Новые книги из фондов Отделения (16-12-1997)
Новые книги
из фондов Отделения ГПНТБ СО РАН

(экспонировались с 16 по 24 декабря 1997 г.)
в конце описаний указаны шифры хранения  
  1. Яблоков А.В. Атомная мифология. Заметки эколога об атомной индустрии / Центр экологической политики России. - М.: Наука, 1997. - 271 с.: ил.
  2. Эволюция, культура, познание / РАН. Ин-т философии. - М., 1996. - 167 с.
  3. Библиотеки и современное общество. Материалы международной научной конференции, посвященной 200-летию основания РНБ , С.-Петербург, 24-25 мая 1995. - СПб.: Изд-во РНБ, 1996. - 221 с.
  4. Основные результаты работ по региональной научно-технической программе "Сибирь" за 1996 год / РАН. Сиб. Отд-ние. - Новосибирск, 1997. - 167 с.

  1. Abramsson Zetterberg L. Chromosome Aberrations Detected by the Flow Cytometer Based Micronucleus Assay: Studies of Rodent Erythrocytes After Exposure to Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation or to Chemicals. - Uppsala, 1997. - 50 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 278).
  2. Abrink M. Studies on Kruppel-Related Zinc Finger Proteins and Their Involvement in Normal and Malignant Hematopoietic Growth and Differentiation. - Uppsala, 1997. - 57 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 251).
  3. Adam G.I.R. on-classical Regulation of Gene Transcription. A Study of the Human PDGF-B, H19 and IGF2 Genes. - Uppsala, 1996. - 67 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 202).
  4. Akerlund T. Growth and Division of Escherichia Coli Cells. - Uppsala, 1995. - 47 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 170).
  5. Andersson S. K. Single and Multiphonon Interactions with Infrared Radiation. Studies of Ceramic Materials for Low Emittance Applications. - Uppsala, 1997. - 77 p.: ill. -(Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 290).
  6. Andersson E. Morphological Variation in the Orchid Dactylorhiza.Traunsteineri: Scale and Systematic Implications. - Uppsala, 1996. - 25. p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of. Science a. Technology; 186).
  7. Anma R. Yakushima: an Island Arc Pluton Above a Subduction Zone. - Uppsala, 1997. - 16 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 256).
  8. Backbro K. Optimisation of Drugs Against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) Enzymes Reverse Transcrip tase and Protease by Means of Kinetic and Structural Studies. - Uppsala, 1997. - 52 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of. Science a. Technology; 287).
  9. Beccu R. Transmission of Elastic Stress Wave Energy Through Joints and Bends in Percussive Rock Drilling Systems. - Uppsala, 1996. - 24 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 177).
  10. Bennich P. Local Probing of the Surface Chemical Bond by Means of Core Level Spectroscopy. - Uppsala, 1996. - 38 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 201).
  11. Brena B. H. Reversible Immobilization of Enzymes Using Agarose-Bound Group-Specific Ligands. - Uppsala, 1996. - 52 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology;238).
  12. Bromark M. Wear Resistance of PVD Coatings for Tool Applications. - Uppsala, 1996. - 42 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 192).
  13. Bustad J. Computional Studies of Core Level XPS Satellites in Transition Metal Systems. - Uppsala, 1995. - 89 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 169).
  14. Cui H. Allelic Expression Patterns of Imprinted Gene During Human Development and Neoplasia: a Study of the Human IGF2 and H19 Genes. - Uppsala, 1997. - 56 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 283).
  15. Duda L. Magnetic Dichroism and Polarized Soft X-ray Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Compounds. - Uppsala, 1996. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive. Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 207).
  16. Edholm B. New Lateral Silicon Devices and Silicon on Diamond Technology. - Uppsala, 1995. - 48 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a Technology; 181).
  17. Eliasson A. Replication of E. Coli Plasmids Containing Repeat-Type Origins. - Uppsala, 1996. - 51p.: ill.- (Acta Univ. Uppsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 234).
  18. Eriksson M. Consequences for Plant Reproduction of Pollinator Preference for Symmetric Flowers. - Uppsala, 1996. -34 p.: ill. (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 195).
  19. Forsberg M. Regulation of Transcription Initiation by RNA Polymerase II at mRHA and U2 snRHA Promoters. - Uppsala, 1995. - 73 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 175).
  20. Fridstroem A. Applications of Fused Silica and Polypropylene Columns in Capillary Electrophoresis. - Uppsala, 1996. - 38 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 242).
  21. Fritz A.-L. Floral Evolution in Deceit-Pollinated Orchids. - Uppsala., 1995. - 34 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 158).
  22. GuIlberg A. Genetic Diversity in Disjunct Swedish Populations of the Sand Lizard (Lacerta Agilis). - Uppsala, 1996. - 38 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 221).
  23. Gustafsson M. H. G. Phylogenetic Studies in the Asterales Sensu Lato. - Uppsala, 1996. - 36 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 218).
  24. Hansson P. Polyelectrolyte Induced Assembly of Ionic Surfactants. - Uppsala, 1995. - 51 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 161).
  25. Herbert R. B. The Geochemistry of Groundwater and Soils Contaminated by Acid Mine Leachate : A Field Study from Rudolfsgruvan, Dalarna, Sweden. - Uppsala, 1995. - 33 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science and Technolgy; 156).
  26. Herranen M. Scanning Force Microscopy and Quartz Crystal Gravimetry Applied to Corrosion Studies of Ti and TiN Films. - Uppsala, 1997. - 34 p.: ill. - (Acta Uni. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 271).
  27. Hoggren M. Mating Strategies and Sperm Competition in tne Adder (Vipera Berus). - Uppsala, 1995. - 27 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 163).
  28. Holmgren K. On the Sex Differentiation and Growth Patterns of the European Eel., Anguilla Anguilla (L.). - Uppsala, 1996. - 28 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 244).
  29. Huang T.-S. Cloning and Properties of Prophenoloxidase, Masquerade-like Protein and Ferritin from the Crayfish Pacifastacus Leniusculus. - Uppsala, 1997. - 35 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 268).
  30. Isberg P. Preparation and Properties of Fe/V Superlattices. - Uppsala, 1997. - 54 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 281).
  31. Jacobson G.B. Supercritical Ammonia in Synthesis, Chromatography and Extraction of C-labelled Compounds. - Uppsala, 1996. - 46 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 228).
  32. Johansson S. Retinoid Binding Proteins and Alkaline Phosphatase in Mouse and Human Placenta and Yolk Sac. - Uppsala, 1996. - 59 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 180).
  33. Jolkkonen M. Huscarinic Toxins from Dendroaspis (Mamba) Venom: Peptides Selective ior Subtypes of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors. - Uppsala, 1996. - 51 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology;183).
  34. Rufel J. Functional and Structural Studies of Escherichia Coli RNase P RHA. - Uppsala, 1996. - 70 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology, 235).
  35. Kvarnemo C. Sexual Selection and the Influence of Environmental Factors on Operational Sex Ratios in the Sand Goby. - Uppsala, 1996. - 33 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 196).
  36. Larsson M.Deposition and Evaluation of Thin Hard PVD Coatings. - Uppsala., 1996. - 40 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 191).
  37. Larsson T. Chrystal Chemical Aspects of the Zr5A1300.5-H and Ti3P-H Systems. - Uppsala, 1995. - 32 p.: III. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 159).
  38. Lin Z. Geochemical and Mineralogical Studies of Sulfidic Wastes in Central Sweden. - Uppsala, 1997. - IV 31 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 280).
  39. Lindell L.E. Causes and Consequences of Variation in Growth Rate, Energy Storage and Survival of Adders, Vipera Berus. - Uppsala, 1995. - 43 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a.Technology; 155).
  40. Lindstroem H. Nanostructured Metal Oxide Electrodes: a Photoelectrochemical and Electrochemical Study. - Uppsala, 1997. - 42 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 293).
  41. Li L. Chromatographic Analyses of Solute Interactions with the Glucose Transporter Glut1, Liposomes and SDS Micelles. - Uppsala, i997. - 41 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 269).
  42. Maxwell A. J. Electronic and Geometric Structure Studies of C60 as an Adsorbate, Solid and Model for Graphite. - Uppsala, 1996. - 73 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 223).
  43. Meng Q. Concerted and Stepwise Solvolytic Elimination and Substitution Reactions. Evidence for Solvent-Promoted E2 Reaction . - Uppsala, 1997. - 41 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 289).
  44. Mirbt S. Magnetic Properties of Transition Metal Interfaces. - Uppsala, 1995. - 39 p. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 174 ).
  45. Mtolera M. S. P. Photosynthesis, Growth and Light-Induced Stress Responses in the Red Alga Eucheuma Denticulatum. - Uppsala, 1955. - 47 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from. the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 178).
  46. Neu H. The Use of Lithium [11C]Methyl(2-thieny l) Cuprates in Labeling Synthesis. - Uppsala, 1997. - 36 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. fron the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 275).
  47. Nillroth U. Enzymatic Characterization of Inhibitors of HIV-1 Proteinase. Structure-Activity and Resistance Studies. - Uppsala, 1996. - 63 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 233).
  48. Hyholm L. Hign-Temperature Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography in Open Tubular Columns. - Uppsala, 1996. - 38 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 230).
  49. Olsson O. Timing and Body-Reserve Adjustments in King Penguin Reproduction. - Uppsala, 1996. - 33 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 165).
  50. Quist A. Probing Biomolecular Structure with Scanning Force Microscopy. - Uppsala, 1997. -35 p.: ill. -(Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 270).
  51. Ridderstrom M. Structure and Function of Glyoxalases I and II - Two Distinct Glutathione - Linkend Enzymes.- Uppsala, 1997. - 47 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 276).
  52. Ronn M. Studies on Palladium (lI)-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidations of Olefins and Conjugated Dienes in DMSO: Applications in Organic Synthesis. - Uppsala, 1997. - 51 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 274).
  53. Soderman E. Genes Encoding Homeodomain-Leucine Zipper Proteins in Arabidopsis Thaliana. - Uppsala, 1996. - 48 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a.. Technology; 247).
  54. Stenberg G. Methylene Iodide as the Carbon Source in thermal and Photolytic CVD of Amorphous Carbon. - Uppsala, 1996. - 42 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 239).
  55. Stigson M. Large Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans in the Axolotl Embryo. - Uppsala, 1996. - 60 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis, Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 237).
  56. Stromme M. M. Cation Intercalation and Surface Fractality in Metal Oxide Based Films. - Uppsala, 1997. - 66 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 252).
  57. Swenson U. Systematics of the Blennospermatinae ( Asteraceae, Senecioneae). - Uppsala, 1995..- 34 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 162).
  58. Talleklint L. Transmission of Lyme Borreliosis Spirochetes at the Tick Vector - Mammmal Reservoir Interface. - Uppsala, 1996. - 69 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 200).
  59. TalIsjo A. On the Kinetics of Cleavage by Escherichia Coli RNase P. - Uppsala, 1996. - 63 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 193).
  60. Talts U. Increased Adult Susceptibility to Neurotoxic Pesticides: Dependence on Neonatal Exposure. - Uppsala, 1996. - 48 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 245).
  61. Tedenborg L. Synthetic Studies on the Natural Products Zoanthamine and Balanol. - Uppsala, 1997. - 48 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 257).
  62. Thornqvist P.-O. Opsonins and Their Interaction with Haemocytes in Crustaceans. - Uppsala, 1996. - 39 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 190).
  63. Vinograd V. L. Application of Stochastic Processes to Modelling of Ordered Cationic Distributions in Aluminosilicates. - Uppsala, 1996. - 22 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 209).
  64. Wikars L.-O. Effects of Forest Fire and the Ecology of Fire-Adapted Insects. - Uppsala, 1997. - 35 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a. Technology; 272).
  65. Yamakage S.-I. Synthetic and Structural (HMR) Studies on DRA and RNA. - Uppsala, 1996. - 73 p. : ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac.of Science a. Technology; 226).
  66. Zhang Y. Chromatographic Studies of Interactions Between Solutes, Lipid Bilayers and the Glucose Transporter Glut1 . - Uppsala, 1997. - 32 p.: ill. - (Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a.Technology; 259).
  67. Zhao J. Tne Adsorption of Surfactants on Polystyrene Latex Particles. - Uppsala, 1995. - 55p.:ill. -(Acta Univ. Upsaliensis. Comprehensive Summ. of Uppsala Diss. from the Fac. of Science a.Technology; 173).
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