Eroschenko V.P. Di Fiore's atlas of histology with functional correlations (Baltimore, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Выставка новых поступлений  |  Поступления иностранных книг в библиотеки СО РАН : 2003 | 2006 |2008
ОбложкаEroschenko V.P. Di Fiore's atlas of histology with functional correlations. - 11th ed. - Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008. - 532 p. - ISBN-10 0-7817-7057-2; ISBN-13 978-0-7817-7057-6

Место хранения: 021 | Институт цитологии и генетики CO РАН | Новосибирск | Библиотека

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction .................................................... 1
     FIGURE l.l.  Planes of Section of a Round Object ........... 2
     FIGURE 1.2.  Planes of Section of a Tube ................... 2
     FIGURE 1.3.  Tubules of the Testis in Different Planes
                 of Section ..................................... 5

PART I. TISSUES ................................................. 7

CHAPTER 1.  The Cell and the Cytoplasm .......................... 9
     FIGURE 1.1.  Apical Surfaces of Ciliated and Nonciliated
                 Epithelium .................................... 15
     FIGURE 1.2.  Junctional Complex Between Epithelial Cells .. 15
     FIGURE 1.3.  Basal Regions of Epithelial Cells ............ 17
     FIGURE 1.4.  Basal Region of an Ion-Transporting Cell ..... 17
     FIGURE 1.5.  Cilia and Microvilli ......................... 19
     FIGURE 1.6.  Nuclear Envelope and Nuclear Pores ........... 19
     FIGURE 1.7.  Mitochondria ................................. 21
     FIGURE 1.8.  Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum .................. 23
     FIGURE 1.9.  Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum ................. 23
     FIGURE 1.10. Golgi Apparatus .............................. 25

CHAPTER 2.  Epithelial Tissue .................................. 29
SECTION 1.  Classification of Epithelial Tissue ................ 29
     FIGURE 2.1.  Simple Squamous Epithelium: Surface View of
                  Peritoneal Mesothelium ....................... 31
     FIGURE 2.2.  Simple Squamous Epithelium: Peritoneal
                  Mesothelium Surrounding Small Intestine
                  (Transverse Section) ......................... 31
     FIGURE 2.3.  Different Epithelial Types in the Kidney
                  Cortex ....................................... 33
     FIGURE 2.4.  Simple Columnar Epithelium: Surface of
                  Stomach ...................................... 33
     FIGURE 2.5.  Simple Columnar Epithelium on Villi in Small
                  Intestine: Cells With Striated Borders
                  (Microvilli) and Goblet Cells ................ 35
     FIGURE 2.6.  Pseudostratified Columnar Ciliated
                  Epithelium: Respiratory Passages-Tachea ...... 37
     FIGURE 2.7.  Transitional Epithelium: Bladder
                  (Contracted) ................................. 37
     FIGURE 2.8.  Transitional Epithelium: Bladder
                  (Stretched) .................................. 39
     FIGURE 2.9.  Stratified Squamous Nonkeratizezed
                  Epithelium: Esophagus ........................ 39
     FIGURE 2.10. Stratified Squamous Keratinized Epithelium:
                  Palm of the Hand ............................. 41
     FIGURE 2.11. Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium: Excretory
                  Duct in Salivary Gland ....................... 41
SECTION 2.  Glandular Tissue ................................... 43
     FIGURE 2.12. Unbranched Simple Tubular Exocrine Glands:
                  Intestinal Glands ............................ 45
     FIGURE 2.13. Simple Branched Tubular Exocrine Glands:
                  Gastric Glands ............................... 45
     FIGURE 2.14. Coiled Tubular Exocrine Glands: Sweat
                  Glands ....................................... 47
     FIGURE 2.15. Compound Acinar (Exocrine) Gland: Mammary
                  Gland ........................................ 47
     FIGURE 2.16. Compound Tubuloacinar (Exocrine) Gland:
                  Salivary Gland ............................... 49
     FIGURE 2.17. Compound Tubuloacinar (Exocrine) Gland:
                  Submaxillary Salivary Gland .................. 49
     FIGURE 2.18. Endocrine Gland: Pancreatic Islet ............ 51
     FIGURE 2.19. Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreas .............. 51

CHAPTER 3.  Connective Tissue .................................. 55
     FIGURE 3.1.  Loose Connective Tissue (Spread) ............. 57
     FIGURE 3.2.  Cells of the Connective Tissue ............... 59
     FIGURE 3.3.  Embryonic Connective Tissue .................. 61
     FIGURE 3.4.  Loose Connective Tissue With Blood Vessels
                  and Adipose Cells ............................ 61
     FIGURE 3.5.  Dense Irregular and Loose Irregular
                  Connective Tissue ............................ 61
     FIGURE 3.6.  Dense Irregular and Loose Irregular
                  Connective Tissue ............................ 63
     FIGURE 3.7.  Dense Irregular Connective Tissue and
                  Adipose Tissue ............................... 63
     FIGURE 3.8.  Dense Regular Connective Tissue: Tendon
                  (Longitudinal Section) ....................... 65
     FIGURE 3.9.  Dense Regular Connective Tissue: Tendon
                  (Longitudinal Section) ....................... 65
     FIGURE 3.10. Dense Regular Connective Tissue: Tendon
                  (Transverse Section) ......................... 67
     FIGURE 3.11. Adipose Tissue in the Intestine .............. 67
CHAPTER 4.  Cartilage and Bone ................................. 71
SECTION 1.  Cartilage .......................................... 71
     FIGURE 4.1.  Developing Fetal Hyaline Cartilage ........... 73
     FIGURE 4.2.  Hyaline Cartilage and Surrounding
                  Structures: Trachea .......................... 73
     FIGURE 4.3.  Cells and Matrix of Mature Hyaline
                  Cartilage .................................... 75
     FIGURE 4.4.  Hyaline Cartilage: Developing Bone ........... 75
     FIGURE 4.5.  Elastic Cartilage: Epiglottis ................ 77
     FIGURE 4.6.  Elastic Cartilage: Epiglottis ................ 77
     FIGURE 4.7.  Fibrous Cartilage: Intervertebral Disk ....... 77
SECTION 2.  Bone ............................................... 79
     FIGURE 4.8.  Endochondral Ossification: Development of a
                  Long Bone (Panoramic View, Longitudinal
                  Section) ..................................... 81
     FIGURE 4.9.  Endochondral Ossification: Zone of
                  Ossification ................................. 83
     FIGURE 4.10. Endochondral Ossification: Zone of
                  Ossification ................................. 83
     FIGURE 4.11. Endochondral Ossification: Formation of
                  Secondary (Epiphyseal)Centers of
                  Ossification and Epiphyseal Plate in
                  Long Bone (Decalcified Bone, Longitudinal
                  Section) ..................................... 85
     FIGURE 4.12. Bone Formation: Primitive Bone Marrow and
                  Development of Osteons (Haversian Systems;
                  Decalcified Bone, Transverse Section) ........ 87
     FIGURE 4.13. Intramembranous Ossification: Developing
                  Mandible (Decalcified Bone, Transverse
                  Section) ..................................... 89
     FIGURE 4.14. Intramembranous Ossification: Developing
                  Skull Bone ................................... 89
     FIGURE 4.15. Cancellous Bone With Trabeculae and Bone
                  Marrow Cavities: Sternum (Decalcified Bone,
                  Transverse Section) .......................... 91
     FIGURE 4.16. Cancellous Bone: Sternum (Decalcified Bone,
                  Transverse Section) .......................... 91
     FIGURE 4.17. Dry, Compact Bone: Ground, Transverse
                  Section ...................................... 93
     FIGURE 4.18. Dry, Compact Bone: Ground, Longitudinal
                  Section ...................................... 93
     FIGURE 4.19. Dry, Compact Bone: an Osteon, Transverse
                  Section ...................................... 95
CHAPTER 5.  Blood .............................................. 99
     FIGURE 5.1.  Human Blood Smear: Erythrocytes,
                  Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Lymphocyte,
                  and Platelets ............................... 101
     FIGURE 5.2.  Human Blood Smear: Red Blood Cells,
                  Neutrophils, Large Lymphocyte,
                  and Platelets ............................... 101
     FIGURE 5.3.  Erythrocytes and Platelets in Blood Smear ... 103
     FIGURE 5.4.  Neutrophils and Erythrocytes ................ 103
     FIGURE 5.5.  Eosinophil .................................. 105
     FIGURE 5.6.  Lymphocytes ................................. 105
     FIGURE 5.7.  Monocyte .................................... 105
     FIGURE 5.8.  Basophil .................................... 107
     FIGURE 5.9.  Human Blood Smear: Basophil, Neutrophil, 
                  Red Blood Cells, and Platelets .............. 107
     FIGURE 5.10. Human Blood Smear: Monocyte, Red Blood
                  Cells, and Platelets ........................ 109
     FIGURE 5.11. Development of Different Blood Cells in Red
                  Bone Marrow (Decalcified) ................... 109
     FIGURE 5.12. Bone Marrow Smear: Development of Different
                  Cell Types .................................. 111
     FIGURE 5.13. Bone Marrow Smear: Selected Precursors of
                  Different Blood Cells ....................... 113
CHAPTER 6.  Muscle Tissue ..................................... 117
     FIGURE 6.1.  Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of
                  Skeletal (Striated) Muscles of the Tongue ... 119
     FIGURE 6.2.  Skeletal (Striated) Muscles of the Tongue
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 119
     FIGURE 6.3.  Skeletal Muscles, Nerves, Axons, and Motor
                  End Plates .................................. 121
     FIGURE 6.4.  Skeletal Muscle With Muscle Spindle
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 123
     FIGURE 6.5.  Skeletal Muscle Fibers
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 123
     FIGURE 6.6.  Ultrastructure of Myofibrils in Skeletal
                  Muscle ...................................... 125
     FIGURE 6.7.  Ultrastructure of Sarcomeres, T tubules,
                  and Triads in Skeletal Muscle ............... 125
     FIGURE 6.8.  Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of
                  Cardiac Muscle .............................. 127
     FIGURE 6.9.  Cardiac Muscle (Longitudinal Section) ....... 127
     FIGURE 6.10. Cardiac Muscle in Longitudinal Section ...... 129
     FIGURE 6.11. Longitudinal and Transverse Sections of
                  Smooth Muscle in the Wall of the Small
                  Intestine ................................... 131
     FIGURE 6.12. Smooth Muscle: Wall of the Small Intestine
                  (Transverse and Longitudinal Section) ....... 131
CHAPTER 7.  Nervous Tissue .................................... 135
SECTION 1.  The Central Nervous System: Brain and Spinal
Cord .......................................................... 135
     FIGURE 7.1.  Spinal Cord: Midthoracic Region (Transverse
                  Section). 139
     FIGURE 7.2.  Spinal Cord: Anterior Gray Horn, Motor
                  Neuron, and Adjacent White Matter ........... 139
     FIGURE 7.3.  Spinal Cord: Midcervical Region
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 141
     FIGURE 7.4.  Spinal Cord: Anterior Gray Horn, Motor
                  Neurons, and Adjacent Anterior White
                  Matter ...................................... 143
     FIGURE 7.5.  Motor Neurons: Anterior Horn of Spinal
                  Cord ........................................ 145
     FIGURE 7.6.  Neurofibrils and Motor Neurons in the Gray
                  Matter of the Anterior Horn of the Spinal
                  Cord ........................................ 145
     FIGURE 7.7.  Anterior Gray Horn of the Spinal Cord:
                  Multipolar Neurons, Axons, and
                  Neuroglial Cells ............................ 147
     FIGURE 7.8.  Cerebral Cortex: Gray Matter ................ 147
     FIGURE 7.9.  Layer V of the Cerebral Cortex .............. 149
     FIGURE 7.10. Cerebellum (Transverse Section) ............. 149
     FIGURE 7.11. Cerebellar Cortex: Molecular, Purkinje
                  Cell, and Granular Cell Layers .............. 151
     FIGURE 7.12. Fibrous Astrocytes and Capillary in the
                  Brain ....................................... 151
     FIGURE 7.13. Oligodendrocytes of the Brain ............... 153
     FIGURE 7.14. Microglia of the Brain ...................... 153
SECTION 2.  The Peripheral Nervous System ..................... 157
     FIGURE 7.15. Peripheral Nerves and Blood Vessels
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 159
     FIGURE 7.16. Myelinated Nerve Fibers (Longitudinal and
                  Transverse Sections) ........................ 161
     FIGURE 7.17. Sciatic Nerve (Longitudinal Section) ........ 163
     FIGURE 7.18. Sciatic Nerve (Longitudinal Section) ........ 163
     FIGURE 7.19. Sciatic Nerve (Transverse Section) .......... 163
     FIGURE 7.20. Peripheral Nerve: Nodes of Ranvier and
                  Axons ....................................... 165
     FIGURE 7.21. Dorsal Root Ganglion, With Dorsal and
                  Ventral Roots, Spinal Nerve (Longitudinal
                  Section) .................................... 165
     FIGURE 7.22. Cells and Unipolar Neurons of a Dorsal Root
                  Ganglion..................................... 167
     FIGURE 7.23. Multipolar Neurons, Surrounding Cells, and
                  Nerve Fibers of the Sympathetic Ganglion .... 167
     FIGURE 7.24. Dorsal Root Ganglion: Unipolar Neurons and
                  Surrounding Cells ........................... 161

PART II. ORGANS ............................................... 169

CHAPTER 8.  Circulatory System ................................ 171
     FIGURE 8.1.  Blood and Lymphatic Vessels in the
                  Connective Tissue ........................... 175
     FIGURE 8.2.  Muscular Artery and Vein (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 177
     FIGURE 8.3.  Artery and Vein in Dense Irregular
                  Connective Tissue of Vas Deferens ........... 177
     FIGURE 8.4.  Wall of a Large Elastic Artery: Aorta
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 179
     FIGURE 8.5.  Wall of a Large Vein: Portal Vein
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 179
     FIGURE 8.6.  Heart: a Section of the Left Atrium,
                  Atrioventricular Valve, and Left Ventricle
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 181
     FIGURE 8.7.  Heart: a Section of Right Ventricle,
                  Pulmonary Trunk, and Pulmonary Valve 
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 183
     FIGURE 8.8.  Heart: Contracting Cardiac Muscle Fibers
                  and Impulse-Conducting Purkinje Fibers ...... 183
     FIGURE 8.9.  A Section of Heart Wall: Purkinje Fibers .... 187

CHAPTER 9.   Lymphoid System .................................. 191
     FIGURE 9.1.  Lymph Node (Panoramic View) ................. 195
     FIGURE 9.2.  Lymph Node: Capsule, Cortex, and Medulla
                  (Sectional View) ............................ 197
     FIGURE 9.3.  Cortex and Medulla of a Lymph Node .......... 199
     FIGURE 9.4.  Lymph Node: Subcortical Sinus, Trabecular
                  Sinus, Reticular Cells, and Lymphatic
                  Nodule ...................................... 199
     FIGURE 9.5.  Lymph Node: High Endothelial Venule in the
                  Paracortex (Deep Cortex) of a Lymph Node .... 201
     FIGURE 9.6.  Lymph Node: Subcapsular Sinus, Trabecular
                  Sinus, and Supporting Reticular Fibers ...... 201
     FIGURE 9.7.  Thymus Gland (Panoramic View) ............... 203
     FIGURE 9.8.  Thymus Gland (Sectional View) ............... 203
     FIGURE 9.9.  Cortex and Medulla of a Thymus Gland ........ 205
     FIGURE 9.10. Spleen (Panoramic View) ..................... 207
     FIGURE 9.11. Spleen: Red and White Pulp .................. 207
     FIGURE 9.12. Red and White Pulp of the Spleen ............ 209
     FIGURE 9.13. Palatine Tonsil ............................. 209

CHAPTER 10. Integumentary System .............................. 213
     FIGURE 10.1. Thin Skin: Epidermis and the Contents of
                  the Dermis .................................. 217
     FIGURE 10.2. Skin: Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis in
                  the Scalp ................................... 219
     FIGURE 10.3. Hairy Thin Skin of the Scalp: Hair
                  Follicles and Surrounding Structures ........ 221
     FIGURE 10.4. Hair Follicle: Bulb of the Hair Follicle,
                  Sweat Gland, Sebaceous Gland, and Arrector
                  Pili Muscle ................................. 223
     FIGURE 10.5. Thick Skin of the Palm, Superficial Cell
                  Layers, and Melanin Pigment ................. 225
     FIGURE 10.6. Thick Skin: Epidermis and Superficial Cell
                  Layers ...................................... 225
     FIGURE 10.7. Thick Skin: Epidermis, Dermis, and
                  Hypodermis of the Palm ...................... 227
     FIGURE 10.8. Apocrine Sweat Gland: Secretory and
                  Excretory Potions of the Sweat Gland ........ 227
     FIGURE 10.9. Cross Section and Three-Dimensional
                  Appearance of an Eccrine Sweat Gland ........ 229
     FIGURE 10.10.Glomus in the Dermis of Thick Skin .......... 231
     FIGURE 10.11.Pacinian Corpuscles in the Dermis of Thick
                  Skin (Transverse and Longitudinal
                  Sections) ....................................231
CHAPTER 11. Digestive System: Oral Cavity and
Salivary Glands ............................................... 235
     FIGURE 11.1. Lip (Longitudinal Section) .................. 237
     FIGURE 11.2. Anterior Region of the Tongue (Longitudinal
                  Section) .................................... 239
     FIGURE 11.3. Posterior Tongue: Circumvallate Papilla,
                  Surrounding Furrow,and Serous (von Ebner's)
                  Glands (Cross Section) ...................... 239
     FIGURE 11.4. Filiform and Fungiform Papillae of the
                  Tongue ...................................... 241
     FIGURE 11.5. Posterior Tongue: Taste Buds in the Furrow
                  of Circumvallate Papilla .................... 241
     FIGURE 11.6. Posterior Tongue: Posterior to
                  Circumvallate Papillae and Near
                  Lingual Tonsil (Longitudinal Section) ....... 243
     FIGURE 11.7. Lingual Tonsils (Transverse Section) ........ 243
     FIGURE 11.8. Longitudinal Section of Dry Tooth ........... 245
     FIGURE 11.9. Dried Tooth: Dentinoenamel Junction ......... 247
     FIGURE 11.10.Dried Tooth: Cementum and Dentin Junction ... 247
     FIGURE 11.11.Developing Tooth (Longitudinal Section) ..... 249
     FIGURE 11.12.Developing Tooth: Dentinoenamel Junction
                  in Detail ................................... 249
     FIGURE 11.13.Parotid Salivary Gland ...................... 253
     FIGURE 11.14.Submandibular Salivary Gland ................ 255
     FIGURE 11.15.Sublingual Salivary Gland ................... 257
     FIGURE 11.16.Serous Salivary Gland: Parotid Gland ........ 259
     FIGURE 11.17.Mixed Salivary Gland: Sublingual Gland ...... 259
CHAPTER 12. Digestive System: Esophagus and Stomach ........... 263
     FIGURE 12.1. Wall of Upper Esophagus (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 265
     FIGURE 12.2. Upper Esophagus (Transverse Section) ........ 267
     FIGURE 12.3. Lower Esophagus (Transverse Section) ........ 267
     FIGURE 12.4. Upper Esophagus: Mucosa and Submucosa
                  (Longitudinal View) ......................... 269
     FIGURE 12.5. Lower Esophagus Wall (Transverse Section) ... 271
     FIGURE 12.6. Esophageal-Stomach Junction ................. 273
     FIGURE 12.7. Esophageal-Stomach Junction (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 273
     FIGURE 12.8. Stomach: Fundus and Body Regions
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 275
     FIGURE 12.9. Stomach: Mucosa of the Fundus and Body
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 277
     FIGURE 12.10.Stomach: Fundus and Body Regions
                  (Plastic Section) ........................... 279
     FIGURE 12.11.Stomach: Superficial Region of Gastric
                  (Fundic) Mucosa ............................. 281
     FIGURE 12.12.Stomach: Basal Region of Gastric (Fundic)
                  Mucosa ...................................... 283
     FIGURE 12.13.Pyloric Region of the Stomach ............... 285
     FIGURE 12.14.Pyloric-Duodenal Junction (Longitudinal
                  Section) .................................... 287
CHAPTER 13. Digestive System: Small and Large Intestines ...... 291
     FIGURE 13.1. Duodenum of the Small Intestine
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 293
     FIGURE 13.2. Small Intestine: Duodenum (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 295
     FIGURE 13.3. Small Intestine: Jejunum (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 295
     FIGURE 13.4. Intestinal Glands With Paneth Cells and
                  Enteroendocrine Cells........................ 297
     FIGURE 13.5. Small Intestine: Jejunum With Paneth
                  Cells ....................................... 297
     FIGURE 13.6. Small Intestine: Ileum With Lymphatic
                  Nodules (Peyer's Patches) (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 299
     FIGURE 13.7. Villi of Small Intestine (Longitudinal and
                  Transverse Sections) ........................ 301
     FIGURE 13.8. Large Intestine: Colon and Mesentery
                  (Panoramic Views, Transverse Section) ....... 303
     FIGURE 13.9. Large Intestine: Colon Wall (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 303
     FIGURE 13.10.Large Intestine: Colon Wall (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 305
     FIGURE 13.11.Appendix (Panoramic View, Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 307
     FIGURE 13.12.Rectum (Panoramic View, Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 309
     FIGURE 13.13.Anorectal Junction (Longitudinal Section) ... 309
CHAPTER 14. Digestive System: Liver, Gallbladder, and
Pancreas ...................................................... 313
     FIGURE 14.1. Pig Liver Lobules (Panoramic View,
                  Transverse Section) ......................... 315
     FIGURE 14.2. Primate Liver Lobules (Panoramic View,
                  Transverse Section) ......................... 317
     FIGURE 14.3. Bovine Liver: Liver Lobule (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 319
     FIGURE 14.4. Liver Lobule (Sectional View, Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 319
     FIGURE 14.5. Bile Canaliculi in Liver Lobule: Osmic Acid
                  Preparation ................................. 319
     FIGURE 14.6. Kupffer Cells in a Liver Lobule (India Ink
                  Preparation) ................................ 321
     FIGURE 14.7. Glycogen Granules in Liver Cells ............ 321
     FIGURE 14.8. Reticular Fibers in the Sinusoids of a
                  Liver Lobule ................................ 321
     FIGURE 14.9. Wall of Gallbladder ......................... 323
     FIGURE 14.10.Exocrine and Endocrine Pancreas (Sectional
                  View) ....................................... 325
     FIGURE 14.11.Pancreatic Islet ............................ 327
     FIGURE 14.12.Pancreatic Islet (Special Preparation) ...... 327
     FIGURE 14.13.Pancreas: Endocrine (Pancreatic Islet) and
                  Exocrine Regions ............................ 329
CHAPTER 15. Respiratory System ................................ 333
     FIGURE 15.1. Olfactory Mucosa and Superior Concha in the
                  Nasal Cavity (Panoramic View) ............... 335
     FIGURE 15.2. Olfactory Mucosa: Details of a Transitional
                  Area ........................................ 337
     FIGURE 15.3. Olfactory Mucosa in the Nose: Transition
                  Area ........................................ 337
     FIGURE 15.4. Epiglottis (Longitudinal Section) ........... 339
     FIGURE 15.5. Frontal Section of Larynx ................... 341
     FIGURE 15.6. Trachea (Transverse Section) ................ 343
     FIGURE 15.7. Tracheal Wall (Sectional View) .............. 343
     FIGURE 15.8. Lung (Panoramic View) ....................... 345
     FIGURE 15.9. Intrapulmonary Bronchus (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 347
     FIGURE 15.10.Terminal Bronchiole (Transverse Section) .... 347
     FIGURE 15.11.Respiratory Bronchiole, Alveolar Duct, and
                  Lung Alveoli ................................ 349
     FIGURE 15.12.Alveolar Walls and Alveolar Cells ........... 349
     FIGURE 15.13.Lung: Terminal Bronchiole, Respiratory
                  Bronchiole, Alveolar Ducts, Alveoli,
                  and Blood Vessel ............................ 351
CHAPTER 16. Urinary System .................................... 355
     FIGURE 16.1. Kidney: Cortex, Medulla, Pyramid, and
                  Renal Papilla (Panoramic View) .............. 359
     FIGURE 16.2. Kidney Cortex and Upper Medulla ............. 363
     FIGURE 16.3. Kidney Cortex: Juxtaglomerular Apparatus .... 365
     FIGURE 16.4. Kidney Cortex: Renal Corpuscle,
                  Juxtaglomerular Apparatus, and
                  Convoluted Tubules .......................... 367
     FIGURE 16.5. Kidney: Scanning Electron Micrograph of
                  Podocytes ................................... 369
     FIGURE 16.6. Kidney: Transmission Electron Micrograph of
                  Podocyte and Adjacent Capillaries in the
                  Renal Corpuscle ............................. 369
     FIGURE 16.7. Kidney Medulla: Papillary Region
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 371
     FIGURE 16.8. Kidney Medulla: Terminal End of Papilla
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 371
     FIGURE 16.9. Kidney: Ducts of Medullary Region
                  (Longitudinal Section) ...................... 373
     FIGURE 16.10.Urinary System: Ureter (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 373
     FIGURE 16.11.Section of a Ureter Wall (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 375
     FIGURE 16.12.Ureter (Transverse Section) ................. 375
     FIGURE 16.13.Urinary Bladder: Wall (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 377
     FIGURE 16.14.Urinary Bladder: Contracted Mucosa
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 377
     FIGURE 16.15.Urinary Bladder: Mucosa Stretched
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 379
CHAPTER 17. Endocrine System .................................. 383
SECTION 1.  Endocrine System and Hormones ..................... 383
     FIGURE 17.1. Hypophysis: Adenohypophysis and
                  Neurohypophysis (Panoramic View, Sagittal
                  Section) .................................... 385
     FIGURE 17.2. Hypophysis: Sections of Pars Distalis, Pars  
                   Intermedia, and Pars Nervosa ............... 387
     FIGURE 17.3. Pars Distalis of Adenohypophysis:
                  Acidophils, Basophils, and Chromophobes ..... 387
     FIGURE 17.4. Cell Types in the Hypophysis ................ 389
     FIGURE 17.5. Hypophysis: Pars Distalis, Pars Intermedia,
                  and Pars Nervosa (Human) .................... 391
SECTION 2. Thyroid Gland, Parathyroid Glands, and Adrenal
Gland ......................................................... 395
     FIGURE 17.6. Thyroid Gland: Canine (General View) ........ 397
     FIGURE 17.7. Thyroid Gland Follicles, Follicular Cells,
                  and Parafollicular Cells (Sectional View) ... 399
     FIGURE 17.8. Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: Canine
                  (Sectional View) ............................ 401
     FIGURE 17.9. Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid Gland ......... 401
     FIGURE 17.10.Cortex and Medulla of Adrenal (Suprarenal)
                  Gland ....................................... 403
     FIGURE 17.11.Adrenal (Suprarenal) Gland: Cortex and
                  Medulla ..................................... 405
CHAPTER 18. Male Reproductive System .......................... 409
SECTION 1.  The Reproductive System ........................... 409
     FIGURE 18.1. Peripheral Section of Testis ................ 413
     FIGURE 18.2. Seminiferous Tubules, Straight Tubules,
                  Rete Testis, and Efferent Ductules
                  (Ductuli Efferentes) ........................ 415
     FIGURE 18.3. Primate Testis: Spermatogenesis in
                  Seminiferous Tubules (Transverse Section) ... 417
     FIGURE 18.4. Primate Testis: Different Stages of
                  Spermatogenesis ............................. 419
     FIGURE 18.5. Testis: Seminiferous Tubules (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 419
     FIGURE 18.6. Ductuli Efferentes and Tubules of Ductus
                  Epididymis .................................. 421
     FIGURE 18.7. Tubules of the Ductus Epididymis
                  (Transverse Section) ........................ 421
     FIGURE 18.8. Ductus (Vas) Deferens (Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 423
     FIGURE 18.9. Ampulla of the Ductus (Vas) Deferens ........ 423
SECTION 2.  Accessory Reproductive Glands ..................... 427
     FIGURE 18.10.Prostate Gland and Prostatic Urethra ........ 429
     FIGURE 18.11.Prostate Gland: Glandular Acini and
                  Prostatic Concretions........................ 431
     FIGURE 18.12.Prostate Gland: Prostatic Glands With
                  Prostatic Concretions ....................... 431
     FIGURE 18.13.Seminal Vesicle ............................. 433
     FIGURE 18.14.Bulbourethral Gland ......................... 433
     FIGURE 18.15.Human Penis (Transverse Section) ............ 435
     FIGURE 18.16.Penile Urethra (Transverse Section) ......... 435

CHAPTER 19. Female Reproductive System ........................ 439
SECTION 1.  Overview of the Female Reproductive System ........ 439
     FIGURE 19.1. Ovary (Panoramic View) ...................... 443
     FIGURE 19.2. Ovary (European Mink) (Panoramic View) ...... 445
     FIGURE 19.3. Ovary (European Mink) (Panoramic View) ...... 447
     FIGURE 19.4. Ovary: Ovarian Cortex and Primordial and
                  Primary Follicles ........................... 447
     FIGURE 19.5. Ovary. Primary Oocyte and Wall of Mature
                  Follicle .................................... 449
     FIGURE 19.6. Ovary: Primordial and Primary Follicles ..... 449
     FIGURE 19.7. Corpus Luteum (Panoramic View) .............. 451
     FIGURE 19.8. Corpus Luteum: Theca Lutein Cells and
                  Granulosa Lutein Cells ...................... 453
     FIGURE 19.9. Uterine Tube: Ampulla With Mesosalpinx
                  Ligament (Panoramic View, Transverse
                  Section) .................................... 455
     FIGURE 19.10.Uterine Tube: Mucosal Folds ................. 455
     FIGURE 19.11.Uterine Tube: Lining Epithelium ............. 457
     FIGURE 19.12.Uterine Wall: Proliferative (Follicular)
                  Phase ....................................... 459
     FIGURE 19.13.Uterine Wall: Secretory (Luteal) Phase ...... 461
     FIGURE 19.14.Uterine Wall (Endometrium): Secretory
                  (Luteal) Phase .............................. 463
     FIGURE 19.15.Uterine Wall: Menstrual Phase ............... 465
SECTION 2.  Cervix, Vagina, Placenta, and Mammary Glands ...... 469
     FIGURE 19.16.Cervix, Cervical Canal, and Vaginal Fornix
                  Longitudinal Section) ....................... 471
     FIGURE 19.17.Vagina (Longitudinal Section) ............... 473
     FIGURE 19.18.Glycogen in Human Vaginal Epithelium ........ 473
     FIGURE 19.19.Vaginal Smears Collected During Different
                  Reproductive Phases ......................... 475
     FIGURE 19.20.Vaginal Surface Epithelium .................. 477
     FIGURE 19.21.Human Placenta (Panoramic View) ............. 479
     FIGURE 19.22.Chorionic Villi: Placenta During Early
                  Pregnancy ................................... 481
     FIGURE 19.23.Chorionic Villi: Placenta at Term ........... 481
     FIGURE 19.24.Inactive Mammary Gland ...................... 483
     FIGURE 19.25.Mammary Gland During Proliferation and
                  Early Pregnancy ............................. 483
     FIGURE 19.26.Mammary Gland During Late Pregnancy ......... 485
     FIGURE 19.27.Mammary Gland During Lactation .............. 485
     FIGURE 19.28.Lactating Mammary Gland ..................... 487

CHAPTER 20. Organs of Special Senses .......................... 491
     FIGURE 20.1. Eyelid (Sagittal Section) ................... 495
     FIGURE 20.2. Lacrimal Gland .............................. 497
     FIGURE 20.3. Cornea (Transverse Section) ................. 497
     FIGURE 20.4. Whole Eye (Sagittal Section) ................ 499
     FIGURE 20.5. Posterior Eyeball: Sclera, Choroid, Optic
                  Papilla, Optic Nerve, Retina, and Fovea 
                  (Panoramic View) ............................ 499
     FIGURE 20.6. Layers of the Choroid and Retina (Detail) ... 501
     FIGURE 20.7. Eye: Layers of Retina and Choroid ........... 501
     FIGURE 20.8. Inner Ear: Cochlea (Vertical Section) ....... 503
     FIGURE 20.9. Inner Ear: Cochlear Duct (Scala Media) ...... 503
     FIGURE 20.10.Inner Ear: Cochlear Duct and the Organ of
                  Corti ....................................... 505
Index ......................................................... 509

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