Facies from Palaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations (Paris, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFacies from Palaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations / ed. by Vennin E., Aretz M., Boulvain F., Munneckhe A. - Paris: Publications scientifiques du Muséum, 2007. - 341 p. - (Mémoires du Mus&eazute;um national d'histoire naturelle; Vol. 195). - ISSN 1243-4442; ISBN 978-2-85653-593-6

Оглавление / Contents
ABSTRACT ....................................................... 11

RESUME DEVELOPPE ............................................... 13

INTRODUCTION ................................................... 17

   J.J. ALVARO (ed.)

Introduction ................................................... 29
Neoproterozoic microbial-metazoan reefs, Nama Basin, Namibia ... 33
Early Cambrian (Tommotian) archaeocyathan-microbial bioherms,
Siberian Platform .............................................. 37
Giant Lower-Cambrian archaeocyathan-microbial reef complexes,
Mediterranean region ........................................... 45
Lower Cambrian archaeocyathan-microbial bioconstructions,
Sardinia ....................................................... 49
Early Middle Cambrian (Toyonian) microbial-archaeocyathan-
radiocyathan bioherms, South Australia ......................... 53
Volcanoclastic-bioclastic coquinas from the Micmacca Breccia,
Morocco ........................................................ 57
Alternating purple-to-reddish bioclastic limestones and shales:
the Cambrian'griotte' .......................................... 61
Middle and Upper Cambrian Girvanella reefs - microbial tufas,
Kazakhstan ..................................................... 65
Late Cambrian bioaccumulations and facies from the Volcancito
Formation, Famatina range, Argentina ........................... 69

   E.VENNIN (ed.)

Introduction ................................................... 75
Tremadoc-Arenig coquinas from the southern Montagne Noire,
France ......................................................... 79
Shallow-water Ordovician reefs, Canada ......................... 83
Lower Ordovician ('Arenigian') sponge bioherms, eastern 
margin of the Sino-Korean craton, Taebaeksan Basin, Korea ...... 87
Brachiopod coquinas from the Upper Arenig, Montagne Noire,
France ......................................................... 91
Patch reefs and fringing bioaccumulations, India ............... 95
Ashgill bryozoan-echinoderm thickets and bundles, Morocco ...... 99
Bryozoan-echinoderm-brachiopod coquinas from the Caradoc-Ashgill
transition, Morocco ........................................... 103
Ashgill bryozoan-echinoderm mud-mounds, Spain ................. 107

   A. MUNNECKE (ed.)

Introduction .................................................. 113
Stromatoporoid-tabulate coral reefs, USA ...................... 117
Stromatactis-stromatoporoid-tabulate coral patch reefs, USA ... 121
Sheinwoodian calcimicrobe-coral-bryozoan knob reefs, Canada ... 125
Pfidolian stromatoporoid-coral-calcimicrobe reefs, Canada ..... 129
Silurian coral-stromatoporoid-bryozoan-algal bioherms and
brachiopod biostromes, Estonia ................................ 133
Coral-stromatoporoid-microbial bioherms, Wenlock, Silurian,
UK ............................................................ 137
Coral-stromatoporoid patch reefs, China ....................... 141
Silurian-Early Devonian cephalopod limestones, Prague Basin ... 145
Stromatoporoid-tabulate coral reefs and platform deposits
from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden .......................... 149
Silurian metazoan bioherms and biostromes, southeastern Alaska,
Alexander terrane ............................................. 157
Silurian skeletal stromatolite reefs, southeastern Alaska
(Alexander terrane) and Ural mountains, Russia ................ 161
Late Silurian accumulations of serpulid tubes, Austria ........ 165

   F. BOULVAIN & R. WOOD (eds)

Introduction .................................................. 171
Pragian-Emsian crinoidal sand banks and stromatoporoid-hydrozoan
buildups, Carnic Alps, Austria................................. 175
Emsian biostromes, Tamworth Belt, Australia ................... 179
Emsian-Givetian stromatactis-coral hydrothermal mud-mounds,
Tafilalt-Maider, Morocco ...................................... 183
Eifelian-Frasnian Amphipora limestones, biostromes and bioherms,
Moravian Karst, Czech Republic ................................ 187
Eifelian-Givetian stromatoporoid-coral reefs, Belgium ......... 191
Givetian coral-stromatoporoid and algal-sponge-worm buildups,
Boulonnais, France ............................................ 195
Givetian-Frasnian stromatoporoid-coral-microbial isolated reefal
platforms, Alberta, Canada .................................... 199
Frasnian stromatoporoid-alveolitid-cryptomicrobial mud-mounds,
Holy Cross Mountains, Poland .................................. 203
Frasnian lamellar stromatoporoid biostromes, Belgium .......... 207
Frasnian coral-stromatoporoid-microbial atolls, Belgium ....... 209
Late Frasnian stromatactis-coral-microbial carbonate mounds,
Belgium ....................................................... 213
Famennian microbial-sponge reefs, Canning Basin, Australia .... 217
Latest Famennian (Strunian) stromatoporoid biostromes, Belgium
and Germany ................................................... 221

   M. ARETZ & D. VACHARD (eds)

Introduction .................................................. 227
Lower Tournaisian microbial reefs, Eastern Australia .......... 231
Waulsortian carbonate mud-banks, Belgium ...................... 235
Middle Visean microbe-bryozoan reefs, Belgium ................. 239
Visean coral reef, Wales ...................................... 243
Upper Visean Cracoan reefs, Great Britain and Ireland ......... 247
Visean sponge-fenestellid bryozoan mounds and microbial-coral
reefs, Algeria ................................................ 249
Serpukhovian microbial-coral reefs, southern France ........... 253
Late Palaeozoic oceanic reef complex, Akiyoshi Limestone,
Japan ......................................................... 257
Moscovian beresellid algal-chaetetid sponge buildups, northern
Spain ......................................................... 261
Moscovian algal-dominated buildups, Greenland ................. 265
Early Moscovian sequences with chaetetids in Sierra Agua Verde,
Sonora, Mexico................................................. 269
Gzhelian buildups from the Urals, Russia ...................... 273

   D. VACHARD & E. VENNIN (eds)

Introduction .................................................. 279
Gzhelian Anthracoporella mounds, Carnic Alps, Austria ......... 283
Wolfcampian Laborcita mound complex, New Mexico, USA .......... 287
Sakmarian-Artinskian Tubiphytes-Archaeolithoporella mounds,
Carnic Alps ................................................... 291
Asselian-Artinskian Archaeolithoporella-Tubiphytes-bryozoan
reef-mound complexes, Russia .................................. 295
Artinskian bryozoan-phylloid algal-Tubiphytes bioherms,
Russia ........................................................ 299
Upper Permian bryozoan-cement buildups, East Greenland ........ 303
Tropical-Permian reefs of epeiric shelves: Delaware
(Capitan reef, USA) and Zechtein (Thuringia, Germany)
basins ........................................................ 307
Permian reefs of the Tethys: tropical vs cool-water frameworks,
Batain area, Sultanate of Oman ................................ 311
Late Capitanian Richthofeniid-Calcisponges reef-mound complex,
Olinala, Mexico ............................................... 315
Latest Permian Calcisponges of Laren, Guangxi Province, South
China ......................................................... 321

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................. 325

LIST AUTHORS .................................................. 327

INDEX ......................................................... 331

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