Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on System Science. Vol. 1 (Wroclaw, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаProceedings of the 16th International Conference on System Science. Vol. 1 / ed. by Grzech A. - Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej, 2007. - 541 p. - ISBN 978-83-7493-339-1

Оглавление / Contents
Volume I

Preface ........................................................ 13

In Memoriam of Professor Zdzislaw Bubnicki

In Memory of Professor Zdzislaw Bubnicki
   Jozefezyk Jerzy, Јwiatck Jerzy .............................. 17

Dead-Time Compensation on Discrete Time Control
   Albcrtos Pedro, Garcia Pedro ................................ 20

Maintainability of Positive Linear Discrete-Time Systems
   James Glyn, Rumchev Ventsi .................................. 30

Realization Problem for Positive Multivariable Continuous-Time
Systems with Delays
   Kaczorek Tadcusz ............................................ 47

On the H2, L2 and H, L Optimality of Some Two-Degree of
Freedom Control Systems
   Keviczky Laszlo, Banyasz Cs. ................................ 57

Integration of Knowledge Systems: the Needs, Challenges,
and Opportunities
   Rao Ganti Prasada ........................................... 74

Professor Zdzislaw Bubnicki - Memories of an Intellectually
Inspired Friend
   Rao Ganti Prasada ........................................... 83

On Some Aspects of Systems Theory
   Vallee Robert ............................................... 88

General Systems Theory

Stability of Delayed Systems Modeled by Fractional Models
   De la Sen Manuel ............................................ 95

Application of Linear Quadratic Regulator for Nonlinear Systems
Based on the Parameter Sensitivity
   Ghaemi M.H. ................................................ 105

Self-Adjustment of Multiloop Systems
   Goncharov Valery, Volzhenin Ivan ........................... 116

Directional Change for Rate-Constrained Systems with
Anti-Windup Compensation
   Horla Dariusz .............................................. 122

Optimized Conditioning Technique for a priori Anti-Windup
   Horla Dariusz .............................................. 132

Positive Continuous-Time Linear Time-Varying Lyapunov Systems
   Kaczorek Tadeusz, Przyborowski Przemystaw .................. 140

Computation of Positive Realization of MIMO Hybrid Linear
Systems with Delays Using the State Variable Diagram Method
   Kaczorek Tadcusz, Sajewski Lukasz .......................... 150

Generalized Regular Differential Systems with Distributed Delay
   Kalogeropoulos Grigoris, Pantelous Athanasios,
   Kossak Olha ................................................ 161

Receding Horizon Control for В MI Based Man - Machine Systems
   Kawabe Tohru ............................................... 178

H2-Optimal Interpolation Based Model Reduction for Large Scale
   Kubalinska Dorota, Bunse-Gerstner Angelika, Vossen Georg,
   Wilczek Daniel ............................................. 188

General Autonomous Systems: the Principle of Minimal Structure
   Lopez Ignacio, Sanz Ricardo, Hernandez Carlos,
   Hernando Adolfo ............................................ 198

Perception in General Autonomous Systems
   Lopez Ignacio, Sanz Ricardo, Hernandez Carlos,
   Hernando Adolfo ............................................ 204

On the Design of a High Precision Slate Feedback Robust Control
   Lozowicka-Stupnicka Teresa, Lozowicka Dorota,
   Lozowicki Adam ............................................. 211

Predictive Control of Semiactive Suspension Systems
   Ogonowski Zbigniew ......................................... 220

Robust Simultaneous Stabilization of Uncertain Discrete-Time
   Pakshin Pavel, Soloviev Sergey ............................. 230

Alexander Lyapunov: Unknown Pages of the Life
   Pakshina Natalia, Pakshina Anna ............................ 240

Diagnosis- Time Assessment in Discrete Event Systems Using
Timed Petri Nets
   Tabakow Iwan ............................................... 247

Control Theory

Methods of Calculation for Mobile Control in Distributed
Parameter Systems
   Butkovskiy Anatoliy G., Kubyshkin Victor A.,
   Finyagina Valcriya I. ...................................... 257

Adaptive Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Non-Minimum Phase
Systems Using Neural Networks
   Hoscini Saeed M, Farrokhi Mohammad, Koshkouci Ali J. ....... 267

Analysis and Optimal Control of Linear Time Varying Systems
via the Linear Legendre Mother Wavelets
   Khellat F., Vasegh N. ...................................... 277

Nonlinear Robust Output Feedback Control of Submersibles via
Modeling Error Compensation
   Nambisan Pradeep, Singh Sahjendra .......................... 287

Optimal Control and Stability of Resonant Elliptic Systems
   Skowron Andrzej, Walczak Stanislaw ......................... 297

On Search for Two Criteria Optimal Control In a Problem of
Biotechnology by Means of Parametric Optimization
   Zilinskas Antanas, Mackute-Varoncckiene Ausra .............. 307

Systems Identification, Modeling and Simulation Dynamic System
Identifier. Experimental Investigation
   Alexandrov Albert, Khomutov Dmitry, Karikov Dmitry ......... 319

A Method of Non-linear Time Series Prediction
   Biclinska Ewa .............................................. 328

Advanced Dimensional Analysis Module (ADAM)
   Brylka Michal, Jarmal Piotr, Sawko Robert,
   Swiatkowski Lukasz ......................................... 338

On Convergence of an Adaptive Control Algorithm Based on Pattern
   Brzostowski Krzysztof, Swiajck Jerzy ....................... 341

Algorithm of Recurrent Multilayer Perceptrons Learning for
Global Modeling of Complex Systems
   Drapala Jaroslaw, Swiatek Jerzy ............................ 351

On Convergence of Algorithm of Neural Networks Learning for
Global Modeling of Complex Systems
   Drapala Jaroslaw ........................................... 359

Adaptive Model Structures for Nonlinear System Identification
   Dydynski Andrzej ........................................... 369

Tools of Control Object Identification
   Goncharov Valcery, Rudnitski Vladislav ..................... 379

Embedding Object-Oriented Petri Nets Into a Devs-Based
Simulation Framework
   Janousck Vladimir, Koci Radek .............................. 386

An Architecture for Simulation-Based Evolutionary Design
of Systems
   Janousck Vladimir, Kironsky E1od, Polasck Petr ............. 396

Comparison of Statistical Distribution Fitting Techniques
for Multivariate Data Simulation
   Kabadayi Mert, Vinsonncau Benoit, Burnham Keith J. ......... 406

Gaussian Process Model Identification: a Process Engineering
Case Study
   Kocijan Jus, Azman Kristjan ................................ 418

Structured Total Least Norm for ARX System Identification
   Larkowski Tomasz, Vinsonncau Benoit, Burnham Keith J. ...... 428

Continuous-Time Systems Identification in the Presence of
Disturbances over the Nyquist Frequency
   Latos Mariusz .............................................. 438

Errors-in-Variables Filtering Approaches for Bilinear Systems
   Linden Jens G., Vinsonncau Benoit, Burnham Keith J. ........ 446

A New Technique for Order Determination of Two-Dimensional
ARMA Models
   Sadabadi Mahdiyc Saadat, Shafiee Masoud, Karrari Mehdi ..... 456

Identification of a Component in the Input/Output Object
- General Form of Physical Process Function
   Sawko Robert ............................................... 463

System Identification Using the Neural-Extended Kalman Filter
for Slate-Estimation and Controller Modification
   Stubberud Stephen C., Kramer Kathleen A. ................... 470

The Backwards Simulation of Dynamic Systems on Electronic
   Timofeev Alexander O. ...................................... 481

Large Scale Control Systems and Systems Optimization
On the Market Economy Development Parametrical Regulation Theory
   Ashimov Abdykappar, Sagadiyev Kenzhegaly, Borovskiy Yuriy,
   Iskakov Nurlan, Ashimov Askar .............................. 493

Multiagent Hybrid Control of Dynamic Complex Energy Systems
   Dula Marek ................................................. 503

Design of Hybrid Control Systems
   Kica Peter, Sarnovsky Jan, Hladky Vratislav ................ 510

Incentive Problem Under Pareto Uncertainty
   Novikov Dmitry ............................................. 519

Concurrent Software-Hardware Optimisation of Adaptive Estimation,
Identification and Filtering Systems
   Platonov Anatoliy .......................................... 525

Index of Authors .............................................. 537

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