
Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаBoukhobza J. Flash memory integration: performance and energy considerations / J.Boukhobza, P.Olivier. - London: ISTE Press; Oxford: Elsevier, 2017. - xv, 250 p.: ill. - (Energy management in embedded systems set). - Bibliogr.: p.229-248. - Ind.: p.249-250. - ISBN 978-1-78548-124-6
Шифр: (И/З 973.2-B81) 02


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Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi

Foreword 1 ................................................... xiii
Pierre Ficheux

Foreword 2 ..................................................... xv
Maryline Chetto

Part I. Introduction ............................................ 1

Chapter 1. General Introduction ................................. 3
1.1  The outburst of digital data ............................... 3
1.2  Performance and power consumption of storage systems ....... 4
1.3  Memory hierarchy and storage technology .................... 6
1.4  Introduction to flash memory integration ................... 8
1.5  Scope of the book ......................................... 11
1.6  Target audience ........................................... 11
1.7  Outline of the book ....................................... 12
1.8  How to read this book ..................................... 13

Chapter 2. Flash Memories: Structure and Constraints ........... 15
2.1  General presentation of flash memory ...................... 16
     2.1.1  The different types of flash memory ................ 16
     2.1.2  Operating physical principles ...................... 16
     2.1.1  Simplified hierarchical architecture of a NAND
            flash memory chip .................................. 18
     2.1.4  Operations on flash memory ......................... 21
2.2  Constraints and limitations ............................... 24
     2.2.1  Erase-before-write constraint ...................... 24
     2.2.2  Wear constraint .................................... 25
     2.2.3  Reliability limitation ............................. 26
2.3  Flash memory constraint management systems: general
     concepts .................................................. 26
     2.3.1  Management of erase-before-write constraint ........ 27
     2.3.2  Wear leveling ...................................... 31
     2.3.3  Reliability management ............................. 32
     2.3.4  Constraint management systems ...................... 32
2.4  Conclusion ................................................ 33

Chapter 3. Evaluation of Performance and Power Consumption of
Storage Systems ................................................ 35
3.1  Benchmarking storage systems based on flash memory ........ 36
     3.1.1  Micro-benchmarks ................................... 37
     3.1.2  Macro-benchmarks ................................... 39
     3.1.3  I/O traces ......................................... 41
3.2  Performance and power consumption metrics of storage
     systems ................................................... 42
     3.2.1  Performance metrics ................................ 42
     3.2.2  Power consumption metrics .......................... 44
3.3  Performance and power consumption measurements for flash
     memory based storage systems .............................. 44
     3.3.1  Performance exploration through measurements ....... 45
     3.3.2  Exploration of the power consumption of storage
            systems based on NAND flash memory through
            measurements ....................................... 47
3.4  Evaluation of performance and power consumption through
     simulation ................................................ 48
     3.4.1  General concepts ................................... 48
     3.4.2  FlashSim ........................................... 50
     3.4.3  NandFlashSim ....................................... 52
     3.4.4  Other simulators and general comparison ............ 52
3.5  Conclusion ................................................ 52

Part 2. Embedded Domain and File Systems for Flash Memory:
Flash File Systems ............................................. 55

Chapter 4. Flash File Systems .................................. 57
4.1  General presentation of FFSs .............................. 57
     4.1.1  Storage management and flash memory constraints .... 58
     4.1.2  Embedded constraints and scalability of FFSs ....... 59
4.2  Integration of FFS storage systems in computer systems:
     the Linux example ......................................... 60
     4.2.1  Linux Virtual File System VFS ...................... 61
     4.2.2  NAND driver MTD .................................... 62
4.3  Presentation of the most popular FFSs: JFFS2, YAFFS2 and
     UBIFS ..................................................... 63
     4.3.1  JFFS2 .............................................. 64
     4.3.2  YAFFS2 ............................................. 66
     4.3.3  UBI and UBIFS ...................................... 69
4.4  Other state-of-the-art FFSs ............................... 71
4.5  Conclusion ................................................ 73

Chapter 5. Methodology for Performance and Power Consumption
Exploration of Flash File Systems .............................. 75
5.1  General presentation of exploration methodology ........... 76
     5.1.1  Methods and tools .................................. 76
     5.1.2  Hardware platform .................................. 77
5.2  A toolset for performance exploration of FFS-based
     systems on Linux .......................................... 78
     5.2.1  Flashmon ........................................... 80
     5.2.2  VFSMon and FuncMon ................................. 84
5.3  Exploration of power consumption: Open-PEOPLE platform .... 87
5.4  Conclusion ................................................ 91

Chapter 6. Performance and Power Consumption of Dedicated File
Systems: Experimental Results .................................. 93
6.1  Hardware and driver levels ................................ 93
     6.1.1  Performance and power consumption of basic flash
            operations ......................................... 94
     6.1.2  Impact of the MTD read buffer ...................... 96
     6.1.3  Conclusion ......................................... 99
6.2  FFS level - focus on JFFS2 ................................ 99
     6.2.1  Read at the FFS level .............................. 99
     6.2.2  Write at the FFS level ............................ 108
     6.2.3  Conclusion ........................................ 116
6.3  VFS level ................................................ 117
     6.3.1  Page cache ........................................ 117
     6.3.2  Read-ahead mechanism .............................. 120
     6.3.3  The write-back mechanism .......................... 122
     6.3.4  Conclusion ........................................ 123
6.4  Conclusion ............................................... 123

Part 3 . Flash Translation Layers ............................. 127

Chapter 7. Flash Translation Layer ............................ 129
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 129
7.2  Basic mapping schemes .................................... 130
     7.2.1  Page-level mapping scheme ......................... 131
     7.2.2  Block-level mapping scheme ........................ 131
     7.2.3  Hybrid mapping scheme ............................. 132
7.3  Complex mapping schemes .................................. 133
     7.3.1  Log block FTL ..................................... 134
     7.3.2  Page-level mapping FTL ............................ 138
     7.3.3  FTL with partitioned flash memory ................. 139
7.4  Wear leveling ............................................ 140
     7.4.1  Wear leveling based on the number of erase
            operations ........................................ 141
     7.4.2  Wear leveling based on the number of write cycles . 142
7.5  Garbage collection algorithms ............................ 142
7.6  Cache mechanisms for flash memory ........................ 144
7.7  Conclusion ............................................... 146

Chapter 8. Methodology for the Evaluation of SSD Performance
and Power Consumption ......................................... 149
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 150
     8.1.1  Method and tools .................................. 150
     8.1.2  Hardware platform ................................. 151
8.2  I/O software stack in Linux .............................. 151
     8.2.1. The generic block layer ........................... 153
     8.2.2  The I/O scheduler ................................. 154
     8.2.3  The device driver ................................. 156
8.3  Context: the Cloud ....................................... 156
8.4  I/O monitoring tools for performance exploration ......... 157
     8.4.1  Level 1: the hypervisor ........................... 158
     8.4.2  Level 2: host VFS ................................. 160
     8.4.3  Level 3: file system .............................. 162
     8.4.4  Level 4: block layer .............................. 162
8.5  Performance and energy consumption analysis .............. 166
     8.5.1  Measurement of the overall system (PDU) ........... 166
     8.5.2  Measurement of the storage system (sensors) ....... 168
     8.6  Conclusion .......................................... 169

Chapter 9. Performance and Power Consumption of SSD Based
Systems: Experimental Results ................................. 171
9.1  Introduction ............................................. 171
9.2  Impact of I/Os on performance and energy consumption ..... 172
9.3  A macroscopic view of performance and power consumption
     of storage systems ....................................... 174
     9.3.1  Hardware/software configuration for experiments ... 175
     9.3.2  Measurement results ............................... 176
9.4  A microscopic view of performance and power consumption
     of storage systems ....................................... 185
     9.4.1  The use of micro-benchmarks ....................... 185
     9.4.2  Video application case study ...................... 190
9.5  Conclusions .............................................. 198

Part 4. Emerging Non-volatile Memories ........................ 201

Chapter 10. Emerging Non-volatile Memories .................... 203
10.1 Introduction ............................................. 203
10.2 NVM integration .......................................... 204
     10.2.1 Integration as a storage system ................... 204
     10.2.2 Integration as a main memory ...................... 206
     10.2.3 Integration in CPU caches ......................... 206
10.3 PCM or phase-change memory ............................... 207
     10.3.1 Basic concepts .................................... 207
     10.3.2 PCM integration ................................... 208
     10.3.3 PCM as a main memory .............................. 208
     10.3.4 PCM as a storage system ........................... 209
     10.3.5 Open questions .................................... 210
10.4 MR AM or magneto-resistive memory ........................ 211
     10.4.1 Basic concepts .................................... 212
     10.4.2 MRAM integration .................................. 213
     10.4.3 Open questions .................................... 215
10.5 FeRAM or ferroelectric memory ............................ 215
     10.5.1 Basic concepts .................................... 216
     10.5.2 FeRAM integration ................................. 217
10.6 ReRAM or resistive memory ................................ 218
     10.6.1 Basic concepts .................................... 219
     10.6.2 ReRAM integration ................................. 221
     10.6.3 Open questions .................................... 222
10.7 Conclusion ............................................... 223

Conclusion .................................................... 225
Bibliography .................................................. 229
Index ......................................................... 249

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