Banach Center publications. Vol. 78: Noncommutative harmonic analysis with applications to probability (Warszawa, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBanach Center publications. Vol. 78: Noncommutative harmonic analysis with applications to probability / ed. by Bożejko M., Krystek A., Młotkowski W., Wysoczański J. . - Warszawa: PWN, 2007. - 320 p. - ISSN: 0137-6934

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... 5-6
List of talks ............................................... 11-12
List of participants ........................................ 10-11

Quantum permutation groups: a survey
  Teodor Banica, Julien Bichon, Benoît Collins .............. 13-34

Infinite dimensional Gegenbauer functionals
  Abdessatar Barhoumi, Habib Ouerdiane, Anis Riahi .......... 35-45

Quantum Itô algebra and quantum martingale
  Viacheslav Belavkin, Un Cig Ji ............................ 47-58

Remarks on q-CCR relations for |q|>1
  Marek Bożejko ............................................. 59-67

A projective central limit theorem and interacting Fock
space representation for the limit process
  Vitonofrio Crismale ....................................... 69-80

Quasi-probability distribution of nonclassical states in
interacting Fock space
  P.K. Das, Arpita Ghosh .................................... 81-90

Reduced and extended weak coupling limit
  Jan Derezinski, Wojciech De Roeck ........................ 91-119

Restrictions of CP-semigroups to maximal commutative
  Franco Fagnola, Michael Skeide .......................... 121-132

The Wigner semi-circle law and the Heisenberg group
  Jacques Faraut, Linda Saal .............................. 133-143

On spectrality of the algebra of convolution dominated
  Gero Fendle, Karlheinz Gröchenig, Michael Leinert ....... 145-149

A new approach to mutual information
  Fumio Hiai, Denes Petz .................................. 151-164

Free cumulants of some probability measures
  Melanie Hinz, Wojciech Mlotkowski ....................... 165-170

Bargmann representation of q-commutation relations for
q>1 and associated measures
  Ilona Krolak ............................................ 171-183

The Va-deformation of the classical convolution
  Anna Dorota Krystek ..................................... 185-199

A moment sequence in the q-world
  Anna Kula ............................................... 201-210

Asymptotic spectral analysis of generalized Erdős–Rényi
random graphs
  Song Liang, Nobuaki Obata, Shuji Takahashi .............. 211-229

Bethe Ansatz and the geography of rigged strings
  Tadeusz Lulek ........................................... 231-247

On the structure of positive maps between matrix algebras
  Władysław A. Majewski, Marcin Marciniak ................. 249-263

The spaces of quantum states for some harmonic
oscillator potentials on the punctured plane C\{0}
  Jan Milewski ............................................ 265-273

Completely 1-complemented subspaces of the Schatten
spaces Sp
  Jean Roydor ............................................. 275-278

White noise distribution theory and its application
  Yoshihito Shimada ....................................... 279-291

Operators of the q-oscillator
  Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec ............................. 293-307

The Lévy–Khintchine formula and Nica–Speicher property
for deformations of the free convolution
  Lukasz Jan Wojakowski ................................... 309-314

bm-independence and central limit theorems associated
with symmetric cones
  Janusz Wysoczański ...................................... 315-320

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