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ОбложкаGoudie A.S. Geomorphology in the anthropocene / A.S.Goudie, H.A.Viles. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2016. - ix, 324 p.: ill., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.251-318. - Ind.: p.319-324. - ISBN 978-1-107-13996-1
Шифр: (И/Д8-G69) 02


Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ ix
1  Introduction to the Anthropocene and Anthropogeomorphology ... 1
   1.1  The Anthropocene ........................................ 1
   1.2  Anthropogeomorphology: Its History ...................... 7
   1.3  Direct and Indirect AnthropogeomorphologicaI
        Influences ............................................. 10
   1.4  Techniques in Anthropogeomorphology .................... 12
   1.5  Our Approach ........................................... 13
2  Drivers of Anthropogeomorphological Change .................. 15
   2.1  Humans Arrive .......................................... 15
   2.2  Fire ................................................... 17
   2.3  Tool Production ........................................ 19
   2.4  Pleistocene Overkill ................................... 19
   2.5  Agriculture and Domestication .......................... 20
   2.6  Irrigation and Water Management ........................ 22
   2.7  Secondary Products Revolution .......................... 23
   2.8  Urbanization ........................................... 24
   2.9  Mining and Metals ...................................... 24
   2.10 Globalization .......................................... 26
   2.11 Harnessing of Energy ................................... 26
   2.12 The Great Acceleration ................................. 28
   2.13 Conclusions ............................................ 30
3  Construction and Excavation ................................. 31
   3.1  Introduction: Humans as Earth Movers ................... 31
   3.2  Landforms Produced by Construction and Dumping:
        Introduction ........................................... 33
   3.3  Artificial Islands ..................................... 34
   3.4  Artificial Reefs ....................................... 35
   3.5  Coastal and Lake Reclamation ........................... 35
   3.6  Terracing .............................................. 36
   3.7  Tells and Other Mounds ................................. 39
   3.8  Embankments and Levees ................................. 43
   3.9  Mine Spoil Heaps ....................................... 43
   3.10 Artificial Lakes: Dams and Reservoirs .................. 45
   3.11 Landforms Produced by Excavation ....................... 48
   3.12 Craters Produced by War ................................ 53
   3.13 Qanat .................................................. 53
   3.14 Canals and Other Artificial Channels ................... 54
   3.15 Conclusions ............................................ 55
4  Subsidence in the Anthropocene .............................. 57
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 57
   4.2  Karstic Collapse ....................................... 57
   4.3  Solutional Collapse of Salt and Gypsum ................. 59
   4.4  Coal Mining Subsidence ................................. 60
   4.5  Salt Mining ............................................ 60
   4.6  Hydrocarbon Abstraction ................................ 61
   4.7  Groundwater Abstraction ................................ 62
   4.8  Geothermal Fluid Abstraction ........................... 65
   4.9  Hydrocompaction ........................................ 66
   4.10 Land Drainage .......................................... 67
   4.11 Induced Seismic Activity ............................... 68
   4.12 Conclusions ............................................ 70
5  Weathering Processes in the Anthropocene .................... 71
   5.1  Weathering in the Paleoanthropocene .................... 72
   5.2  Weathering in the Industrial Era ....................... 74
   5.3  Weathering in the Great Acceleration ................... 80
   5.4  Future Weathering ...................................... 81
   5.5  Conclusions ............................................ 86
6  Hillslope Processes in the Anthropocene ..................... 87
   6.1  Modification of Infiltration Capacities and Other
        Soil Properties ........................................ 87
   6.2  Grazing ................................................ 88
   6.3  Replacement of Grassland by Shrubland .................. 90
   6.4  Deforestation .......................................... 91
   6.5  Soil Compaction by Agriculture, Vehicular Activity,
        and Ski Resorts ........................................ 92
   6.6  Driving Forces ......................................... 93
   6.7  Case Study: Eroding Peat in Britain ................... 108
   6.8  Soil Erosion Rates: Introduction ...................... 110
   6.9  Erosion Management .................................... 112
   6.10 Lake Sedimentation Rates .............................. 113
   6.11 Acceleration of Mass Movements ........................ 119
   6.12 Mass Movement Management .............................. 123
   6.13 Future Rates of Soil Erosion and Mass Movements ....... 125
   6.14 Conclusions ........................................... 129
7  Fluvial Processes and Forms in the Anthropocene ............ 130
   7.1  Modifications of River Flow ........................... 130
   7.2  Sediment Transport: The Impact of Dams and Soil
        Erosion ............................................... 138
   7.3  Channel Changes: Deliberate ........................... 144
   7.4  Accidental Channel Changes ............................ 146
   7.5  Effects of Urbanization ............................... 150
   7.6  Effects of Transport Corridors ........................ 150
   7.7  Effects of Mining on Stream Channels .................. 151
   7.8  Changing Riparian Vegetation, Animal Activity, and
        Stream Channels ....................................... 152
   7.9  Stream Restoration .................................... 153
   7.10 Dam Removal Effects ................................... 155
   7.11 Holocene Floodplain Sedimentation Related to
        Accelerated Erosion ................................... 155
   7.12 Case Studies .......................................... 162
   7.13 The Future: River Flows and Channels Under Climate
        Change ................................................ 168
   7.14 Lake Level Changes .................................... 173
   7.15 Conclusions ........................................... 178
8  Aeolian Processes and Forms in the Anthropocene ............ 179
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 179
   8.2  Dust Storms and Wind Erosion .......................... 180
   8.3  Sand Dunes ............................................ 185
   8.4  Future Anthropocene Climate Changes and the Aeolian
        Environment ........................................... 190
   8.5  Conclusions ........................................... 192
9  Coastal Processes and Forms in the Anthropocene ............ 193
   9.1  Coastal Change ........................................ 193
   9.2  Coral Reefs ........................................... 201
   9.3  Estuaries ............................................. 204
   9.4  Salt Marshes, Mangrove Swamps, and Seagrasses ......... 207
   9.5  Future Sea-Level Rise ................................. 211
   9.6  Conclusions ........................................... 222
10 Cryospheric Processes and Forms in the Anthropocene ........ 223
   10.1 Thermokarst ........................................... 223
   10.2 Glaciers .............................................. 225
   10.3 Glacial Lakes ......................................... 233
   10.4 Conclusions ........................................... 233
11 Conclusions on the Relationships Between Geomorphology
   and the Anthropocene ....................................... 234
   11.1 The Antiquity of Some Anthropogenic Geomorphological
        Changes ............................................... 234
   11.2 Highlights of Human Impacts on Geomorphology During
        the Great Acceleration ................................ 236
   11.3 The Future ............................................ 239
   11.4 Stage 3 of the Anthropocene: Stewardship .............. 243
   11.5 Geomorphological Changes and the Earth System ......... 247
References .................................................... 251
Index ......................................................... 319

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