski, Grzegorz J.
   Nowak, Izabella Grotek, Malgorzata Strengel-Martinez

Chapter 9-52.  New concept of ore genesis: Application to
prospecting and exploitation ................................. 1069
   N.G. Stenina

Chapter 9-53.  Genesis and metallogenic model of a super-
large vermiculite deposit, Qieganbulak, Xinjiang, China ...... 1073
   Sun Baosheng, Huang Jianhua, Wang Cheng, Zhang Jian

Chapter 9-54.  Discovery, geology and mineralisation of
the Phu Kham copper-gold deposit Lao People's Democratic
Republic ..................................................... 1077
   Nicholas M. Tate

Chapter 9-55.  Intrusion-related gold deposits within the
New Brunswick segment of the Northern Appalachians, Canada ... 1081
   K.G. Thorne, D.R. Lentz

Chapter 9-56.  The Estrela copper deposit, Carajás, Brazil:
Geology and implications of a Proterozoic copper stockwork ... 1085
   Karen M. Volp

Chapter 9-57.  Gold and silver mineralogy of the Lavrion
deposit, Attika, Greece ...................................... 1089
   P. Voudouris

Chapter 9-58.  Effects of environmental factors on uptake
and accumulation of ore-forming elements by bacteria ......... 1093
   Hailei Wang, Mianping Zheng, Fanjing Kong

Chapter 9-59.  Characteristics of carbonatite fluid in
the Maoniuping REE deposit, Mianning, China .................. 1097
   Xie Yuling, Xu Jiuhua, Chen Wei, He Jianping, Hou
   Zengqian, Xu Wenyi

Chapter 9-60.  Geochemical exploration in granitoid rocks
of the Javan Sheikh area, Ahar, Northwest Iran ............... 1101
   M. Yazdi, A. Rezaeian, A. Molla Ali

Chapter 9-61.  The origin of gold in mineral deposits
around Bohai Gulf, China ..................................... 1103
   Zhang Ronghua, Hu Shumin, Zhang Xuetong

Chapter 9-62.  Geochemistry and δ34S of ores and ore stage
iron sulfides in Carlin-type gold deposits, Dian-Qian-Gui
area, China: Implications for ore genesis .................... 1107
   Xing-chun Zhang, Albert H. Hofstra, Rui-zhong Hu,
   Poul Emsbo, Wen-chao Su, W.I. Ridley

Chapter 9-63.  Low-sulphidisation epithermal gold-bearing
Qiyugou breccia pipes, Xiong'ershan mountains, China ......... 1111
   Yuanhou Zhang, Shihong Zhang, Yigui Han, Franco Pirajno

Chapter 9-64.  A comparative study of the Punda and
Selanjan ore-controlling breccia pipes in West Sarawak,
Malaysia and the significance for ore prospecting ............ 1115
   Caisheng Zhao, Jingwen Mao, Fuquan Yang, Huishou Ye,
   Fengyue Sun, Qingfeng Ding

Chapter 9-65.  Ore-forming geochemistry of the Duobaoshan
copper deposit, Heilongjiang Province, China ................. 1119
   Zhao Yuanyi, Ma Zhihong, Zhong Chongxue

Chapter 9-66.  Characteristics of salt lake boron deposits
and magnesium borate deposits of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,
China ........................................................ 1123
   Zheng Mian-Ping, Qi Wen, Yuan He-Ran

Chapter 9-67.  Geochemistry of the Tianger gold deposit
in west Tianshan, Xinjiang ................................... 1127
   J. Zhou, Y.F. Zhu

Chapter 9-68. Geochemistry of the Tianger shear zone-hosted
gold deposit (west Tianshan, northwest China) ................ 1131
   Yongfeng Zhu, Jing Zhou, Libing Gu

Session 10
Mesozoic to recent geodynamics and metallogeny
of eastern Asia .............................................. 1135

Chapter 10-1.  Geochemistry of granitoids and altered rocks
of the Erdenet porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, central
Mongolia ..................................................... 1137
   O. Gerel, S. Dandar, S. Amar-Amgalan, D. Javkhlanbold, 
   Se. Myagamarsuren, Sa. Myagmarsuren, B. Munkhtsengel,
   B. Soyolmaa

Chapter 10-2.  Gold content and distribution in
hydrothermal alteration zones of the Haenam area,
southwestern Korea ........................................... 1141
   Yoon Chung Han

Chapter 10-3.  Geochemistry of ore-forming fluids and the
enrichment of copper-gold in the Shizishan ore-field,
Tongling, Anhui Province, China .............................. 1145
   Li Jinwen, Pei Rongfii, Zhang Dequan, Mei Yanxiong,
   Wang Lijuan, Zhu Heping

Chapter 10-4.  Distribution, metallogenic epochs and mineral
resource potential of the North China Block .................. 1149
   Li Junjian, Liu Xiao Yang, Qin Zhian, Luo ZhenKuan,
   Chen Anshu, Zhang LianYing

Chapter 10-5.  Genesis and geochemistry of mid-low
temperature hydrothermal deposits (Au-Sb-Hg) in south
China ........................................................ 1153
   D.S. Ma, P.J. Yong, R.Y. Yang

Chapter 10-6.  Major products of the international
collaborative project on mineral resources, metallogenesis,
and tectonics of northeast Asia .............................. 1157
   Warren J. Nokleberg, Leonid M. Parfenov, Alexander I.
   Khanchuk, Gombosuren Badarch, Masatsugu Ogasawara,
   Duk-Hwan Hwang Hongquan Yan, Christopher R. Scotese

Chapter 10-7.  Characteristics of ore deposit distribution
in Northeast Asia, as derived from data compiled by the
"Mineral Resources, Metallogenesis, and Tectonics of
Northeast Asia" project ...................................... 1159
   Ogasawara Masatsugu, Sergey Rodionov, Warren J.
   Nokleberg, Alexander A. Obolenskiy, Alexander I.
   Khanchuk, Gunchin Dejidmaa, Yan Hongquan, Duk-Hwan

Chapter 10-8.  Tectonic structures of the Nezhdaninka gold
deposit (northeastern Asia) .................................. 1163
   Andrei V. Prokopiev, Felix F. Tretyakov, Alexander
   V. Tronin

Chapter 10-9.  Metallogenesis of northeast Asia .............. 1167
   S.M. Rodionov, A.A.Obolenskiy, G. Badarch, G. Dejidmaa,
   E.G. Distanov, O. Gerel, D.H. Hwang, W.J. Nokleberg, M.
   Ogasawara, A.V. Prokopiev, Zh.V. Seminsky, A.P. Smelov,
   V.I. Sotnikov, A.A. Spiridonov, H. Yan

Chapter 10-10. The Kuranakh epithermal gold deposit
(East Rusia) ................................................. 1171
   S.M. Rodionov, R.S. Fredericksen, N.V. Berdnikov

Chapter 10-11. Tin metallogeny of Far East Russia ............ 1175
   S.M. Rodionov

Chapter 10-12. Mesozoic tectonics and related
metallogenesis in northeast Asia ............................. 1179
   Kohei Sato, Shunso Ishihara, Masaharu Kamitani

Chapter 10-13. Tectonic and metallogenic evolution of
northeast Asia: Key to regional understanding ................ 1183
   Christopher R. Scotese, Warren J. Nokleberg, Leonid M.
   Parfenov, Gombosuren Badarch, Nikolai A. Berzin,
   Alexander I. Khanchuk, Mikhail I. Kuzmin, Alexander
   A. Obolenskiy, Andrei V. Prokopiev, Sergey M. Rodionov,
   Hongquan Yan

Chapter 10-14.Mafic granulite xenoliths and their
implications for mineralization at the Chaihulanzi gold
deposit, Inner Mongolia, north China ......................... 1185
   She Hongquan, Zhang Dequan, Li Daxin, Feng Chengyou

Chapter 10-15.Gold deposits of Transbaikalia, Russia ......... 1189
   A.M. Spiridonov, Yu.A. Zorin, L.D. Zorina

Chapter 10-16. Unique ore complexes of sulfide
dissemination zones in northeastern Asia ..................... 1193
   A.V. Volkov, A.A. Sidorov, I.N. Thomson

Chapter 10-17. Mineralization ages of quartz vein-type
gold deposits, Xiaoqinling area, central China ............... 1197
   Y.T. Wang, J.W. Mao, H.S. Ye, Y.F. Li, A.W. Ye, Y.G. Li

Chapter 10-18. Mineralizing pulses and geodynamic setting
of Cu-Fe-Au polymetallic deposits in the Lower Yangtze
valley, east-central China ................................... 1201
   Xie Guiqing, Mao Jingwen, Caisheng Zhao

Chapter 10-19. Mesozoic Mo-W-Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization in
the Nannihu area, western Henan Province, China .............. 1205
   Huishou Ye, Jingwen Mao, Caisheng Zhao, Yongfeng Li,
   Baojian Guo, Fengmei Chai, Changhai Yan, Chunfen He

Chapter 10-20. Superimposed Mesozoic metallogenic systems
in eastern China ............................................. 1209
   Zhai Yusheng, Wang Jianping, Deng Jun, Peng Runmin

Chapter 10-21. Epigenetic mineralization in the south
Qinling Pb-Zn polymetallic belt, Shanxi Province, China ...... 1213
   Zhu Huaping, Zhang Dequan, She Hongquan, Feng Chengyou

Session 11
Metallogeny of the Tethys-Himalayan Orogen ................... 1217

Chapter 11-1. Epithermal Au-Ag-Cu, porphyry Cu-(Au-Mo) and
Cu-Au-Ag-Zn-Pb skarn deposits of the Gangdese Arc, Tibet ..... 1219
   G. Beaudoin, R. Hébert, C.S. Wang, J. Tang

Chapter 11-2. Origin of phenocrysts in mineralized
porphyries of porphyry copper deposits ....................... 1223
   Chen Wenming, Sheng Jifu

Chapter 11-3. Magma mixing and Cu-Au mineralization in the
Gangdese magmatic belt in response to India-Asia collision ... 1227
   Guochen Dong, Xuanxue Mo, Zhidan Zhao, Tao Chen

Chapter 11-4. Metallogenesis in the Tibetan collisional
orogenic Belt ................................................ 1231
   Zengqian Hou, Qingtian Lu, Xiaoming Qu, Fengjun Nie,
   Xiangjin Meng, Zhenqing Li, Zhusen Yang, Xuanxue Mo,
   Anjian Wang, Xiaobo Li, Wang Zongqi, Wang Erche

Chapter 11-5. Geochronological and geochemical study on
the Yulong porphyry copper ore belt in eastern Tibet,
China ........................................................ 1235
   Huaying Liang, Yuqiang Zhang, Yingwen Xie, Wu Lin,
   Ian H. Campbell, Hengxiang Yu

Chapter 11-6. Cenozoic skarn Cu-Au deposits in SE Gangdese:
Features, ages, mineral asssemblages and exploration
significance ................................................. 1239
   Guangming Li, Kezhang Qin, Kuishou Ding, Xingchun Zhang

Chapter 11-7. Partial melting in the upper crust in
southern Tibet: Evidence from active geothermal fluid
system ....................................................... 1243
   Zhenqing Li, Zengqian Hou

Chapter 11-8. Copper and gold metallogeny in the Tethyan
domain in China .............................................. 1247
   X.-X. Mo, K.-H. Yang, L.-L. Wang, G.-C. Dong

Chapter 11-9. Constraints on the formation of Carlin-type
gold deposits in Sichuan and Gansu provinces, China .......... 1251
   F.	Neubauer, S. Borojevic-Sostaric, A. von Quadt,
   I. Peytcheva, G. Friedl, J. Genser, Z. Zeng

Chapter 11-10.The Xiongcun Cu-Zn-Au deposit in the
western segment of the Gangdese, Tibet: A Mesozoic
VHMS-type deposit cut by late veins .......................... 1255
   Kezhang Qin, Guangming Li, Jinxiang Li, Kuishou Ding,
   Yihan Xie

Chapter 11-11.Geodynamic relationships between large-scale
copper mineralization and rapid crustal uplifting in the
Gangdese collisional orogen, southern Tibet .................. 1259
   Qu Xiaoming, Hou Zengqian, Xu Wenyi

Chapter 11-12.Porphyry copper belts in Tibet ................. 1263
   Z.-Y. Rui, L.-S. Wang, L.-S. Zhang

Chapter 11-13.The evolution of epicontinental marginal
sedimentary basins of the Tethys Ocean in Asia ............... 1267
   Vitaly I. Troitsky, Leyla P. Sharafutdinova

Chapter 11-14.Geological characteristics of gold deposits
in the Ailaoshan gold belt, western Yunnan Province, China ... 1271
   Wang Haiping, Hu Yunzhong, Yang Yueqing

Chapter 11-15.Possible causes for large-scale
mineralization in the Lanping area, western Yunnan:
New evidence from Cenozoic igneous rocks and
mantle xenoliths ............................................. 1275
   Yu Xuehui, Mo Xuanxue, Zhao Xin, Zhou Su, Zeng Pushing

Chapter 11-16.Relationship of the Cenozoic Beiya Cu-Au
mineralization to alkali-rich porphyries in western Yunnan,
China ........................................................ 1279
   Zeng Pusheng, Hou Zengqian, Mo Xuanxue, Yang Weiguang
   Li Wenchang, Yu Xuehui

Chapter 11-17.Deposit geology, geochemical characteristics
and ore formation of the Jiayashan sector of the Jinding
zinc(-lead) deposit, Yunnan, China ........................... 1283
   H.-B. Zhao, X.-X. Mo, P.-S. Zheng, Y. Wang

Chapter 11-18.Geochronology, geochemistry and implications
of Au-mineralized porphyries in the Linzhou basin,
Gangdese belt, Tibet ......................................... 1287
   Zhu Dicheng, Pan Guitang, Wang Liquan, Li Guangming,
   Liao Zhongli, Geng Quanru

Session 12
Geodynamics and metallogeny of the Altaid Orogen
(IAG0D+IGCP-473) ............................................. 1291

Chapter 12-1. Geology, petrology and geochemistry of the
Baishiquan Cu-Ni-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in
Xinjiang, NW China ........................................... 1293
   F. Chai, Z. Zhang, J.-W. Mao, L. Dong, H. Wu, X. Mo

Chapter 12-2. Discovery of picrite and related iron-copper-
gold mineralization in North Junggar, Xinjiang, China ........ 1297
   Yuchuan Chen, Dequan Liu, Ruhong Zhou, Yanling Tang,
   Denghong Wang, Lijuan Ying, Ting Liang

Chapter 12-3. Lead sources in ore deposits and magmatic
rocks of the Tien Shan and Chinese Altay ..................... 1301
   M. Chiaradia, D. Konopelko, R. Seltmann, R. Cliff

Chapter 12-4. Distribution of gold in the Paleozoic
sedimentary strata of the Kyrgyz range
(northern Tien-Shan) ......................................... 1305
   A.V. Djenchuraeva, D.D. Djenchuraev, A.D. Gonchar

Chapter 12-5. Geodynamics and metallogeny of active
continental margins of the Kyrgyz Tien Shan .................. 1309
   R.D. Djenchuraeva

Chapter 12-6. Granitoids and related mineralization of
Mongolia: Petrochemistry and mineral deposits GIS ............ 1313
   O. Gerel, S. Amar-Amgalan, S. Oyungerel, S.
   Myagmarsuren, D. Kirwin, R. Armstrong, R.
   Herrington, R. Seltmann

Chapter 12-7. Mass transfer during alteration and Au
precipitation at Muruntau: Alteration behaviour of
different rock types ......................................... 1317
   T. Graupner, U. Kempe, V.J. Wall, R. Seltmann,
   S. Köhler, V. Shatov 

Chapter 12-8. The Bainaimiao Cu deposit in Inner Mongolia,
China: A possible orogenic-type Cu deposit ................... 1321
   Wen-Bo Li, Yan-Jing Chen, Yong Lai

Chapter 12-9. Zonation of polymetallic, rare-earth,
molybdenum, zirconium, beryllium and tantalum-niobium
mineralization in the Ak-Tyuz ore deposits (Northern
Tien Shan) ................................................... 1323
   N. Malyukova, V. Kim, R. Tulyaev

Chapter 12-10.Eight stages of major ore deposits in
northern Xinjiang, NW-China: Clues and constraints on
the tectonic evolution and continental growth of
central Asia ................................................. 1327
   Kezhang Qin, Wenjiao Xiao, Lianchang Zhang, Xingwang Xu,
   Jie Hao, Shu Sun, Jiliang Li, Richard M. Tosdal

Chapter 12-11.GIS package on mineral deposits database and
thematic maps of Central Eurasia ............................. 1331
   R. Seltmann, V. Shatov, G. Guriev, A. Yakubchuk, A.

Chapter 12-12.Rare-earth element and noble gas studies
of Kuoerzhenkuola gold field, Xinjiang, China: A mantle
connection for mineralization ................................ 1335
   P. Shen, Y. Shen, T. Liu, G. Li, Q. Zeng

Chapter 12-13.Genesis of volcanic-hosted gold deposits
in West Junggar, NW China .................................... 1339
   Y. Shen, P. Shen, T. Liu, G. Li, Q. Zeng

Chapter 12-14.Metallogenic characteristics of the Central
Asia-type orogenic zone in West China ........................ 1343
   Sun Baosheng, Wang Cheng, Zhang Jian

Chapter 12-15.Strike-slip fault controls on mineralization
in the Kanggurtag gold belt in the Eastern Tianshan,
Xinjiang, NW China ........................................... 1347
   Y.T. Wang, J.W. Mao, W. Chen, J.M. Yang, Z.L. Wang,
   F.Q. Yang

Chapter 12-16.Lithochemical factors for paragenetic Cu-Ni
sulfide and vanadium-titanomagnetite deposits: A case
study from the Xiangshanxi deposit, Xinjiang, China .......... 1351
   Wang Yuwang, Wang Jingbin, Wang Lijuan

Chapter 12-17.Paleozoic reconstruction and tectonic
evolution of north Xinjiang, NW China: Implications
for the lateral growth of central Asia ....................... 1355
   Wen-Jiao Xiao, Chun-Ming Han, Chao Yuan, Han-Lin Chen,
   Zi-Long Li, Min Sun, Guo-Chun Zhao, Ke-Zhang Qin,
   Ji-Liang Li, Shu Sun

Chapter 12-18.Fluid inclusions in gold mineralization in
the Sarekoubu area of the southern Altai Mountains,
Xinjiang, China .............................................. 1359
   J. Xu, Y. Xie, С Zhong, X. Yuan, R. Ding

Chapter 12-19.SHRIMP zircon age of the Kaejiao intrusion
in the Sawuer region, Xinjiang ............................... 1363
   Yuan Feng, Zhou Taofa, Fan Yu, Tan Lugui, Yue Shucang

Chapter 12-20.Sulfur, helium and argon isotopic features
of gold deposits in the Sawuershan region, Xinjiang,
NW China ..................................................... 1365
   Qing-dong Zeng, Yuan-chao Shen, Ping Shen, Guang-ming
   Li, Tie-bing Liu

Chapter 12-21.Multiple mineralization in the eastern
Tianshan mountains, NW China: Evidence from isotope
geochronology ................................................ 1369
   L.-C. Zhang, K.-Z. Qin, W.-J. Xiao

Chapter 12-22.Magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide deposits in northern
Xinjiang, China: A review .................................... 1373
   Z.-H. Zhang, F.-M. Chai, J.-W. Mao, Z.-L. Wang, D.-H.
   Wang, Z.-C. Zhang J.-M.Yang

Session 13
Metallogeny of the Au-Ag-Se-Te mineralized systems
(IAGOD +IGCP-486 sponsored) .................................. 1377

Chapter 13-1. Zonation of Au, Ag, Se and Те in orebodies
from the Kochbulak gold-telluride deposit (Uzbekistan) ....... 1379
   Umid K. Aripov

Chapter 13-2. Bismuth tellurides as gold scavengers .......... 1383
   Cristiana L. Ciobanu, Nigel. J. Cook, Allan Pring

Chapter 13-3. Tellurides in Au deposits: Implications for
modelling .................................................... 1387
   Nigel J. Cook, Cristiana L. Ciobanu

Chapter 13-4. New occurrences of gold-porphyry type ores in
the southeast of East Sayan (Russia) ......................... 1391
   B.B. Damdinov

Chapter 13-5. Polymetallic assemblages with precious metal
tellurides and sulfosalts from the Furtei epithermal Au
deposit, Sardinia, Italy: Paragenesis and genetic
significance ................................................. 1395
   S. Fadda, M. Fiori, S.M. Grillo, С. Matzuzzi

Chapter 13-6. Ore-forming fluids in gold-telluride
deposits in the Pingyi area, western Shandong, China ......... 1399
   Huabin Hu, Jingwen Mao, Shuyin Niu, Fengmei Chai,
   Yongfeng Li, Mengwen Li

Chapter 13-7. Au-Ag-Se-Te mineral and geochemical systems
in black shale-hosted deposits (Uzbekistan) .................. 1403
   Rustam I. Koneev, Arpay H. Turesebekov, Evgeniy N.
   Ignatikov, B.B. Vasilevsky, R.R. Rakhimov

Chapter 13-8. The relationship between Carbonaceous chert
and selenium enrichment in the Yutangba selenium deposit,
China ........................................................ 1407
   J. Liu, H. Xie, J. Wang, С Feng, G. Zhou, Z. Li

Chapter 13-9. A sedex-typestibnite-only deposit in the
giant metallogenicSb belt, South China ....................... 1411
   J.M.Liu, J. Ye

Chapter 13-10.The telluride mineralization event(s) within
the late-variscan gold deposits in the western Sudetes
(NE part of the Bohemian massif, SW Poland) .................. 1415
   S.Z. Mikulski

Chapter 13-11.Occurrence and paragenesis of tellurium in
mineral deposits of Argentina ................................ 1419
   W.H. Paar, H. Putz, D. Тора, M.K. de Brodtkorb,
   R.J. Sureda

Chapter 13-12. Genesis and geochemistry feature of
carbonaceous siliceous rocks in Shuanghe Se-deposit,
Enshi, Hubei province, China ................................. 1423
   Qian Handong, Zheng Xiang, Wu Xuemei

Chapter 13-13.Progress in developing Te-Xe dating of ore
minerals ..................................................... 1427
   H.V. Thomas, R.A.D. Pattrick, J.D. Gilmour

Chapter 13-14.Gold - telluride ore mineralisation in the
Chatkal-Kurama region: The case of the Samarchuk deposit ..... 1431
   Akromiddin Z. Umarov

Chapter 13-15.Mineralogy of the high-sulfidation Cu-Sb-Te
Mavrokoryfi prospect (western Thrace, Greece) ................ 1435
    Panagiotis Voudouris

Chapter 13-16.Synthetic palladium tellurides, their
structures and mineralogical significance .................... 1439
   A. Vymazalova, P. Ondrus, M. Dräbek

Chapter 13-17.Bulong quartz-barite vein-type gold deposit
in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, China ............... 1443
   Fuquan Yang, Jingwen Mao, Caishang Zhao, Yitian Wang

Chapter 13-18.Ore geology and fluid-system of the
Yindonggou Ag deposit, Henan: Implications for genetic
type ......................................................... 1447
   Zhang Jing, Chen Yan-jing

Chapter 13-19.Au-Te deposits associated with alkali-rich
igneous rocks in China ....................................... 1451
   Zhao Zhenhua, Zhang Peihua, Xiong Xiaolin, Wang Qiang

Session 14
Conceptual targeting of mineral deposits ..................... 1455

Chapter 14-1. Regional targeting of epithermal Au-Ag
deposits in a Miocene-Pliocene volcanic terrane:
Hauraki goldfield, New Zealand ............................... 1457
   A.B. Christie, R.L. Brathwaite

Chapter 14-2. Conceptual models in gold exploration .......... 1461
   Greg Hall

Chapter 14-3. Reflection extraction with wavelet package
transform in Vibroseis mineral deposit exploration ........... 1465
   Z.J. Jiang, X.J. Qiu, H.W. Chen, J. Lin, Z.B. Chen

Chapter 14-4. Mineralisation potential mapping for
ophiolite-hosted volcanic massive sulphide (VHMS)
deposits, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus .......................... 1469
   S.M. Jowitt, f.M. McEvoy, J.P. Williamson, L. Bateson,
   J. Naden, A.G. Gunn, S. Nicolaides

Chapter 14-5. Probabilistic analysis for regional mineral
potential mapping with GIS for sedimentary ore deposits
in the Kangwondo Area, Korea ................................. 1473
   Kim In Joon, Lee Jae Ho, Lee Sa Ro, Kim Yu Dong

Chapter 14-6.  Discussion on approximated estimation method
of the three-parameter lognormal distribution ................ 1475
   Mengwen Li, Jingwen Mao, Mingguo Zhan, Huishou Ye,
   Baojian Guo, Fengmei Chai, Qinghong Xu

Chapter 14-7. Mapping of hydrothermal alteration and
geochemical gradients as a tool for conceptual targeting:
St Ives Gold Camp, Western Australia ......................... 1479
   Peter Neumayr, Klaus J. Petersen, Louis Gauthier,
   Joanna Hodge, Steffen G. Hagemann, John L. Walshe,
   Kylie Prendergast, Karen Conners, Leo Horn, Peter
   Frikken, Anthony Roache, Richard Blewett

Chapter 14-8. Strategies for facilitating predictive
discovery of blind ore bodies in maturely mined districts .... 1483
   Sheng-Lin Peng, Liang-Ming Liu, Chongbin Zhao, Zhi-Ming
   Shu, Yong-Jun Shao

Chapter 14-9. Structural pattern for normal faulting of
west central Iran ............................................ 1487
   Mortaza Pirouz

Chapter 14-10.Design of object-relational spatial databases
for mineral deposit research and targeting ................... 1489
   L.D. Setijadji, K. Watanabe

Chapter 14-11.Application of conceptual targeting
approaches in porphyry copper exploration: Examples
from the Cordillera de Domeyko, northern Chile ............... 1493
   Jorge Skarmeta

Chapter 14-12.The effect of sedimentary cover on
submarine hydrothermal processes - some simple
numerical simulations and applications ....................... 1497
   P. Sorjonen-Ward, Y. Zhang, P. Alt-Epping, A. Ord,
   T. Cudahy, U. Kuronen

Chapter 14-13.New exploration developments using a new
exploration parameter (alteration remote sensing anomaly)
for metallic deposits in EastTianshan ........................ 1501
   Yang Jianmin, Zhang Yujun, Wu Hua, Deng Gang, Li Mengwen

Chapter 14-14.Application of the EH4 image system to the
detection of blind gold deposits, China ...................... 1505
   Q.D. Zeng, J.M. Liu, H.T. Liu, G.M. Li, T.B. Liu,
   C.M. Yu, P. Shen, J. Ye

Chapter 14-15.Numerical modelling of coupled deformation
and fluid flow in mineralisation processes ................... 1509
   Y. Zhang, A. Ord, P.A. Roberts, P. Sorjonen-Ward,
   Ge Lin, Y.J. Wang

Chapter 14-16. A new exploration parameter for metallic
deposits: The alteration remote sensing anomaly .............. 1513
   Yujun Zhang, Jianmin Yang

Session 15
Exploration, Discovery, and Mine Developments in China
(SEG Sponsored Session) ...................................... 1517

Chapter 15-1. Metallogeny and prospectivity of the
Dayaoshan Region, Guangxi Province, China .................... 1519
   Cui Bin, Huang Huimin, Zhao Lei, Li Zhong

Chapter 15-2. The high-grade Baolun gold deposit, Hainan
Island, China ................................................ 1521
   Shijiang Ding, Yangrong Fu, Taihe Zhou, Guoyi Dong

Chapter 15-3. Characteristics of rock-chip geochemical
anomalies of No. 460 gold deposits in Gansu Province,
China ........................................................ 1523
   Wei-Xuan Fang, Zhuan-Ying Huang, Bin Zhou,
   Yun-Bing Nong, Tian-You Zheng

Chapter 15-4. Geological characteristics of the Yindonggou
Ag-Au-Pb deposit and its mineralization model.
East Qinling ................................................. 1527
   Baojian Guo, Jingwen Mao, Yongfeng Li, Changqing Zhang,
   Zhiguang Wang, Huishou Ye, Mengwen Li

Chapter 15-5. Mesozoic Au-Ag-Pb-Mo mineralization in the
Xiong'ershan area, western Henan Province, China ............. 1531
   Baojian Guo, Jingwen Mao, Yongfeng Li, Fengmei Chai,
   Huishou Ye, Mengwen Li

Chapter 15-6. The significance of the early deformation
architecture in localizing "Carlin-like" gold
mineralisation at the Jianchaling Gold deposit, Shaanxi
province. Peoples Republic of China .......................... 1535
   Andrew. P. Ham, Fan Kaiqiang, R. Corben, P.J. Uttley

Chapter 15-7. Source of fluids in the Longquanzhan gold
deposits in the Yishui area, Shandong, China ................. 1539
   Huabin Hu, Shuyin Niu, Baode Wang, Aiqun Sun, Chuanshi
   Xu, Yongfeng Li, Mengwen Li

Chapter 15-8. The Jinfeng gold deposit: A new mine leading
the way for foreign investment in Guizhou Province, China .... 1543
   Robert P. Ilchik, Phillip J. Uttley, Ross Corben, Alex
   Yongming Zhang, Andrew P. Ham, Paul Hodkiewicz

Chapter 15-9. An overview of diamond exploration in the
North China Craton ........................................... 1547
   Michael Michaud

Chapter 15-10.Metallogenic dynamics and model of cobalt
deposition in the eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Qinghai
Province ..................................................... 1551
   Tong Pan, Caisheng Zhao, Fengyue Sun

Chapter 15-11.A review of gold exploration in the Tulasi
Area, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China ................ 1555
   Peng Zhang

Chapter 15-12.Analyzing metallogenic conditions and
exploration in the Mian-Lue-Kang tectonic belt, Shannxi
and Sichuan provinces, China ................................. 1557
   Ren Xiaohua, Wang ruiting, Li Furang, Wang Junyi,
   Mao Jingwen, Wang Xiaohong

Chapter 15-13.Zhengguang: A potentially large, high-grade
epithermal gold deposit in the Duobaoshan metallogenic
belt, Heilongjiang, northeastern China ....................... 1559
   Zhang Baolin, Wang Jie, Liang Guanghe, Xiao Qibin,
   Cai Xinping, Song Baochang, Zheng Qingdao

Chapter 15-14.An under-recognized mineralization style
along the northern margin of the North China craton:
Potential for discovery of large-tonnage disseminated
and stockwork-style gold deposits ............................ 1561
   T. Zhou, G. Dong

Index of Contributors ........................................ 1565

Subject Index ................................................ 1603

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