Mazor E. Global water dynamics (N.Y., 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMazor E. Global water dynamics: shallow and deep groundwater, petroleum hydrology, hydrothermal fluids, and landscaping. - N.Y.: Dekker, 2004. - 393 p. - (Books in soils, plants, and the environment). - ISBN 0-8247-5322-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii

Part I. The Geohydroderm and Its Major Groundwater-Containing

 1. Water Propelled Geological Processes and Shaped the
    Landscapes of Our Planet .................................... 2
    1.1  Water-Earth's Sculptor ................................. 2
    1.2  Water-The Unique Fluid on Our Planet ................... 5
    1.3  The Special Properties of Water that Are the Base of
         All the Phenomena Dealt with in this Book .............. 7
    1.4  Key Roles of the Oceans in the Dynamics of the
         Global Water Cycle .................................... 10
    1.5  Fresh Water Erodes Mountains but Exists Thanks to
         Them .................................................. 11
    1.6  Formation Water, Entrapped in Isolated
         Rock-Compartments, Has a Meteoric Isotopic
         Composition and an Imprint of Evaporitic Brines ....... 11
    1.7  Location of Land and Sea Changed Constantly ........... 11
    1.8  Petroleum Hydrology ................................... 12
    1.9  Earth Exhibits Rocks that Are Unique Resources of
         this Planet-Products of Water-Induced Processes ....... 13
    1.10 The Dynamics of the Global Water Cycle Propelled
         Biological Evolution .................................. 13
    1.11 Summary Exercises ..................................... 15

 2. Exploring and Understanding the Geohydroderm by Sequences
    of Observations and Conclusions ............................ 16
    2.1  Global Groundwater Research Within the Geohydroderm ... 16
    2.2  The Active Cycle of Fresh Surface Water and
         Unconfined Groundwater ................................ 18
    2.3  Interstitial Water Entrapped in Rocks Beneath the
         Vast Oceans ........................................... 24
    2.4  Fossil Formation Waters Entrapped Within Sedimentary
         Basins and Rift Valleys ............................... 27
    2.5  Halite and Gypsum ..................................... 31
    2.6  Shallow and Deep Groundwaters Are Indispensable
         Geological Records .................................... 31
    2.7  Brine-Spray-Tagged Meteoric Formation Water Is Also
         Common Within Crystalline Shields ..................... 33
    2.8  Petroleum Occurrence and Genesis ...................... 35
    2.9  Warm and Boiling Groundwaters ......................... 37
    2.10 Summary Exercises ..................................... 39

 3. Basic Research Concepts, Aims and Queries, Tools, and
    Strategies ................................................. 41
    3.1 Basic Research Concepts and Terms ...................... 41
    3.2 Research Aims and Queries .............................. 44
    3.3 The Research Tools ..................................... 53
    3.4 Research Strategies .................................... 61
    3.5 Summary Exercises ...................................... 63

Part II. Shifting of Water and Salts Between Oceans and Continents

 4. Shallow Cycling Groundwater, Its Tagging by Sea Spray,
    and the Underlying Zone of Static Groundwater .............. 66
    4.1 Groundwater Facies of the Geohydroderm ................. 66
    4.2 Sea Spray Salts Concentrated Along a Large River
        System - The Murray River Basin, Australia ............. 68
    4.3 Sea Spray Salts Concentrated in a Closed Lake System
        Within an Arid Zone - Yalgorup National Park,
        Australia .............................................. 75
    4.4 Sea Spray Salts Concentrated in Unconfined
        Groundwater-Campaspe River Basin, Australia ............ 76
    4.5 Sea Spray-Tagged Fresh and Saline Groundwaters in the
        Unconfined Groundwater System at the Crystalline
        Shield of the Wheatbelt, Australia ..................... 78
    4.6 Sea Spray Versus Brine-Spray Tagging ................... 82
    4.7 Sea-Derived Ions Serve as Benchmarks Identifying
        Water-Rock Interactions ................................ 82
    4.8 Gravitational Flow in the Unconfined Groundwater
        System and Static Water Storage Beneath ................ 83
    4.9 Summary Exercises ...................................... 91

 5. Interstitial Waters in Rock Strata Beneath the Oceans ...... 92
    5.1  Extending Our Hydrological Curiosity to Beneath the
         Oceans ................................................ 92
    5.2  The Deep Sea Drilling Project ......................... 93
    5.3  Water Content in Suboceanic Sediments ................. 93
    5.4  The Widespread Marine Facies of Interstitial Water
         (Cl ~ 19 g/L, Cl/Br ~ 300, Diagenetic Changes Are
         Common) ............................................... 94
    5.5  Continental Brine-Tagged Facies: Salinity Higher
         than Seawater Cl/Br 200 or Lower, Ca-Cl Present ....... 98
    5.6  Information Retrievable from Below-Ocean
         Interstitial Waters .................................. 108
    5.7  Interstitial Water is Connate Water, Entrapped in
         Its Host Rocks Since the Initial Stage of
         Sedimentation ........................................ 111
    5.8  Interstitial Waters Tagged by Brine-Spray Disclose
         that the History of the Mediterranean Sea Basin
         Included a Continental Stage ......................... 111
    5.9  Geological Evidence Proves that the Mediterranean
         Sea Underwent a Phase of Drying Up ................... 112
    5.10 Summary Exercises .................................... 113

 6. Salt, Gypsum, and Clay Strata Within Sedimentary
    Basins Disclose Large-Scale Evaporitic Paleo-Landscapes ... 115
    6.1  Minerals Formed Along the Continuous Evaporation
         Path of Seawater and Notes on the Composition of
         the Residual Brines .................................. 115
    6.2  Formation of Halite and Gypsum Deposits
         Necessitated Evaporation of Tremendous Amounts of
         Seawater During Extended Time Intervals .............. 116
    6.3  Evaporitic Paleo-Facies: Information Recorded by
         Associated Formation Waters .......................... 117
    6.4  The Permian "Saline Giant" of the Salado
         Formation - An Ancient Evaporitic Megasystem ......... 118
    6.5  Evaporite Deposits Are Common in Sedimentary
         Basins ............................................... 119
    6.6  Silurian Salt Deposits Were Not Dissolved by the
         Nearby Formation Water ............................... 120
    6.7  Recent Lowering of the Dead Sea Lowered the Coastal
         Groundwater Base Flow and Initiated Rapid
         Dissolution of a Buried 109000-Year-Old Halite Bed ... 121
    6.8  The Many Preserved Salt Beds Manifest the
         Preservation of Connate Groundwaters ................. 122
    6.9  Limestone-Clay Alterations Reflect Alternating Sea
         Transgressions and Regressions ....................... 123
    6.10 Summary Exercises .................................... 123

Part III. Deep Groundwater Systems-Fossil Formation Waters

 7. The Geosystem of the Fossil Brine-Tagged Meteoric
    Formation Waters .......................................... 126
    7.1 Formation Waters Within Sedimentary Basins ............ 126
    7.2 Formation Waters Within Rift Valleys .................. 140
    7.3 Fossil Nonsaline Groundwaters Tagged by CaCl2,
        Formed During the Messinian, at the Land Bordering
        the Dried-Up Mediterranean Sea ........................ 149
    7.4 Some Physical Aspects of Formation Waters ............. 151
    7.5 The Fruitcake Structure of the Formation Waters and
        Petroleum-Containing Geosystem ........................ 153
    7.6 A Brief History of the Basic Concept of Connate
        Groundwater ........................................... 154
    7.7 The Bottom Line: Brine-Spray-Tagged Formation Waters
        Provide Markers of Paleo-Landscapes, Water Age, and
        Paleoclimate .......................................... 155
    7.8 Solving a Great Puzzle: Why Are Recent Groundwaters
        Sea Tagged and Commonly Rather Fresh, Whereas
        Formation Waters Are By and Large Saline and Brine
        Tagged? ............................................... 155
    7.9 Summary Exercises ..................................... 157

 8. Fossil Formation Waters Range in Age from Tens of
    Thousands to Hundreds of Millions of Years ................ 158
    8.1 Confinement Ages of Connate Waters and Criteria to
        Check Them ............................................ 158
    8.2 Isotopic Dating of Fossil Groundwaters ................ 158
    8.3 Hydraulic Age Calculations - An Erroneous Approach
        to Confined Goundwaters, Which Are Static ............. 161
    8.4 Radiogenic 40Ar Dating ................................ 163
    8.5 Mixed Water Samples Are Commonly Encountered .......... 164
    8.6 Isotopic Dating of Very Old Groundwaters .............. 166
    8.7 Conclusions and Management Implications ............... 169
    8.8 Summary Exercises ..................................... 170

 9. Brine-Tagged Meteoric Formation Waters Are Also Common
    in Crystalline Shields: Geological Conclusions
    and Relevance to Nuclear Waste Repositories ............... 171
    9.1 The Special Nature of Data Retrieved from Boreholes
        in Crystalline Rocks .................................. 171
    9.2 Observations Based on Data from the Fennoscandian
        and Canadian Shields and Deduced Boundary
        Conditions ............................................ 176
    9.3 What Typifies Formation Waters Within Crystalline
        Rocks? ................................................ 190
    9.4 Results from the KTB Deep Research Boreholes .......... 194
    9.5 Isotopic Dating of the Fossil Groundwaters Within
        Shields ............................................... 196
    9.6 Working Hypothesis: Tectonic "Fracture Pumps"
        Introduced Meteoric Groundwater to Great Depths ....... 200
    9.7 The Saline Waters in Shields Serve as a Geological
        Record ................................................ 200
    9.8 Nuclear Waste Disposal Implications ................... 201
    9.9 Summary Exercises ..................................... 202

Part IV. Petroleum Hydrology

10. Anatomy of Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Fields
    Highlighted by Formation Waters ........................... 205
    10.1  Petroleum and Associated Formation Waters Are
          Complementing Sources of Information ................ 205
    10.2  Petroleum-Associated Formation Waters in the
          Western Canada Sedimentary Basin .................... 206
    10.3  Petroleum-Associated Formation Waters Within
          Ordovician Host Rocks, Ontario, Canada .............. 212
    10.4  Kettleman Dome Formation Waters Associated with
          Petroleum-Key Observations and Concluded Boundary
          Conditions .......................................... 213
    10.5  Shallow Formation Water and Petroleum in Devonian
          Rocks, Eastern Margin of the Michigan Basin ......... 217
    10.6  Petroleum-Associated Brines in Paleozoic
          Sandstone, Eastern Ohio ............................. 222
    10.7  Formation Waters of the Mississippi Salt Dome
          Basin Disclose Detailed Stages of Petroleum
          Formation ........................................... 228
    10.8  Norwegian Shelf: Petroleum-Associated Formation
          Waters, Upper Triassic to Upper Cretaceous .......... 235
    10.9  Lithostratigraphic Controls of
          Compartmentalization Were Effective from the
          Initial Stage of Subsidence and Further Evolved
          Under Subsidence-Induced Compaction ................. 238
    10.10 Summary Exercises ................................... 239

11. Evolution of Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum
    Highlighted by the Facies of the Host Rocks and Coal ...... 240
    11.1 Sediments Formed in Large-Scale Sea-Land Contact
         Zones ................................................ 240
    11.2 Lithological Evidence of Subaerial Exposure Phases ... 247
    11.3 The Lithological Record of Inland Basins and Rift
         Valleys .............................................. 249
    11.4 Rock-Compartment Structures and Their Evolution ...... 252
    11.5 Compartmentalization Was Effective from the Initial
         Stage of Subsidence and Further Evolved Under
         Compaction ........................................... 253
    11.6 Summary Exercises .................................... 253

12. Petroleum and Coal Formation in Closed Compartments -
    The Pressure-Cooker Model ................................. 255
    12.1 Did Petroleum Migrate Tens and Even Hundreds of
         Kilometers? .......................................... 255
    12.2 Coal-A Fossil Fuel Formed with No Migration Being
         Involved ............................................. 259
    12.3 Boundary Conditions Set by Formation Waters and
         Petroleum and Coal Deposits .......................... 262
    12.4 The Pressure-Cooker Model of Petroleum Formation
         and Concentration Within Closed Compartments ......... 263
    12.5 Another Case Study Supporting the Pressure-Cooker
         Model ................................................ 267
    12.6 Pressure-Regulating Mechanisms Within Rock
         Sequences Discussed in Light of the Fruitcake
         Structure of Isolated Rock-Compartments .............. 268
    12.7 Summary Exercises .................................... 269

Part V. Hydrology of Warm Groundwater and Superheated Volcanic

13. Mineral and Warm Waters: Genesis, Recreation Facilities,
    and Bottling .............................................. 271
    13.1 The Anatomy of Warm Springs .......................... 271
    13.2 Medicinal and Healing Aspects of Warm and Mineral
         Waters ............................................... 286
    13.3 Developing the Resource - The Hydrochemist's Tasks ... 288
    13.4 Local Exhibitions Disclosing the Anatomy of Warm
         and Mineral Water Sources and Their Properties ....... 289
    13.5 Bottled "Mineral Water" .............................. 290
    13.6 Summary Exercises .................................... 290

14. Water in Hydrothermal and Volcanic Systems ................ 292
    14.1 Hydrothermal Systems ................................. 292
    14.2 Yellowstone National Park, Western United States ..... 293
    14.3 Cerro Prieto, Northern Mexico ........................ 304
    14.4 The Wairakei, Tauhara, and Mokai Hydrothermal
         Region, New Zealand .................................. 310
    14.5 Noble Gases in a Section Across the Hydrothermal
         Field of Larderello, Italy ........................... 314
    14.6 Fumaroles of Vulcano, Aeolian Island, Italy .......... 319
    14.7 The Hydrology and Geochemistry of Superheated
         Water in Hydrothermal and Volcanic Systems ........... 326
    14.8 Summary Exercises .................................... 327

Part VI. Implementation, Research, and Education

15. Data Acquisition, Processing, Monitoring, and Banking ..... 329
    15.1 Sample Collection and In Situ Measurements ........... 329
    15.2 Checking the Laboratories' and Data Quality .......... 330
    15.3 Types of Wells ....................................... 331
    15.4 Multiparameter Studies ............................... 332
    15.5 Multisampling ........................................ 334
    15.6 Monitoring Networks .................................. 336
    15.7 Effective Data Banks ................................. 339
    15.8 Summary Exercises .................................... 340

16. Conclusions and Research Avenues .......................... 341
    16.1 Criteria to Check Working Hypotheses Related
         to Global Water Occurrences .......................... 341
    16.2 Geosystems that Host Fluid Water-Research Topics ..... 348
    16.3 Geological Records-Research Avenues .................. 350
    16.4 Summary Exercises .................................... 352

17. Educational Aspects of Water, the Unique Fluid of Planet
    Earth ..................................................... 354
    17.1 List of Educational Topics ........................... 355
    17.2 National Water and Man Museums ....................... 362
    17.3 Local Exhibitions and Water and Man Demonstration
         Centers .............................................. 363
    17.4 Educational Water Recreation Parks ................... 364
    17.5 Spas ................................................. 364
    17.6 Teaching at School and Student Mini-Research
         Projects ............................................. 364
    17.7 Teaching at Universities ............................. 365

Epilogue: Three Energy Sources and One Transporter -
          The Geo-Quartet Unique to Planet Earth .............. 367
Answers and Discussion of the Exercise Questions .............. 369
References .................................................... 381
Index ......................................................... 391

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