Delery J. Three-dimensional separated flow topology: critical points, separation lines and vortical structures (London, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDelery J. Three-dimensional separated flow topology: critical points, separation lines and vortical structures. - London: ISTE; Hoboken: Wiley, 2013. - xiii, 155 p.: ill. - (Focus series in fluid mechanics). - Incl. bibl. ref. and ind. - ISBN 978-1-84821-450-7; ISSN 2051-2481

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................... ix

Chapter l. Skin Friction Lines Pattern and Critical Points ...... 1
1.1  Basic properties of the three-dimensional boundary layer ... 1
1.2  Skin friction lines and surface flow pattern ............... 5
1.3  Critical points of the skin friction line pattern .......... 8
     1.3.1  General solution and the eigenvalue problem ......... 8
     1.3.2  The different critical points ...................... 14
1.4  Critical points of the wall vorticity lines ............... 24

Chapter 2. Separation Streamsurfaces and Vortex Structures ..... 27
2.1  Generalization to the flow field and three-dimensional
     critical points ........................................... 27
2.2  Separation and attachment lines ........................... 32
2.3  Streamsurfaces of separation and attachment ............... 36
2.4  Vortical structures ....................................... 40
2.5  Some properties of a vortical structure ................... 42

Chapter 3. Separated Flow on a Body ............................ 47
3.1  Basic rules and definitions ............................... 47
3.2  General definition: the basic separated structures ........ 49
3.3  Field associated with a separation with one saddle
     point and three nodes: the horseshoe vortex ............... 56
3.4  Field associated with a separation with one point and
     two foci: the tornado-like vortex ......................... 62

Chapter 4. Vortex Wake of Wings and Slender Bodies ............. 69
4.1  Vortical structures over a delta wing ..................... 69
4.2  Vortical flow over a slender body ......................... 77
4.3  Vortex wake of a classical wing ........................... 82
     4.3.1  Topological description ............................ 82
4.3.2  A scenario for the origin of vortices on a wing ......... 88

Chapter 5. Separation Induced by an Obstacle or a Blunt Body ... 91
5.1  Separation in front of an obstacle ........................ 91
5.2  Flow induced by an obstacle of finite height or
     protuberance .............................................. 97
5.3  Separation on a non-propelled afterbody .................. 103
5.4  The flow past an automobile .............................. 110
     5.4.1  The surface flow pattern .......................... 110
     5.4.2  Separation surfaces ............................... 116

Chapter 6. Reconsideration of the Two-dimensional
Separation .................................................... 121
6.1  Some definitions: a reminder ............................. 121
6.2  Two-dimensional separation ............................... 123
6.3  Special critical points .................................. 123
6.4  Three-dimensional structure of a two-dimensional
     separated flow ........................................... 131
6.5  Axisymmetric afterbody ................................... 136

Chapter 7. Concluding Remarks ................................. 143

Bibliography .................................................. 147
List of Symbols ............................................... 151
Index ......................................................... 153

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