Sklar L. Philosophy and the foundations of dynamics (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSklar L. Philosophy and the foundations of dynamics. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013. - ix, 272 p. - Ref.: p.263-265. - Ind.: p.266-272. - ISBN 978-0-521-88819-6

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. i
   1.1  The growth of theories .................................. 1
   1.2  The formulation and reformulation of theories ........... 4
   1.3  The structure of this book .............................. 8
2  The pre-history of classical dynamics ....................... 12
   2.1  Some Greek knowledge and speculation ................... 12
   2.2  The growth of mathematical astronomy ................... 16
   2.3  Greek dynamical theory ................................. 20
   2.4  Dynamics in medieval Islam and medieval Latin Europe ... 22
   Suggested reading ........................................... 23
3  The astronomical revolution ................................. 24
   3.1  Copernicus ............................................. 24
   3.2  Brahe and Kepler ....................................... 29
   Suggested reading ........................................... 32
4  Precursors to Newtonian dynamics ............................ 33
   4.1  Galileo ................................................ 33
   4.2  Descartes .............................................. 36
   4.3  Huyghens ............................................... 40
   4.4  Other precursors of Newton ............................. 44
   Suggested reading ........................................... 45
5  The Newtonian synthesis ..................................... 46
   5.1  Newtonian dynamics ..................................... 46
   5.2  Newtonian gravity and Newtonian cosmology .............. 53
   Suggested reading ........................................... 56
6  Philosophical aspects of the Newtonian synthesis ............ 57
   6.1  The metaphysics of space, time and motion .............. 57
   6.2  Issues concerning explanation .......................... 64
   6.3  Newton's "Rules of reasoning in philosophy" ............ 69
   Suggested reading ........................................... 74
7  The history of statics ...................................... 75
   Suggested reading ........................................... 79
8  The development of dynamics after Newton .................... 80
   8.1  From special problems and ad-hoc methods to general 
        theory ................................................. 80
   8.2  Three developmental streams ............................ 85
   8.3  Philosophical themes in dynamics ....................... 87
9  The "Newtonian" approach after Newton ....................... 89
   9.1  Kinematics, dynamics and constitutive equations ........ 89
   9.2  The fundamental laws of dynamics ....................... 91
   9.3  Philosophical reflections on "force" ................... 91
   Suggested reading ........................................... 95
10 From virtual work to Lagrange's equation .................... 96
   10.1 From virtual work to "d'Alembert's principle" .......... 96
   10.2 From d'Alembert's principle to Lagrange's equation ..... 99
   Suggested reading .......................................... 100
11 Extremal principles ........................................ 102
   11.1 From least time to least action ....................... 102
   11.2 Least action and the issue of explanatory legitimacy .. 106
   Suggested reading .......................................... 109
12 Some philosophical reflections on explanation and theory ... 110
13 Conservation principles .................................... 118
   13.1 Discovery, controversy and consolidation .............. 118
   13.2 Symmetry and conservation ............................. 122
   Suggested reading .......................................... 127
14 Hamilton's equations ....................................... 128
   14.1 The Hamiltonian formalism ............................. 128
   14.2 Phase space ........................................... 130
   Suggested reading .......................................... 135
15 Canonical transformations, optical analogies and
   algebraic structures ....................................... 137
   15.1 Canonical transformations ............................. 138
   15.2 Hamilton-Jacobi theory ................................ 139
   15.3 Poisson brackets ...................................... 142
   Suggested reading .......................................... 143
16 The search for new foundations ............................. 144
   16.1 A sampler of proposals ................................ 146
   16.2 Hertz's neo-Cartesianism .............................. 149
   16.3 Mach's relationism .................................... 157
   16.4 Further foundational reflections ...................... 161
   Suggested reading .......................................... 169
17 New directions in the applications of dynamics ............. 170
   17.1 From celestial mechanics to qualitative dynamics ...... 171
   17.2 Chaos theory .......................................... 187
   17.3 Statistical mechanics ................................. 190
   17.4 New applications and explanatory projects ............. 194
   Suggested reading .......................................... 199
18 Spacetime formulations of Newtonian dynamics ............... 201
   18.1 Relativistic spacetimes ............................... 202
   18.2 Galilean spacetime .................................... 205
   18.3 Curved Galilean spacetime and Newtonian gravity ....... 207
   18.4 Philosophical reflections ............................. 209
   Suggested reading .......................................... 213
19 Formalization: mass and force .............................. 214
   19.1 "Informal" formalization .............................. 215
   19.2 "Formal" formalization: mass and force ................ 221
   Suggested reading .......................................... 234
20 Relationist dynamics ....................................... 235
   20.1 Machian dynamics ...................................... 235
   20.2 Philosophical questions ............................... 239
   Suggested reading .......................................... 244
21 Modes of explanation ....................................... 245
   21.1 The variety of explanatory modes in dynamics .......... 245
   21.2 Internal issues concerning analytical dynamics ........ 248
   21.3 Extremal principles and the philosophy of 
        explanation ........................................... 253
   Suggested reading .......................................... 260
22 Retrospective and conclusions .............................. 261
   References ................................................. 263

Index ......................................................... 266

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