Industry and Environment - 1993, No.3 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Industry and Environment (ISSN 0378-9993)
  • Оглавление No.3 (1993)
         Editorial: Adddressing land contamination                  3
         Managing contaminated land: facts and figures              4
         Contaminated land in Norway: a nation-wide survey and
            clean-up action plan
                               PerAntonsen and Beate Folkestad      7
         Hazardous waste site remediation in the United States:
            information sources and selection trends for 
            innovative technologies
                        Walter W.Kovalick and John W.Kingscott     10
         Sites pollues en France : les principales etapes de
            la rehabilitation                     Rene Goubier     15
         Traitement et rehabilitation des depots de dechets en
            France                              Jacques Ricour     20
         Remediation of an abandoned wood preserving facility
            in Canada    Walter Ceroici and Colin R. Beresford     21
         Soil contaminated by the wood preserving industry
                                              Pierre Sylvestre     26
         Petrol filling stations: past problems and future 
            solutions                          J.A.J. Thompson     27 
         Industrial metabolism and long-term risks from 
            accumulated  chemicals in the Rhine Basin 
                     W.M.Stigliani, S.Anderberg and P.R. Jaffe     30
         Reclamation of coal mining lands: UK and Bulgaria       
                 Svetla Gentcheva-Kostadinova, Martin J. Haigh
                                             and Elena Zheleva     36
         Cleaner production in Tanzania         Michael Yhdego     37
         The ecological factory                  Dirk Develter     39
         The National Audubon Society: Building for the future     41
         Recovery of titanium dioxide from red mud
                                             Pradeep K. Maitra     42
         World News                                                4
         Sustainable development commission's first meeting        46
         World environmental management standards on the horizon   46
         Europe East and West charts environmental cooperation     47
         Pollution trends: the Asian challenge                     48
         Measuring environmental progress in Germany               48
         Gambia environment plan implementation begins             48
         Eastern Europe, former Soviet Union coooperate on
             environment                                           49
         LIFE - instrument financier pour 1'environnement          49
         Industry Updates
         Hotels club together for the environment                  50
         Indian industry urged to find pollution solutions         50
         Environmental solutions for the tanning industry          51
         Legislation drives German environmental improvement       51
         UNEP Focus
         UNEP 1994/1995: Council agrees new priorities             52
         Industry progress on Agenda 21 assessed                   52
         IE/РАС explores routes to sustainable consumption         53
         IE/РАС launches technology assessment programme           53
         New IE/РАС report on nickel processing and the
            environment                                            54
         Books and Reports                                         4
         Viewpoint                                                 64
         Feedback                                                  65
         Aware                                                     66

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