Global Change Report (IGBP) - 1986, No.1 - CONTENTS / ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ

НавигацияRambler's Top100
Global Change Report (ISSN 0284-8015)
  The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: A Study of Global Change (IGBP)
  • Оглавление No.1 (1986)
Final report of the Ad Hoc Planning Group authorized by a resolution of the 20th General Assembly in Ottawa, September 1984, «to review the relevant ongoing activities of bodies in the ICSU family and other organizations, to identify priority subjects for early action and to develop a coherent programme after analysis of the possible contribution of ICSU Scientific Unions, National Members and specialist bodies».

Prepared for the 21st General Assembly Berne September 14-19, 1986 August 4, 1986

        Summary                                                    v
        1.  Rationale for the IGBP                                 I
        2.  Objective                                              3
        3.  Programme Plan                                         5
        3.1    Background                                          5
        3.2    General Considerations                              5
        3.3    Programme Elements                                  6
        3.3.1     Process Studies                                  6
        3.3.2     Observations and Data                            7
        3.3.3     The Development of Global Models                 8
        3.3.4     Recovery of Environmental History                9
        3.3.5     Global Data and Communication System            10
        3.4    Temporal Development of the IGBP                   II
        4.  Relationship to Other Programmes                      13
        5.  Organization and Schedule                             14
        5.1    Organizational Principles                          14
        5.2    Scientific Committee for the IGBP                  14
        5.3    Science Working Groups                             15
        5.4    National and International Participation           16
        5.5    Schedule                                           16
        5.6    Financing                                          17
        List of Acronyms                                          20

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