Industry and Environment - 1995, No.4 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

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Industry and Environment (ISSN 0378-9993)
  • Оглавление No.4 (1995)

         *  UNEP IE - 20 years
         Editorials - by Elizabeth Dowdeswell,Maurice F. Strong     3
         Ees 20 ans du PNUE IE           - by Jean de Gliniasty     3
         20 ans de cooperation              - by Corinne Lepage     4
            - by Lean de Rosen andjacqueline Aloisi de Larderel     5
         The need for one more generation of hard work
                                               - by Pauldejongh     6
         Increasing resource productivity on the way to 
            sustainability         - by Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek     8
         Technology transfer and the environment: a developing
            country perspective              - by O.A. El-Kholy    13
         Major international environmental agreements relevant
            to industry, 1972-1995                                 15
         Application of economic and regulatory instruments for
            environmental management in Asian industrializing
            countries   - by Xavier Chen and Lilita B. Bacareza    16
         Sustainable production: the corporate challenge
                                        - by Joke Waller-Hunter    21
         Sustainable consumption, our common challenge
                                             - by Erna Witoelar    25
         Industrialization in Africa: the NGO perspective
                                          - by Ernest Rukangira    28
         The ICC and UNEP: 23 years of close collaboration
                                       - by Jean-Charles Rouher    29
         From awareness creation to solutions
                                            - by Bjb'rn Stigson    31
         UNEP's OzonAction Programme: a success story in promoting
            transfer of environmentally sound technologies         33
         The cure for marketing myopia: meeting emerging market
           needs for eco-efficient products - by Claude Fussier    34
         The Prince of Wales Business Eeaders Forum                37
         Industrial ecology: new opportunities for the private
            sector                    - by Panagiotis Karamanos    38
         Globalization of eco-efficiency: GSSD on the WWW
                                             - by Nazli Choucri    45
         Industrial production and environmental protection in
            the Brazilian chemical industry
                              - by Marcelos Kos Silveira Campos    50 
         Uya20ans                            - by Serge Antoine    53
         Sustainable tourism in Nepal's Royal Chitwan National Park
                                             - by Bijaya Kattel    55
         Turismo у desarrollo sostenible: el caso de la isla
            de Eanzarote          - by Fernando Prats Palazuelo    58
         Tourism news                                              60
         World news                                             61-62
         Industry updates                                       62-63
         UNEP focus                                             64-69
         Books and reports                                      69-82
         Feedback                                                  82

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