Social Sciences - 1980, Vol.XI, No.4 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Social Sciences (ISSN 0134-5486)
  • Оглавление No.4, Vol.XI (1980)

                       To the Reader                                 5
      R.Yanovsky       The  Work and Social  Responsibility of
                       the Soviet Scientist                          7
                       Soviet Scientists on Siberia
      G.Marchuk        Siberia's Scientific Potential               17
      V.Koptyug        Integration of Science and Education         24
      A.Aganbegyan     Economic Studies at the Novosibirsk
                       Scientific Centre                            31
      A.Okladnikov     At the Dawn of History                       43
      T.Zaslavskaya    The Methodology of Study and Prognosti
                       cation of the Development of Rural Areas     62
      V.Boiko          Baikal-Amur Railway and the Peoples of
                       the North                                    79
      G.Berdnikov      A Great Writer and Humanist                  93
      V.Kumanev        Public Education in the USSR in the
                       Conditions of the Scientific and
                       Technological Revolution                    103
      Yu.Andreyev      The Concept of Personality and the
                       Aesthetic Ideal in Soviet Literature        111

                       Developing Countries: New Research
      R.Ulyanovsky,    The Asian and African Countries Specific
      V.Pavlov         Features of Development                     124
      G.Shirokov       Interstructural Relations in Developing
                       Countries   Economies                       139

      O.Bykov          The Key Problem of Our Time                 151

      M.Khrapchenko    In Search of the Truth                      166

      K.Valtukh        The Marxian Price of Production Theory
                       in a Formalised Exposition                  179

      N.Babayev,        Atomic Power Industry Ecological
      V. Demin,         Problems                                   198

                        General  Meeting of the USSR Academy
                        of Sciences                                210
      V.Lamin,          The Institute of History, Philology and
      I.Polyakov        Philosophy of the Siberian Division of
                        the USSR Academy of Sciences               212
      A.Granberg,       Modelling  of World  Economic Develop
      A.Rubinstein      ment                                       221
                        Congresses • Conferences • Symposiums
                        A Forum of European Scientists             226
      A.Petrov          Structural Changes in the Economy, and
                        the Evolution of Political Systems         227
      N.Fedoseyeva      The Dialectics of Language Development     230
                        Chronicle                                  233

      A.Kosichev        Developed Socialism                        248
      A.Bulkin          T.S.Khachaturov, Intensification and
                        Efficiency under Developed Socialism       249
      V.Shastitko       Yu.S.Shiryaev, Socialist Integration and
                        International Division of Labour           252
      A.Gulyga          "Philosophical Heritage" in 80 Volumes
                        (Survey)                                   254
      V.Popov           A History of Diplomacy. Vol.5, Book 2      256
      V.Novikov         EKO Journal                                260
      A.Maslennikov     K.N.Brutents, The Newly Free Countries
                        in the 1970s                               261
      O.Zhidkov,        Soviet  Historico-Legal Science.
      O.Chistyakov      Emergence and Development                  263
      V.Eidinova        A.V.Chicherin, Essays on the History of
                        the Russian Literary Style                 264
      S.Smirnov         F.M.Berezin, A History of Russian
                        Linguistics                                265
      Z.Volotskaya      V.V.Ivanov, Odds and Evens: Asymmetry
                        of the Brain and of Sign Systems           269

                        Books Put Out by the Siberian Branch
                        of Nauka Publishers                        272
                        Contributors to This Issue                 278
                        Our Glossary                               280
                        Contents of Social Sciences for 1980       283
                        Scientific Thematic Collections            290
                        List of Distributors                       291

Social Sciences No.2 (1985) 

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