Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique: Sciences de la Terre. Vol. 74 (Brussel, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique: Sciences de la Terre. Vol. 74, supplement. - Brussel: l'Instutut Royal des Sciences Naturalles de Belgique, 2004. - 228+(5) p. - ISSN 0374-6291

Оглавление / Contents
   Vandenberghe, N. & A.V. Dhondt
Pierre Bultynck ................................................. 5
   Garcia-Alcalde, J.L.
Lower Devonian Delthyridoidea (Brachiopoda, Delthyridina)
of the Cantabrian Mountains (N. Spain) .......................... 9
   Barchy, L., Coen-Aubert, M., Marion J.-M. & M. Coen
Mise en évidence de la Faille de Marenne sur la carte
géologique Aye - Marche-en-Famenne (Highlighting of the
Marenne Fault on the geological map Aye - Marche-en-Famenne) ... 59
   Casier, J.-G.
The mode of life of Devonian entomozoacean ostracods and
the Myodocopid Mega-Assemblage proxy for hypoxic events ........ 73
   Coen, M., Groessens, E. & G. Sevastopulo
Conodonts and ostracods from the section at Longdianshan
(Upper Tournaisian of Guang-xi, China) ......................... 89
   De Man, E., Van Simaeys, S., De Meuter, F., King, C.
   & E. Steurbaut
Oligocene benthic foraminiferal zonation for the southern
North Sea Basin ............................................... 177
   Germonpre, M.
The Pleniglacial cave bears from Goyet, Belgium - taphonomic
and palaeobiological characteristics .......................... 213
   Godefroit, P., Alifanov, V. & Y. Bolotsky
A re-appraisal of Aralosaurus tuberiferus (Dinosauria,
Hadrosauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Kazakhstan ......... 139
   Marquet, R.
Ecology and evolution of Pliocene bivalves from the Antwerp
Basin ......................................................... 205
   Mottequin, B.
The genus Biernatella Balinski, 1977 (Brachiopoda) from
the late Frasnian of Belgium ................................... 49
   Nolf, D.
Otolithes de poissons aptiens du Maestrazgo (province
de Castellon, Espagne orientale) .............................. 101
   Sartenaer, P.
Restatement of Terebratula Orbignyana de Verneuil, 1850
on the basis of the original collection ........................ 81
   Simon, E.
A re-appraisal of some large Late Maastrichtian brachiopods
from Kunrade (southern Limburg, The Netherlands) .............. 121
   Smith, R.
Nouveau nyctithère (Mammalia, Lipotyphla) de
l'Oligocène inférieur de Belgique (Formation de
Borgloon, MP 21) - New nyctithere (Mammalia, Lipotyphla)
from the Lower Oligocиne of Belgium (Borgloon Formation,
MP 21) ........................................................ 197
   Smith, T., De Wilde, B. & E. Steurbaut
Primitive equoid and tapiroid mammals: keys for interpreting
the Ypresian - Lutetian transition in Belgium ................. 165
   Vanguestaine, M., Breuer, P. & O. Lehnert
Discovery of an Early Ordovician conodont fauna in the
Salm Group of the Stavelot Inlier, Belgium ..................... 39
   Van Itterbeeck, J. & P. Bultynck
Non-marine ostracods from the Paleocene Subeng mammal site,
Inner Mongolia, P.R. China, taxonomy and biostratigraphy ...... 155

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