Global Change Report (IGBP) - 1991, No.15 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Global Change Report (ISSN 0284-8015)
  Produced by the UCAR Office for Interdisciplinary Earth Studies for the
  International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change (IGBP)
  of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) • Boulder, 1991
  • Оглавление No.15 (1991)
Global Change System for Analysis, Research and Training (START)
Report of a Meeting at Bellagio December 3-7, 1990 / Edited by J.A.Eddy, T.F.Malone, J.J.McCarthy, and T.Rosswall

       Preface                                                     v
       1.   Introduction                                           1
       2.   The START Initiative                                   5
       3.   Identification of Regions                             17
       4.   Strategy for Implementation                           27
       5.   Conclusion                                            33
       Appendix 1: Workshop Participants                          35
       Appendix 2: Acronyms                                       37
       Appendix 3: IGBP Reports                                   39

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