Atom tunneling phenomena in physics, chemistry and biology (Berlin, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAtom tunneling phenomena in physics, chemistry and biology / ed. by Miyazaki T. - Berlin; London: Springer, 2004. - 313 p. - (Springer series on atomic, optical and plasma physics; 36). - ISBN 3-540-01526-4

Оглавление / Contents
1 Introduction (T. Miyazaki) .................................... 1
  1.1 Atom Tunneling Phenomena .................................. 1
  1.2 Aim of the Book ........................................... 4
  1.3 Outline of the Book ....................................... 7
  References ................................................... 11

Part 1  Atom Tunneling in Physics

2 Theory of Atom Tunneling Reactions in the Gas Phase
  (T. Takayanagi) .............................................. 15
  2.1 Introduction ............................................. 15
  2.2 What is Tunneling in Chemical Reactions? ................. 16
  2.3 Quantum Mechanical Methods for Calculating Rate
      Constants ................................................ 18
  2.4 Low Temperature Behavior of Rate Constants:
      Wigner Threshold Law ..................................... 20
  2.5 Effect of van der Waals Interactions on Tunneling
      Reactions ................................................ 21
  2.6 H + H2 Tunneling Reaction in Solid Phase:
      Application of Gas-Phase Models .......................... 24
  2.7 Tunneling in the F + H2, D2, and HD Reactions ............ 26
  2.8 Conclusion and Future Development ........................ 28
  References ................................................... 29

3 Theory of Atom Tunneling Reactions in the Solid Phase
  (L.I. Trakhtenberg) .......................................... 33
  3.1 Introduction ............................................. 33
  3.2 Description of Low Temperature Chemical Reactions ........ 36
  3.3 Experimental Data on H-Atom Tunneling and Fitting by
      One Dimensional Model .................................... 42
  3.4 Effect of Promotive Modes on the Rate Constant of Atom
      Tunneling ................................................ 43
      3.4.1 Relaxation Processes ............................... 44
      3.4.2 Time of Tunneling Transition ....................... 44
      3.4.3 Double Adiabatic Approximation ..................... 45
      3.4.4 Modified Theory of Radiationless Transitions ....... 46
      3.4.5 Comparison of Theory with Experimental Data ........ 48
  3.5 Mechanisms of Temperature and Pressure Dependencies of
      the Rate Constant ........................................ 49
      3.5.1 Role of Medium Reorganization in D-Transfer in
            an Irradiated HD Crystal ........................... 50
      3.5.2 H-atom Tunneling in the Fluorene-Acridine System ... 52
  3.6 Conclusion and Future Development ........................ 54
  References ................................................... 55

4 Atom Tunneling Reactions in Quantum Solid Hydrogen
  (T. Miyazaki) ................................................ 59
  4.1 Introduction. Classical Reactions and Tunneling
      Reactions ................................................ 59
      4.1.1 Temperature Dependence ............................. 60
      4.1.2 Isotope Effect ..................................... 62
  4.2 ESR Measurement at Very Low Temperature .................. 63
  4.3 Conclusive Evidence for Atom Tunneling Reactions ......... 64
      4.3.1 Temperature Independence ........................... 65
      4.3.2 Large Isotope Effect ............................... 66
      4.3.3 Comparison of Experimental Rate Constants with
            Theoretical Values ................................. 68
  4.4 Controlling Factors of Classical Reactions ............... 70
  4.5 Controlling Factors of Tunneling Reactions ............... 70
      4.5.1 Effect of Deformation of Crystalline Structure ..... 70
      4.5.2 Anomalous Temperature Effect on the Decay of H2-
            Anions ............................................. 74
      4.5.3 Effect of Disorder and Energy Dissipation .......... 77
      4.5.4 Inverse Secondary Isotope Effect of Methyl
            Radical Reactions .................................. 85
  4.6 Fascinating Quantum Properties of Solid Hydrogen ......... 86
  4.7 Conclusion and Future Development ........................ 87
  References ................................................... 88

5 Atom Tunneling Phenomena in Quantum Solid and Liquid Helium
  (Y. Miura) ................................................... 91
  5.1 Introduction. Quantum Nature of Helium Atoms ............. 91
  5.2 Nuclear Magnetic Ordering of Solid 3He Arising from
      Tunneling of Atoms ....................................... 92
  5.3 Quantum Nucleation in Superfluid Helium by Tunneling ..... 98
  5.4 Tunneling Motion of Dislocation Lines in Solid 3He ...... 103
  5.5 Conclusion and Future Development ....................... 108
  References .................................................. 109

6 Quantum Tunneling Diffusion (R. Kadono) ..................... 111
  6.1 Introduction ............................................ 111
  6.2 Quantum Tunneling Diffusion of Positive Muons and
      Muonium ................................................. 112
  6.3 Effect of Disorder and Superconductivity ................ 115
  6.4 Muonium in a Bloch State ................................ 117
  6.5 Conclusion and Future Development ....................... 123
  References .................................................. 123

Part 2  Atom Tunneling in Chemistry

7 Fascinating Aspects of Tunneling Reactions in Organic
  Substances (T. Miyazaki) .................................... 127
  7.1 Introduction ............................................ 127
  7.2 Selective Tunneling Reaction in Alkane Mixtures by H
      Atoms ................................................... 128
      7.2.1 Formation of H Atoms in Radiolysis of Alkane ...... 128
      7.2.2 Evidence for Tunneling Reaction ................... 131
      7.2.3 Selectivity in Tunneling Reaction ................. 132
      7.2.4 Local Motion and Selective Tunneling Reaction ..... 135
  7.3 Selective Tunneling Reaction in the Same Alkane by H
      Atoms ................................................... 138
  7.4 Instability of Molecules. Tunneling Elimination of H2
      Molecule from Alkane Cation ............................. 140
  7.5 Instability of Molecules. Tunneling cis-trans
      Isomerization of Formic Acid ............................ 144
  7.6 Conclusion and Future Development ....................... 145
  References .................................................. 145

8 Tunneling Insertion Reaction of Carbenes (H. Tomioka) ....... 147
  8.1 Introduction ............................................ 147
      8.1.1 Dicoordinate Carbon Intermediate-Carbenes ......... 147
      8.1.2 Carbenes Have Two-Electronic States Singlet and
            Triplet Multiplicities ............................ 148
      8.1.3 Singlet and Triplet States Show Different
            Reaction Patterns ................................. 149
      8.1.4 How to Generate a Carbene ......................... 151
  8.2 Reactions of Arylcarbenes with Alkenes at 77 К .......... 152
  8.3 Reactions of Arylcarbenes with Alcohols at 77 К ......... 155
  8.4 Tunneling C-H Insertion from Triplet Carbenes at Low
      Temperature ............................................. 157
  8.5 Why Can Only Triplets Find a Tunneling Pathway? ......... 160
  8.6 Tunneling Reactions of Carbene Having Intramolecular
      Reaction Channels ....................................... 161
  8.7 Tunneling in Intramolecular Reactions ................... 164
  8.8 Tunneling Reaction at Elevated Temperatures ............. 166
  8.9 Conclusion and Future Development ....................... 170
  References .................................................. 171

9 Production of Interstellar Molecules and Amorphous
  Semiconductors by Atom Tunneling Reaction (K. Hiraoka) ...... 173
  9.1 Introduction ............................................ 173
  9.2 Method .................................................. 175
  9.3 Laboratory Simulation of H-atom Tunneling Reactions in
      Interstellar Ices ....................................... 177
      9.3.1 Gas-Grain Processes for the Formation of NH3,
            CH4, and H2O ...................................... 178
      9.3.2 Formation of Formaldehyde by the Tunneling
            Reaction of H with Solid CO at 10К ................ 182
      9.3.3 Tunneling Reactions of H Atoms with Solid C2H2,
            C2H4, andC2H6 ...................................... 184
      9.3.4 Tunneling Reactions of D Atoms with C2H2, C2H4
            and C2H6: Isotope Effect .......................... 189
      9.3.5 Negative Temperature Dependence of H-Atom
            Tunneling Reactions ............................... 190
  9.4 Formation of Amorphous Semiconductor by H-Atom
      Tunneling Reactions ..................................... 193
  9.5 Conclusion and Future Development ....................... 197
  References .................................................. 198

10 Atom Tunneling and Molecular Structure (H. Sekiya) ......... 201
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 201
   10.2 Experimental Methods .................................. 201
   10.3 Proton Tunneling in Molecules and Complexes ........... 206
        10.3.1 Proton Tunneling in Molecules .................. 206
        10.3.2 Proton Tunneling in Complexes .................. 219
   10.4 Conclusion and Future Development ..................... 227
   References ................................................. 228

11 Atom Tunneling and Crystalline Structure (T. Matsuo) ....... 233
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 233
   11.2 General Considerations on X-Ray and Neutron
        Diffraction, Crystal Structure and Phase
        Transitions ........................................... 234
   11.3 Proton Tunneling in Hydrogen-Bonded Crystals .......... 237
   11.4 Tunneling Energy Levels of Ammonium Ions in Ammonium
        Hexachlorometallates: Global and Local Rotation and
        Tunneling ............................................. 245
   11.5 Delocalization of H(D) Atoms.
        Structure of (NH4)2PtCl6, (NH4)2SnCl6 and (ND4)2SnC6
        by Neutron Diffraction ................................ 251
   11.6 Other Compounds Possessing Strong Isotope-Dependent
        Properties ............................................ 257
   11.7 Conclusion and Future Development ..................... 258
   References ................................................. 258

Part 3  Atom Tunneling in Biology

12 Atom Tunneling Reaction of Vitamin С in Suppression of
   Mutation (T. Miyazaki and J. Kumagai) ...................... 263
   12.1	Introduction .......................................... 263
        12.1.1 Tunneling Reaction at Room Temperature ......... 263
        12.1.2 How to Study Tunneling Reactions in
               Biological Systems ............................. 265
   12.2	Long-Lived Radicals in γ-Irradiated Cells ............. 267
        12.2.1 Discovery of Long-Lived Radicals and
               Reactions with Vitamin С ....................... 267
        12.2.2 Why Do Reactive Radicals Survive for a Long
               Time? .......................................... 269
        12.2.3 Assignment of Long-Lived Radicals .............. 272
   12.3 Reaction of Long-Lived Radicals with Vitamin С ........ 275
   12.4 Biological Effects of Tunneling Reaction of
        Long-Lived Radicals with Vitamin С .................... 277
   12.5 Tunneling Reaction of Long-Lived Radicals with
        Vitamin С ............................................. 280
   12.6 Conclusion and Future Development ..................... 282
   References ................................................. 283

13 Atom Tunneling Reaction of Vitamin E in Antioxidant,
   Prooxidant and Regeneration Reactions (S. Nagaoka) ......... 285
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 285
   13.2 Tunneling Antioxidant Reaction of Vitamin E ........... 289
   13.3 Prooxidant Reaction of Vitamin E ...................... 295
   13.4 Tunneling Regeneration Reaction of Vitamin E .......... 298
   13.5 Conclusion and Future Development ..................... 301
   References ................................................. 302

Index ......................................................... 305

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