Richter F. Mass spectrometry based analysis of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions in spliceosomal complexes: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. (Berlin, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRichter F. Mass spectrometry based analysis of protein-RNA and protein-protein interactions in spliceosomal complexes: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. / Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - Berlin: Humboldt-Universität, 2009. - 218 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.188-206.

Оглавление / Contents
1  SUMMARY ...................................................... 1
1  ZUSAMMENFASSUNG .............................................. 3
2  INTRODUCTION ................................................. 5
   2.1  The spliceosome ......................................... 6
        2.1.1  U snRNP particles are the submits of the
               spliceosome ...................................... 8
        2.1.2  Assembly of snRNPs .............................. 11
        2.1.3  Mechanism of splicing and assembly of the
               spliceosome ..................................... 13
   2.2  Mass spectrometry ...................................... 16
        2.2.1  Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization
               (MALD1) mass spectrometry ....................... 17
        2.2.2  Electro spray ionization (ESI) mass
               spectrometry .................................... 22
        2.2.3  Sequencing of peptides and nucleic acids ........ 27
   2.3  Chromatography in protein research ..................... 32
   2.4  Introduction 3D structure analysts of macromolecular
        complexes using EM ..................................... 38
   2.5  Analysis of protein-protein and protein-RNA
        interactions based on MS ............................... 41
        2.5.1  Analysis of protein-protein interactions by
               crosslinking and mass spectrometry .............. 42
        2.5.2  Analysis of protein-RNA interactions by
               crosslinking and mass spectrometry .............. 43
   2.6  Aim of this work ....................................... 46
3  MATERIALS AND METHODS ....................................... 49
   3.1  Materials .............................................. 49
        3.1.1  Chemicals, fine chemicals, general materials .... 49
        3.1.2  Enzymes and Enzyme inhibitors ................... 50
        3.1.3  Chromatography and mass spectrometry
               equipment ....................................... 50
        3.1.4  General Laboratory materials .................... 51
        3.1.5  Instruments ..................................... 51
   3.2  Methods ................................................ 52
        3.2.1  Purification of spliceosomal complexes .......... 52
       Cultivation of HeLa cells and
                        purification of small nuclear
                        ribonucleoprotein complexes (snRN Ps)
                        from nuclear extracts .................. 52
               3 2 1.2  Purification of 12S Ul snRNPs and 12S
                        U2 snRNPs for UV-crosslinking
                        studies ................................ 53
       Preparation of the spliceosomal A-,
                        B- and C-complexes ..................... 54
        3.2.2  UV crosslinking experiments ..................... 55
       UV-irradiation and subsequent sample
                        processing for semi-preparative scale
                        purification of peptide- RNA
                        heteroconjugates ....................... 55
               3.2.2 2  Semi-preparative purification of
                        UV-induced peptide-RNA
                        heteroconjugates ....................... 56
       Small analytical scale generation of
                        UV-induced peptide-RNA
                        heteroconjugates ....................... 57
               3.2 2.4  UV-crosslinking and subsequent sample
                        processing of spliceosomal complexes ... 58
       Phosphatase treatment removes
                        phosphopeptides prior to the ТiO2
                        enrichment ............................. 58
               3 2.2.6  Microscale offline ТiO2 enrichment for
                        crosslinks and phosphopeptides ......... 58
       Offline Immobilized Metal Ion
                        Affinity Chromatography (IMAC)
                        enrichment ............................. 59
       Offline ТiO2 enrichment for
                        crosslinks and phophopeptides to test
                        suitable conditions for the online
                        2D-enrichment setup .................... 59
       2D-online enrichment for crosslinks
                        and phosphopeptides - setup and
                        workflow of the 2D-chromatography
                        system ................................. 60
      MALDI analysis of 1D- or 2D nanoLC
                        purified peptide-RNA
                        heteroconjugates ....................... 62
      LC-online ESI-MSMS analysis of ТiO2-
                        purified peptide-RNA
                        heteroconjugates ....................... 62
      Data analysis strategy for large
                        crosslink data sets generated from
                        ESI-MSMS ............................... 62
      UV-Crosslinking of RNA oligomers and
                        peptides ............................... 63
        3.2.3  Chemical modifications probing the solvent
               accessibility in native particles ............... 64
       Alkylation of cysteines using
                        iodacetamide ........................... 64
       Modification of lysines using di-m
                        ethy 1 -am mo-bor ane complexes ........ 65
        3.2.4  Electron Carbon Film Assisted Digest (ECAD)
               directly correlates EM and MS ................... 66
       General remark on the preparation of
                        glutaraldehyde fixed protein
                        complexes .............................. 66
               3.2 4.2  Reconstitution of GroEL(14)GroES(7)-
                        2ATP complexes for ECAD experiments .... 66
       Preparation of U1 snRNPs for
                        adsorption onto carbon films ........... 67
               3 2 4.4  Preparation of U1 snRNPs in complex
                        with snurportin nuclear import
                        factor ................................. 67
       Preparation of 25S [U4/U6.U5] tri-sn
                        RNPs for adsorption onto carbon
                        films .................................. 67
               3 2 4.6  Preparation of high salt U5 snRNPs
                        for adsorption onto carbon films ....... 68
       Preparation of spliceosomal
                        B-complexes for adsorption onto
                        carbon films ........................... 68
       Preparation of electron microscopy
                        carbon films and sample preparation
                        for EM-image recording ................. 68
       Electron microscopy .................... 69
      Sample preparation of the Electron
                        Carbon Film Assisted Digest (ECAD)
                        and the in-parallel in-solution
                        digestion .............................. 70
      Offline LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF and online-
                        ESI-MSMS analysis for ECAD ............. 71
      Data analysis strategy for peptide
                        detection and evaluation of data ....... 71
      Relative quantification of 18O/16O
                        labeled peptides ....................... 72
      Generation of color-coded 3D models .... 72
        3.2.5  General methods for molecular biology and
               biochemistry .................................... 73
       Phenol-chlorophorm-isoamyl extraction
                        for separation of RNA and protein and
                        subsequent ethanol or acetone
                        precipitations ......................... 73
       Denaturing poly aery lamide gel
                        electrophoresis for separation of
                        RNA .................................... 73
       Determination of protein
                        concentration in aqueous solution
                        (Bradford-Assay) ....................... 74
       Denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gel
                        electrophoresis for separation of
                        proteins ............................... 74
   3.2.6  General chromatography methods ....................... 75
       Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) .... 75
       Semi-preparative reversed phase
                        liquid chromatography (RP-LC) .......... 76
       Nano-scale reversed phase liquid
                        chromatography - setup and operation ... 76
       Offline desalting using centrifuge
                        microspin columns ...................... 78
        3.2.7  Mass Spectrometry methods ....................... 79
       In-gel hydrolysis of proteins .......... 79
       In-solution hydrolysis of proteins ..... 80
       In-solution hydrolysis of RNA .......... 81
       Thin-layer preparation with α-cyano-
                        4-cinnamic acid ........................ 81
       Dried droplet preparation with
                        diverse matrices ....................... 81
       Instrumental parameters for the MALDI
                        measurements ........................... 82
       Instrumental parameters for the ESI
                        measurements ........................... 83
4  RESULTS ..................................................... 84
   4.1  Analysis of protein-RNA interactions in spliceosomal
        complexes .............................................. 84
        4.1.1  Miniaturization of the chromatographic
               separation using 1D nano-LC ..................... 86
        4.1.2  Optimizing enzymatic digests of the snRNPs and
               evaluation by 1D nano-LC ........................ 87
        4.1.3  Evaluation of crosslink enrichment, MS based
               data generation and automated data analysis
               strategies ...................................... 90
       Enrichment of crosslinks using
                        titanium dioxide nano-columns
                        incorporated to a online-2D nano
                        liquid chromatography interfaced with
                        MALDI-TOF/TOF .......................... 90
       Offline enrichment of crosslinks from
                        crude mixtures using titanium dioxide
                        micro columns interfaced with
                        ESI-MSMS used for high-throughput
                        analysis ............................... 99
       Evaluation of a peptide-RNA crosslink
                        prediction workflow by a restricted
                        database search using highest mass
                        accuracy and RNA marker ions alone .... 104
        4.1.4  Crosslinking of native U1 snRNPs, offline
               TiO2 enrichment and ESI-MSMS .................... 106
        4.1.5  Crosslinking of 12S U2 snRNPs. offline TiO2-
               enrichment and ESI-MSMS ........................ 114
        4.1.6  Detection of direct interactions of amino
               acids and oligonucleotides by probing the
               chemical reactivity ............................ 117
       Protection of cysteine residues in
                        native U1 and U2 snRNPs from
                        alkylation with iodacetamide .......... 119
       Protection of lysine residues
                        in native U1 and U2 snRNPs from
                        di-methylation with a di-methyl-
                        amino-borane complex .................. 121
   4.2  Analysis of the protein-protein network in
        spliceosomal complexes ................................ 124
        4.2.1  Improved digest quality of an integrative
               sample preparation workflow for MS using
               glutaraldehyde - Electron Carbon Film
               Assisted Digest (ECAD) ......................... 124
        4.2.2  Peptides are generated with higher
               reproducibility from ECAD as compared to
               in-solution digest - example of a multi-copy
               protein complex GroEL14-GroES7 ................. 134
        4.2.3  Probing solvent accessibility of lysine
               residues in Ul snRNPs by applying
               glutaraldehyde fixation and electron carbon
               film assisted digest (ECAD) .................... 136
        4.2.4  Comparison of the lysine reactivity towards
               glutaraldehyde (ECAD) and the trimethyl-
               amino-borane complex in Ul snRNPs .............. 140
        4.2.5  Probing solvent accessibility of lysine
               residues in [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP applying
               glutaraldehyde jixation and electron carbon
               film assisted digest (ECAD) .................... 143
        4.2.6  ECAD enables the detection
               ofsubstochiometrically bound factors to
               [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP due to detection of
               interacting peptide regions .................... 148
        4.2.7  ECAD enables the detection
               of substochiometrically bound factors to U1
               snRNP due to detection of interacting
               peptide regions ................................ 151
        4.2.8  Correlation between structure and
               composition using quantitative ECAD is
               suitable for defining a stable core
               particle ....................................... 153

5  DISCUSSION ................................................. 158
   5.1  Protein-RNA interactions in spliceosomal
        complexes ............................................. 158
        5.1.1  Phosphate specific enrichment of peptide-
               RNA heteroconjugates from crude mixtures
               by ТiO2 enables higher sensitivity by
               reduction of purification steps ................ 160
        5.1.2  Impact of the sample purification on the
               data analysis workflow ......................... 165
        5.1.3  De-novo identified crosslinks in native U1
               snRNPs correlate with other protein
               interaction studies ............................ 167
        5.1.4  De-novo identified crosslinks in 12S U2
               snRNPs propose a crucial role of cysteines
               in Sm Core assembly and depict requirement
               for more RNA sequence .......................... 171
        5.1.5  Unusual cro.sslinking chemistry observed
               for cysteines can be explained by oxidation
               of nucleobases during UV-irradiation ........... 172
        5.1.6  Improvements for future UV crosslinking
               studies ........................................ 174
   5.2  Protein-protein interactions in spliceosomal
        complexes ............................................. 175
        5.2.1  Protection of e-amines of lysines can be
               analyzed by ECAD or di-methyl-amino-borane
               modification - validation of the method ........ 176
        5.2.2  Implications of ECAD far the interactions
               within the [U4/U6.U5] tri-snRNP ................ 179
        5.2.3  Defining stably bound and loosely
               associated protein constituents of the
               protein complexes improved upon ECAD sample
               processing ..................................... 181
        5.2.4  General implications of ECAD on the
               analysis of macromolecular assemblies, and
               outlook for further applications ............... 185

6 REFERENCES .................................................. 188

7 APPENDIX .................................................... 207

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