Nonlinearity and geometry (Warsaw, 1998). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNonlinearity and geometry: proceedings of first Non-orthodox school, Luigi Bianchi Days, Warsaw, 21 - 28 september, 1995 / ed. by Wojcik D. - Warsaw: PWN, 1998. - 381 p. - ISBN 83-01-12642-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Antoni Sym
   Preface ...................................................... 7

Antoni Sym
   Luigi Bianchi ................................................ 9

J. Cieśliński and D. Wójcik
   Editor's Note ............................................... 11

Markus Heyerhoff
   The history of the early period of soliton theory ........... 13

R. Prus and A. Sym
   Rectilinear congruences and Bäcklund transformations:
   roots of the soliton theory ................................. 25

M. Nieszporski and A. Sym
   Weingarten congruences and non-auto-Bäcklund
   transformations for hyperbolic surfaces ..................... 37

Alexei Ovchinninkov
   Gallery of pseudospherical surfaces ......................... 41

Lyndon M. Woodward
   The Toda equations and the geometry of surfaces ............. 61

Jan Cieśliński
   The Darboux-Bianchi-Bäcklund transformation and soliton
   surfaces .................................................... 81

Dmitrii A. Korotkin
   Introduction to the functions on compact Riemann surfaces
   and Theta-functions ........................................ 109

Iossif S. Krasil'shchik
   Symmetries and recursion operators for soliton equations ... 141

Orlando Ragnisco
   Soliton equations and classical mechanics .................. 157

Decio Levi
   Equations denned on the lattice and their solutions ........ 179

Piotr P. Goldstein
   Painlevé test: standard gun of integrability hunter ........ 207

Heinz Steudel
   Second-order resonant systems in optics and surfaces in
   R3 ......................................................... 221

Reinhard Meinel
   Panorama of soliton applications - Physics of solitons ..... 225

Adam Doliwa
   Minimal surfaces, holomorphic curves and Toda systems ...... 227

Maciej Dunajski
   Self-dual metrics from soliton equations ................... 237

Ulrich Eitner
   Schlesinger transformations for Bonnet surfaces ............ 245

Helen L. Fawley
   Geometry of surfaces in S4 ................................. 257

Hubert Gollek
   Deformations of minimal curves in C3 ....................... 269

Andrew N.W. Hone
   Nonautonomous Hénon-Heiles systems ......................... 287

Włodzimierz Jelonek
   Solitons and projectively flat affine surfaces ............. 297

Karima R. Khusnutdinova
   Exact solutions describing interaction of solitary waves
   of non-integrable equations ................................ 319

Huili Liu
   Equi-centroaffinely homogeneous surfaces with vanishing
   Pick invariant in R4 ....................................... 335

Piotr Bogusław Mucha
   Isothermic surfaces of k-th order .......................... 341

Alexei Ovchinninkov
   Toda systems and W-algebras ................................ 349

Ron Perline
   The role of elastica in geometry ........................... 359

O.E. Hentosh, Y.A. Prykarpatsky, D.L. Blackmore
   On the geometric structure of integrable flows in
   Grassman manifolds ......................................... 365

Heinz Steudel
   Solitons in nonlinear optics ............................... 373

Changping Wang
   Affine differential geometry and soliton equations ......... 377

   Program of the Conference .................................. 383

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