| Barger V. The physics of neutrinos / V.Barger, D.Marfatia, K.Whisnant. - Princeton; Oxford: Princeton univ. press, 2012. - xi, 224 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.177-219. - Ind.: p.221-224. - Пер. загл.: Физика нейтрино. - ISBN 978-0-691-12853-5
Preface ........................................................ xi
1 Introduction ................................................. l
2 Neutrino Basics ............................................. 11
2.1 Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos ........................... 11
2.2 Neutrino Counting ...................................... 12
2.3 Neutrinos from Weak Decays ............................. 14
2.4 Neutrino Cross Sections ................................ 16
2.5 Neutrino Detectors ..................................... 24
2.6 Neutrino Beams ......................................... 28
3 Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations ............................ 33
3.1 Vacuum Oscillations .................................... 33
3.2 Matter Effects on Oscillations ......................... 36
3.3 Solar Neutrino Oscillations ............................ 38
3.4 Long-baseline Oscillations through the Earth ........... 41
3.5 Matter Effects for Sterile Neutrinos ................... 42
3.6 Decoherence ............................................ 43
4 Solar Neutrinos ............................................. 45
4.1 Origin of Solar Neutrinos .............................. 45
4.2 Solar Neutrino Experiments ............................. 46
4.3 KamLAND ................................................ 49
4.4 Solar/Reactor Neutrino Parameters ...................... 49
4.5 Flux-independent Tests ................................. 53
4.6 Future Experiments ..................................... 56
4.7 Geoneutrinos ........................................... 57
5 Atmospheric Neutrinos ....................................... 59
5.1 Atmospheric Neutrino Experiments ....................... 59
5.2 Matter Effects for Atmospheric Neutrinos ............... 63
5.3 Long-baseline Neutrino Experiments ..................... 64
Global Three-neutrino Fits .................................. 68
7 Absolute Neutrino Mass ...................................... 71
7.1 Beta Decay ............................................. 71
7.2 Cosmological Limits .................................... 72
7.3 Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay ......................... 73
8 Long-baseline Neutrino Oscillations ......................... 76
8.1 Conventional Neutrino Beams ............................ 77
8.2 Reactor Experiments .................................... 80
8.3 Superbeams ............................................. 85
8.4 Neutrino Factories ..................................... 87
8.5 Beta Beams ............................................. 91
8.6 Comparing Long-baseline Experiments .................... 92
8.7 T and CPT Symmetries ................................... 97
9 Model Building .............................................. 99
9.1 The Seesaw Mechanism ................................... 99
9.2 Patterns of Neutrino Masses and Mixings ............... 102
9.3 GUT Models ............................................ 105
9.4 Non-GUT-specific Models ............................... 107
9.5 Leptogenesis .......................................... 114
10 Supernova Neutrinos ........................................ 116
10.1 General Description of a Supernova .................... 116
10.2 Neutrino Fluxes from the SN Core ...................... 118
10.3 Flavor Swapping from Collective Effects ............... 119
10.4 MSW Conversions in a Supernova ........................ 120
10.5 Detection of Supernova Neutrinos ...................... 122
10.6 Supernova Relic Neutrinos ............................. 124
11 High-energy Astrophysical Neutrinos ........................ 126
11.1 Cosmogenic Neutrinos .................................. 126
11.2 IceCube ............................................... 128
11.3 Waxman-Bahcall Flux ................................... 132
11.4 Ultra High-energy Neutrino Cross Sections ............. 133
11.5 Z-burst Mechanism ..................................... 134
11.6 Astrophysical Neutrino Flavor Content ................. 135
11.7 Neutrinos from Dark Matter Annihilation ............... 138
12 Beyond Three Neutrinos ..................................... 147
12.1 LSND Experiment ....................................... 147
12.2 MiniBooNE Experiment .................................. 152
12.3 Mass-varying Neutrinos ................................ 158
12.4 Neutrino Decay ........................................ 161
12.5 Neutrino Decoherence .................................. 163
12.6 Lorentz Invariance Violation .......................... 164
12.7 Non-standard Neutrino Interactions .................... 166
12.8 Heavy Majorana Neutrinos at Colliders ................. 169
12.9 Neutrino Magnetic Moment .............................. 170
12.10 Fourth Generation Neutrino ........................... 171
13 Summary and Outlook ........................................ 172
References .................................................... 177
Index ......................................................... 221