Part I Attoseconds and High Harmonics
Sub 100 attosecond XUV pulses .................................... 3
E.Mevel, I.J.Sola, L.Elouga, E.Constant,
V.Strelkov, L.Poletto, P.Villoresi, G.Sansone,
E.Benedetti, J.-P.Caumes, S.Stagira, C.Vozzi,
and M.Nisoli
Quasi phase matching of high harmonic generation in
waveguides using counterpropagating beams ........................ 6
X.Zhang, A.L.Lytle, M.M.Murnane, H.C.Kapteyn,
and O.Cohen
Observation of Intra-molecular Vibrational Dynamics Using
High-Harmonic Generation as a Probe .............................. 9
N.L.Wagner, A.Wuest, H.С.Kapteyn, and M.M.Murnane
Ultrafast Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in Si with 20fs
Resolution Using HH Radiation .................................... 12
E.Seres and C.Spielmann
Enhanced High Harmonic Generation from Ions using a Capillary
Discharge ........................................................ 15
T.Popmintchev, B.Reagan, D.M.Gaudiosi, M.Grisham,
M.Berrill, 0.Cohen, В.С.Walker, M.M.Murnane,
H.С.Kapteyn, and J.J.Rocca
Tunable isolated attosecond pulses ............................... 18
G.Sansone, E.Benedetti, F.Calegari, С Vozzi,
S.Stagira, S.De Silvestri, and M.Nisoli
Measurement and control of attosecond pulse formation ............ 21
N.Dudovich, O.Smirnova, J.Levesque, Y.Mairesse,
M.Y.Ivanov, D.M.Villeneuve, and P.B.Corkum
Continuum Harmonic Radiation in the Extreme Ultraviolet Region
Using Synthesized Sub-10-fs Two-Color Field ...................... 24
M.Kaku, Y.Oishi, A.Suda, F.Kannari, and K.Midorikawa
Basis for ultrafast imaging of molecular orbitals with
high-order harmonic generation ................................... 27
T.Kanai, S.Minemoto, and H.Sakai
Adaptive Spatial Control of High-Harmonic Generation ............. 30
C.Winterfeldt, J.Lohbreier, A.Paulus, T.Pfeifer,
R.Spitzenpfeil, D.Walter, G.Gerber, and С Spielmann
A proposed tabletop atto-second pulse coherent X-ray source ...... 33
T.Plettner and R.L.Byer
Attosecond pulse production and orbital tomography
with orthogonally polarized two-color few-cycle pulses ........... 36
M.Kitzler, J.Caillat, A.Scrinzi, and A.Baltuska
Isolated EUV Pulses via CEP-insensitive Nonlinear Stabilization
in a Waveguide ................................................... 39
A.S.Sandhu, E.Gagnon, A.Paul, I.Thomann, A.L.Lytle,
T.Keep, M.M.Murnane, H.C.Kapteyn, and I.Christov
Ultrafast Extreme Ultraviolet Holography: Dynamic Monitoring
of Surface Deformation ........................................... 42
R.I.Tobey, M.E.Siemens, O.Cohen, Q.Li,
M.M.Murnane, H.С.Kapteyn, and K.A.Nelson
Femtosecond VUV Photon Pulse for Time-resolved Photoelectron
Spectroscopy ..................................................... 45
P.Wernet, K.Godehusen, O.Schwarzkopf, and W.Eberhardt
Laser-Assisted Photoelectric Effect on Pt(lll) ................... 48
L.Miaja-Avila, G.Saathoff, С.Lei, M.Aeschlimann,
J.L.Gland, M.M.Murnane, and H.С.Kapteyn
Is high harmonic generation a single-active-electron process? .... 51
A.Gordon and F.X.Kartner
Multi-Cycle Driven Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation .......... 54
T.Pfeifer, L.Gallmann, M.J.Abel, P.M.Nagel,
D.M.Neumark, and S.R.Leone
Part II Generation and High-Power Propagation
Generation of Terawatt Sub-8 fs Laser Pulses Using Optical
Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification ........................... 59
S.Witte, R.T.Zinkstok, W.Hogervorst, and K.S.E.Eikema
Holographic Snapshots of Laser Wakefields ........................ 62
N.H.Matlis, S.Reed, S.S.Bulanov, V.Chvykov,
G.Kalintchenko, T.Matsuoka, P.Rousseau, V.Yanovsky,
A.Maksimchuk, S.Kalmykov, G.Shvets, and M.С.Downer
Phase-Mask Control and Stabilization of Optical
Filamentation .................................................... 65
T.Pfeifer, L.Gallmann, M.J.Abel, D.M.Neumark,
and S.R.Leone
Development of a Multi-Terawatt Ultrabroadband Optical
Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplifier ............................... 68
A.Marcinkevicius, F.Tavella, and F.Krausz
High energy self-phase-stabilized pulses by difference
frequency generation and optical parametric amplification ........ 71
С.Vozzi, C.Manzoni, E.Benedetti, G.Cirmi, G.Sansone,
S.Stagira, O.Svelto, S.De Silvestri, M.Nisoli,
and G.Cerullo
5.1 fs pulses by filamentation - future prospective
of self-compression to one optical cycle 74
A.Couairon, A.Mysyrowicz, J.Biegert, and U.Keller
Interfering basing Filaments in Dense Absorbing Media ............ 77
L.Guyon, F.Courvoisier, V.Boutou, R.Nuter,
A.Vincotte, S.Champeaux, L.Berge, P.Glorieux,
and J.-P.Wolf
Non-relativistic Magnetic Continuum Generation ................... 80
S.L.Oliveira and S.C.Rand
Mode-locked ytterbium fiber laser with dispersion
compensation by a fiber taper .................................... 83
R.Herda, M.Rusu, S.Kivisto, and O.G.Okhotnikov
Soliton-effect pulse compression of supercontinuum in
photonic nanowires ............................................... 86
M.A.Foster, Q.Cao, R.Trebino, and A.L.Gaeta
extreme Chirped Pulse Amplification Using Semiconductor
Optical Amplifiers ............................................... 89
K.Kim, S.Lee, and P.J.Delfyett
Direct Comparison of the Hollow-Core Fiber and Filamentation
Techniques for Few-Cycle Pulse Generation ........................ 92
L.Gallmann, T.Pfeifer, M.J.Abel, P.M.Nagel,
D.M.Neumark, and S.R.Leone
Grism based stretcher/compressor system for amplified,
femtosecond kilohertz lasers ..................................... 95
D.M.Gaudiosi, E.A.Gibson, S.Kane, R.Huff,
M.M.Murnane, H.C.Kapteyn,
Durfee III, J.Squier, and R.Jimenez
High Power Femtosecond IR Laser Source Based on NoncoUinear
Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification ................... 98
D.Kraemer, R.Hua, M.L.Cowan, K.Franjic,
and R.J.D.Miller
Generation of high-fidelity sub-10-fs millijoule pulses
through filamentation for relativistic laser-matter
experiments at 1 kHz ............................................ 101
C.R.Hauri, M.Merano, A.Trisorio, and
MHz-rate white light generation using a novel
positive-dispersion cavity-dumped Ti:sapphire laser ............. 104
X.Zhou, H.С.Kapteyn, and M.M.Murnane
High Spectral Irradiance White Light Continuum Z-scan ........... 107
M.Balu, D.J.Hagan, and E.W.Van Stryland
Generation of 460nm femtosecond laser by sum frequency
synchronized picosecond Nd:YV04 laser and femtosecond
Ti:Sapphire laser ............................................ 110
H.Zhao, P.Wang, J.Zhu, H.Han, and Z.Wei
Generation of Sub 3-fs Optical Pulses Using Induced Phase
Modulation in an Ar-Gas-Filled Hollow Fiber ..................... 113
E.Matsubara, K.Yamane, T.Naoi, T.Kito,
E.Haraguchi, T.Sekikawa, and M.Yamashita
Multi-wavelength Erbium-doped Fiber Lasers on the Assistance
of High-nonlinear Photonic-crystal Fibers ....................... 116
X.Liu and W.Zhao
Part III Combs
Femtosecond enhancement cavity - direct frequency comb
spectroscopy and coherent extreme nonlinear optics .............. 121
J.Ye, R.J.Jones, M.J.Thorpe, K.D.Moll, D.Yost,
T.Schibli, and D.D.Hudson
Spectral Line-by-Line Pulse Shaping of a Mode-Locked Laser
and a Phase Modulated CW Laser .................................. 124
Z.Jiang, C.Huang, D.E.Leaird, and A.M.Weiner
Mapping of the Optical Frequency Comb to the Atom Velocity
Comb ............................................................ 127
T.Ban, D.Aumiler, H.Skenderovic, and G.Pichler
Demonstration of Frequency Comb Laser Spectroscopy
in the Vacuum-Ultraviolet ....................................... 130
R.T.Zinkstok, S.Witte, W.Ubachs, W.Hogervorst,
and K.S.E.Eikema
Determination of the CEO Phase - ionization of He with
Circularly polarized 5.5-fs Pulses .............................. 133
P.R.Eckle, P.Schlup, J.Biegert, M.P.Smolarski,
A.Staudte, M.Schoffler, O.Jagutzki, R.Dorner,
and U.Keller
Direct distinction between phase shift and time delay
with carrier-envelope phase-controlled pulses ................... 136
S.Adachi, A.Ozawa, and T.Kobayashi
Spectral Dependence of Phase Noise of Stabilized Optical
Frequency Combs ................................................. 139
Q.Quraishi, S.A.Diddams, and L.Hollberg
Part IV Ultrafast Optics
Shaped UV Pulses with 20 fs Substructures ....................... 145
С.Schriever, S.Lochbrunner, and E.Riedle
Direct UV-AOPDF ultrafast laser pulse shaping ................... 148
S.Coudreau, D.Kaplan, and P.Tournois
Acousto-optic shaping of femtosecond pulses directly
in the mid-IR ................................................... 151
D.B.Strasfeld, S.-H.Shim, and M.T.Zanni
Measurement of the Complete Electric Field of an
Ultrashort Laser
Pulse From a Single-Exposure Digital Hologram ................... 154
P.Gabolde and R.Trebino
Ultrasensitive Second-Harmonic Generation Frequency-
Resolved Optical Gating Using a Fiber-Pigtailed
Aperiodically Poled Lithium Niobate Waveguide at 1.55μm ......... 157
H.Miao, A.M.Weiner, S.-D.Yang, С. Langrock,
R.V.Roussev, and M.M.Fejer
Two-dimensional spectral shearing interferometry for
few-cycle pulse characterization and optimization ............... 160
J.R.Birge, R.Ell, and F.X.Kartner
Chirped mirrors without dispersion oscillations by
Brewster's angle incidence ...................................... 163
P.Baum, M.Breuer, E.Riedle, and G.Steinmeyer
Pulse Polarization Splitting with Propagation through
an Ultrafast Transient Waveplate ................................ 166
K.Hartinger and R.A.Bartels
Design and Fabrication of Efficient Reflection Grisms
for Pulse Compression and Dispersion Compensation ............... 169
S.Kane, F.Tortajada, H.Dinger, B.Touzet, R.Huff,
J.Squier, С Durfee III, E.A.Gibson, R.Jimenez,
D.M.Gaudiosi, and H.C.Kapteyn
A Novel Fast-mixing Microfluidic Device for Studying
Nonequilibrium Systems using Femtosecond Spectroscopies ......... 172
E.A.Gibson, D.Schafer, W.Amir, D.W.M.Marr,
J.Squier, and R.Jimenez
20-fps motion capture of phase-controlled wave-packets
for adaptive quantum control .................................... 175
K.Horikoshi, K.Misawa, and R.Lang
Detection of Ultrafast Infrared Electric Fields by
Chirped-Pulse Upconversion ...................................... 178
M.Nee, R.McCanne, M.Joffre, and K.J.Kubarych
Enhancement of two-photon excited fluorescence
by sub-micron photonic jets ..................................... 181
S.Lecler, S.Haacke, N.L.Cong, O.Cregut,
J.-L.Rehspringer, and C.Hirlimann
Spatiotemporal femtosecond pulse shaping using a MEMS-based
micromirror SLM ................................................. 184
K.W.Stone, M.T.W.Milder, J.С.Vaughan, and
Secure Communications over a Public Network using Ultrafast
Optical Technology .............................................. 187
B.Wu and E.Narimanov
Amplitude and Phase Shaping of Ultra-broad-bandwidth
Femtosecond Laser Pulses ........................................ 190
B.Xu, Y.R.Coello, D.A.Harris, V.V.Lozovoy,
and M.Dantus
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis of Bacteria:
What Femtosecond Lasers Make Possible ........................... 193
L.Guyon, M.Baudelet, T.Amodeo, E.Frejafon, P.Laloi,
J.Yu, and J.-P.Wolf
Spatially Resolved Spectral Interferometry ...................... 196
P.Bowlan, P.Gabolde, A.Shreenath, S.Akturk, and
Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of femtosecond
pulses in air down to 0.01 mbar ................................. 199
A.Borzsonyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovacs, M.Gorbe,
R.Balogh, and M.Kalashnikov
Gradient- and vortex-shaped fs pulses in air .................... 202
A.Vincotte and L.Berge
The General Theory of First-Order Spatio-Temporal Couplings
of Gaussian Pulses and Beams .................................... 205
S.Akturk, X.Gu, P.Gabolde, and R.Trebino
Coherent control of two photon fluorescence with
a high-resolution spectral phase shaper ......................... 208
S.Postma, H.L.Offerhaus, V.Subramaniam,
and N.F.van Hulst
Control of Third-Order Dispersion of Ultrashort Laser Pulses .... 211
M.Erdelyi, A.P.Kovacs, K.Mecseki, and G.Szabo
Ultrasimple extremely broadband transient-grating
frequency-resolved-optical-gating device ........................ 214
D.Lee, S.Akturk, P.Gabolde, and R.Trebino
Phase-sensitive resonance in scattering of continuous waves
on femtosecond solitons in photonic crystal fibers .............. 217
A.Efimov, A.J.Taylor, A.V.Yulin, D.V.Skryabin,
and J.С.Knight
Distortion of ultrashort pulses caused by aberrations ........... 220
Z.L.Horvath, A.P.Kovacs, and Z.Bor
All-Fiber Temporal Differentiator for Sub-picosecond
Optical Waveforms ............................................... 223
Y.Park, J.Azana, M.Kulishov, and R.Slavik
Quantum Control of Two-Photon Fluorescence in Solution .......... 226
D.G.Kuroda and V.D.Kleiman
Part V Chemistry
Ultrafast spectroscopy of single molecules ...................... 231
E.van Dijk, M.te Paske, J.Hernando, J.P.Hoogenboom,
M.F.Garcia-Parajo, and N.F.van Hulst
Observation of Raman-Induced Nuclear Wavepacket Motion
in Si c/s-Stilbene: Adiabatic Change of a Potential
Curvature and Anharmonicity of Multidimensional Potential ....... 234
S.Takauchi, S.Ruhman, K.Ishii, and T.Tahara
Femtosecond laser-assisted catalytic surface reactions
of syngas and their optimization by tailored laser pulses ....... 237
P.Nuernberger, D.Wolpert, H.Weiss, and G.Gerber
Vibrational spectroscopy of nonlinear excitations via
excited-state resonant impulsive Raman spectroscopy .............240
F.X.Morrissey and S.L.Dexheimer
Two-Color Electric Field Resolved Transient Grating
Spectroscopy of an Oligophenylenevinylene Dimer ................. 243
A.M.Moran, J.B.Maddox, J.W.Hong, J.Kim, R.A.Nome,
G.C.Bazan, S.Mukamel, and N.F.Scherer
Dissociative Wave Packets in Large Molecules:
Control and Measurement ......................................... 246
B.J.Pearson, D.Cardoza, and Т.С.Weinacht
Control of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Ring Opening ...................... 249
E.Carroll, A.Florean, J.L.White, P.H.Bucksbaum,
and R.J.Sension
Coherent Infrared Pulse Sequences for Probing Molecular
Chirality ....................................................... 252
W.Zhuang, D.Abramavicius, and S.Mukamel
Robust Basis Functions for Control from Dimension
Reduction of Adaptive Pulse-Shaping Experiments ................. 255
M.A.Montgomery, R.Meglen, and N.H.Damrauer
Control strategies for molecular switches
in donor-bridge-acceptor systems ................................ 258
D.Geppert and Vivie-Riedle
Ultrafast Chelation Dynamics of Model Photoswitches:
Cyclopentadienyl Manganese and Arene Chromium Tricarbonyl
Derivatives with Pendant Sulfides ............................... 261
Т.Т.То, С.В.Duke III, T.J.Burkey, and E.J.Heilweil
A Femtosecond IR and Raman Look on a Nucleophilic Addition
in the Electronic Ground State .................................. 264
S.Laimgruber, H.Schachenmayr, W.J.Schreier, and
Electron transfer and triplet state formation
in Merocyanine/Ti02 systems ..................................... 267
M.0.Lenz and J.Wachtveitl
Dynamics of electron injection from the excited state
of anchored molecules into semiconductors ....................... 270
L.Gundlach, R.Ernstorfer, and F.Willig
Ultrafast Dynamics of Fe(II) Polypyridyl Chromophores:
Design Implications for Dye-Sensitized Photovoltaics ............ 273
A.L.Smeigh and J.K.McCusker
Ultrafast Electron Dynamics in C6F6/Cu(lll)
after Localized or Delocalized Excitation ....................... 276
P.S.Kirchmann, P.A.Loukakos, U.Bovensiepen, M.Wolf,
S.Vijayalakshmi, F.Hennies, A.Pietzsch, M.Nagasono,
A.Fohlisch, and W.Wurth
Chirped molecular vibration after impulsive Raman excitation
in a stilbene derivative molecule in solution ................... 279
T.Kobayashi, A.Colonna, A.Yabushita, I.Iwakura,
and E.Tokunaga
Control of molecular fragmentation using binary phase
shaped femtosecond laser pulses ................................ 282
V.V.Lozovoy, M.J.Kangas, Т.С.Gunaratne, J.С.Shane,
and M.Dantus
Accumulative quantum control of photochemical reactions ........285
F.Langhojer, F.Dimler, G.Jung, and T.Brixner
Adiabatic Passage in the Presence of Excited-State
Absorption and Two-Exciton Processes ........................... 288
B.D.Fainberg and V.A.Gorbunov
Ultrafast Photochromism: Structural and Electronic
Dynamics of Indolyl Fulgimides ................................. 291
M.Braun, S.Malkmus, F.O.Roller, B.J.Heinz,
W.Zinth, C.Schulz, S.Dietrich, and K.Riick-Braun
Photo-Excitation Dynamics of Malachite Green in Ionic
Liquids Studied by the Transient Grating Method ................ 294
M.Fukuda, O.Kajimoto, M.Terazima, and Y.Kimura
Fifth-order Raman spectroscopy: Liquid benzene ................. 297
С.J.Milne, Y.-L.Li, T.I.С.Jansen, L.Huang,
and R.J.D.Miller
Dynamics of One-dimensional Exciton in Porphyrin
J Aggregates by sub-5fs Transient Absorption Experiment ........ 300
A.Ozawa and T.Kobayashi
Enhancement of Raman Modes in Complex Molecules
by Coherent Control ............................................ 303
J.Hauer, T.Buckup, H.Skenderovic, K.-L.Kompa,
and M.Motzkus
Energy Transport Mechanisms in Doped Organic Films ............. 306
S.Lochbrunner and M.Schlosser
Electron Transfer in Triarylmethane Lactones:
From the sub-100 fs Regime to Solvent Control .................. 309
U.Schmidhammer, J.Karpiuk , S.Lochbrunner,
and E.Riedle
Pulse shape control of population transfer in LDS750 ........... 312
O.Nahmias, O.Bismuth, O.Shoshana, and S.Ruhman
Real-Time Investigation of Elementary Steps
for Photo-induced Phase Transition in a Model Dimer ............ 315
L.Luer, C.Manzoni, G.Cerullo, G.Lanzani,
and M.Meneghetti
Intermolecular communication and a vibrationally
adiabatic basis treatment of small-molecule dynamics
in low temperature solids ...................................... 318
C.T.Chapman, M.A.Rohrdanz, and J.A.Cina
Part VI Multidimensional Spectroscopy
Ultrafast Chemical Exchange 2D IR Spectroscopy ................. 323
J.Zheng and M.Fayer
Two-Dimensional Optical Spectroscopy of Multi-Chromophore
Protein Complexes .............................................. 326
G.R.Fleming, D.Zigmantas, E.L.Read, T.Mancal,
and G.S.Engel
Multidimensional Population "Echo" Distinguishes
Between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Dynamics ................. 329
C.Khurmi, E.van Veldhoven, X.Zhang, and M.A.Berg
Observation of kinetic networks of hydrogen-bond exchange
using 2D IR echo spectroscopy .................................. 332
Y.Kim and R.M.Hochstrasser
2D-IR Photon Echo Spectroscopy of Liquid H20 - Combination
of Novel Nanofluidics and Diffractive Optics Deciphers
Ultrafast Structural Dynamics .................................. 335
A.Paarmann, D.Kraemer, M.L.Cowan, N.Huse, M.Harb,
B.D.Bruner, J.R.Dwyer, E.T.J.Nibbering,
T.Elsaesser, and R.J.D.Miller
Propagation, beam geomerty, and detection distortion
of peak shapes in two-dimensional Fourier transform
spectroscopy ................................................... 338
M.K.Yetzbacher, N.Belabas, K.A.Kitney,
and D.M.Jonas
2D IR Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Bond Switching in Liquid
Water .......................................................... 341
J.J.Loparo, S.T.Roberts, and A.Tokmakoff
Relaxation-Assited 2D IR Using Weak Vibrational Modes .......... 344
D.V.Kurochkin, S.R.G.Naraharisetty, and I.V.Rubtsov
Different Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectral Signatures
for 310- and α-Helix Octapeptides .............................. 347
H.Maekawa, С Toniolo, A.Moretto, Q.Broxterman,
and N.-H.Ge
Multidimensional IR Spectroscopy of Site-Specific
Hairpin Folding ................................................ 350
A.W.Smith, H.S.Chung, Z.Ganim, and A.Tokmakoff
Single-Shot Time Resolved Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman
Spectroscopy ................................................... 353
Y Paskover and Y.Prior
Two-Dimensional Optical Correlation Spectroscopy
Applied to Liquid/Glass Dynamics ............................... 356
K.Lazonder, M.S.Pshenichnikov, and D.A.Wiersma
2D optical spectroscopy of a conjugated polymer
with tunable visible 15 fs-pulses from a 200 kHz NOPA .......... 359
F.Milota, P.Baum, J.Sperling, E.Riedle, K.Matuszna,
and H.F.Kauffmann
Direct Probing of the Local Solvent Response During
Intermolecular Electron Transfer ............................... 362
D.F.Underwood and D.Blank
Femtosecond Multidimensional Imaging—Watching Chemistry
from the Molecule's Point of View .............................. 365
O.Gessner, A.M.D.Lee, E.t-H Chrysostom,
C.С Hayden, and A.Stolow
Polarized Optical Two-dimensional Fourier Transform
Spectroscopy of Semiconductors ................................. 368
T.Zhang, X.Li, S.T.Cundiff, R.Mirin,
and I.Kuznetsova
Coherently Controlled Multidimensional Optical Spectroscopy .... 371
K.W.Stone, T.Hornung, J.C.Vaughan, and K.A.Nelson
Transient 2D-IR Spectroscopy of Thiopeptides ................... 374
J.Helbing, V.Cervetto, and R.Pfister
Nonequilibrium 2D-IR Exchange Spectroscopy:
Ligand Migration in Proteins ................................... 377
J.Bredenbeck, J.Helbing, K.Nienhaus, G.U.Nienhaus,
and P.Hamm
Lineshapes and Correlations in Two Dimensional Vibrational
Signals of NMA ................................................. 380
T.Hayashi, Wei Zhuang, D.Abramavicius, and S.Mukamel
Manipulating Multidimensional Nonlinear Spectra of Excitons
by Coherent Control with Polarization Pulse Shaping 383
D.V.Voronine, D.Abramavicius, and S.Mukamel
Well-Resolved Coherent Raman Spectra from Femtosecond
Pulses ......................................................... 386
S.Nath, D.С.Urbanek, S.J.Kern, and M.A.Berg
Multidimensional Anisostropic Spectroscopy for The Study
of Intramolecular Charge Transfer .............................. 389
L.V.Dao, D.McDonald, and P.Hannaford
Two Dimensional Fourier Transform Electronic Spectroscopy:
Evolution of Cross Peaks in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson
Comlex ......................................................... 392
G.S.Engel, E.L.Read, T.R.Calhoun, Т.К.Ahn,
T.Mancal, R.E.Blankenship, and G.R.Fleming
Dispersion Relations in Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy ........... 395
K.A.Kitney, M.K.Yetzbacher, A.A.Ferro, and
Multidimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of a Peptide NH•••O
Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond ................................... 398
J.Park and R.M.Hochstrasser
Signature of Chemical Exchange in 2D Vibrational
Spectroscopy; Simulations Based on the Stochastic
Liouville Equations ............................................ 401
F.Sanda, W.Zhuang, T.I.C.Jansen, T.Hayashi,
and S.Mukamel
Femtosecond 3D IR spectroscopy ................................. 404
F.Ding, E.C.Fulmer, P.Mukherjee, and M.T.Zanni
Part VII Hydrogen Bonding
Femtosecond Infrared Spectroscopy of HOD in Liquid
to Supercritical Heavy Water ................................... 409
J.Lindner, P.Vohringer, and D.Schwarzer
Ultrafast Aqueous Bimolecular Acid-Base Proton Transfer:
from Direct Exchange to Sequential Hopping ..................... 412
O.F.Mohammed, D.Pines, J.Dreyer, E.Pines, and
The role of water in intermolecular proton transfer
reactions ...................................................... 415
B.J.Siwick and H.J.Bakker
Picosecond Temperature and Pressure Changes
in H-Bonded Systems ............................................ 418
M.Schmeisser, H.Iglev, and A.Laubereau
Multicolor IR Spectroscopy on Pure Liquid Water ................ 421
D.Cringus, M.S.Pshenichnikov, D.A.Wiersma,
M.Mostovoy, J.Lindner, and P.Vohringer
Towards a Molecular Movie: Real Time Observation of
Hydrogen Bond Breaking by Transient 2D-IR Spectroscopy
in a Cyclic Peptide ............................................ 424
C.Kolano, J.Helbing, W.Sander, and P.Hamm
An experimental and numerical study of the hydrogen-bonding
in aqueous salts and methanol .................................. 427
D.A.Turton, A.R.Turner, N.T.Hunt, G.H.Welsh,
and K.Wynne
Structural Dynamics of Rotaxanes Studied by Infrared Photon
Echo Spectroscopy .............................................. 430
S.Yeremenko, O.A.Larsen, P.Bodis, W.J.Buma,
J.S.Hannam, D.A.Leigh, and S.Woutersen
Ultrafast Superheating of Ice .................................. 433
H.Iglev, M.Schmeisser, and A.Laubereau
Ultrafast Relaxation Dynamics of O-H Bending and Librational
Excitations in Liquid H20 ...................................... 436
S.Ashihara, N.Huse, E.T.J.Nibbering, and
Ultrafast Intramolecular Energy Transfer in Water .............. 439
D.Cringus, T.I.C.Jansen, M.S.Pshenichnikov,
аnd D.A.Wiersma
Understanding the Building Blocks of Life - Evidence
of Hydrogen-Bonded Aggregation of N-Methylacetamide ............ 442
N.T.Hunt, D.A.Turton, and K.Wynne
Anharmonic Bend-Stretch Coupling in Water ...................... 445
J.Lindner, P.Vohringer, M.S.Pshenichnikov,
D.Cringus, and D.A.Wiersma
Mode-selective O-H stretching relaxation in a hydrogen
bond studied by ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy ............. 448
W.Werncke, V.Kozich, J.Dreyer, S.Ashihara, and
T Elsaesser
Part VIII Biology
Ultrafast Polarization-Sensitive Infrared Spectroscopy
of Photoactive Yellow Protein and Model Compounds .............. 453
O.F.Mohammed, K.Heyne, A.Usman, J.Dreyer,
E.T.J.Nibbering, and M.A.Cusanovich
What determines the success of isomerization of the
Photoactive Yellow Protein chromophore? - A picosecond
pump-probe study in the midIR .................................. 456
L.J.G.van Wilderen, I.H.M.van Stokkum,
R.van Grondelle, M.van der Horst, K.J.Hellingwerf,
and M.L.Groot
Femtosecond Pump-Shaped Dump-Probe Control of Retinal
in Bacteriorhodopsin ........................................... 459
R Nuernberger, G.Vogt, T.Brixner, and G.Gerber
Experimental Coherent Control of Retinal Isomerization
in Bacteriorhodopsin ........................................... 462
V.I.Prokhorenko, A.M.Nagy, L.S.Brown, and
THz Radiation from Light-Induced Electron
and Proton Motion in Bacteriorhodopsin ......................... 465
G.I.Groma, J.Hebling, I.Z.Kozma, G.Varo,
J.Kuhl, and E.Riedle
Ultrafast Photoreactions in the Green Fluorescent Protein
Studied Through Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy ......... 468
S.R.Meech, J.Nappa, K.L.Ronayne, D.Stoner-Ma,
and R.J.Tonge
Ultrafast Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosystem I -
Direct Evidence for two-branched Electron Transfer ............. 471
A.R.Holzwarth, M.G.Miiller, C.Slavov, R.Luthra,
and K.Redding
Decomposing the Excited State Dynamics of Carotenoids
in Light Harvesting Complexes and Dissecting Pulse
Structures from Optimal Control Experiments .................... 474
E.Papagiannakis, I.H.M.van Stokkum, R.van Grondelle,
M.Vengris, L.Valkunas, R.J.Cogdell, and D.S.Larsen
Energy Transport in a Peptide Helix ............................ 477
V.Botan, E.H.G.Backus, A.Moretto, C.Toniolo,
and P.Hamm
Ultrafast Energy Transfer in the Soret Band of Linear
Porphyrin Arrays ............................................... 480
H.Rhee, T.Joo, N.Aratani, and A.Osuka
Multiphoton quantum control spectroscopy of b-carotene ......... 483
T.Buckup, T.Lebold, A.Weigel, W.Wohlleben,
and M.Motzkus
Direct Observation of Ultrafast Dynamics in DNA Bases .......... 486
H.Satzger, D.Townsend, M.Z.Zgierski, and A.Stolow
Following photoinduced dynamics in bacteriorhodopsin
with 7 fsec impulsive vibrational spectroscopy ................. 489
A.Kahan, O.Nahmias, M.Sheves, and S.Ruhman
Real-time observation of carbon double bond transformation
during photo-isomerization of bacteriorhodopsin ................ 492
A.Yabushita and T.Kobayashi
Ultrafast conformational changes in carboxy-myoglobin
studied by time-resolved circular dichroism .................... 495
T.Dartigalongue and F.Hache
Ultrafast Unzipping of a Beta-Hairpin Peptide .................. 498
W.Zinth, T.E.Schrader, W.J.Schreier, F.O.Koller,
T.Cordes, G.Babizki, R.Denschlag, R Tavan,
M.Loweneck, S.-L.Dong, L.Moroder, and C.Renner
Molecular Basis of Non-Photochemical Quenching (NPQ);
The Role of the Major Light-Harvesting Complex LHC II .......... 501
S.Amarie, T.Barros, J.Standfuss, A.Dreuw,
W.Kuhlbrandt, and J.Wachtveitl
Direct observation of the ,lubricant of life' using
ultrafast spectroscopies ....................................... 504
N.T.Hunt, D.A.Turton, L.Kattner, R.R.Shanks,
and K.Wynne
Mechanism of Radical Transfer during Photoactivation
of the Flavoprotein DNA Photolyase ............................. 507
A.Lukacs, M.H.Vos, A.R.M.Eker, M.Byrdin,
and K.Brettel
Relaxation Paths and Dynamics of β-apo-8'-carotenal:
An Ultrafast Electronic and Vibrational Study .................. 510
A.J.Van Tassle, M.A.Prantil, J.M.Burchfield,
and G.R.Fleming
Slow Fluorescence and Fast Intersystem Crossing -
The Xanthone Anomaly ........................................... 513
B.J.Heinz, B.Schmidt, C.Root, F.Milota, B.Fierz,
T.Kiefhaber, W.Zinth, and P.Gilch
Ultrafast Relaxation of the S2 Excited State in β-Carotene
and Its Homologs: A Role of Intermediate States ................ 516
M.Yoshizawa, D.Kosumi, M.Komukai, K.Yanagi, and
Resonance Hyper-Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Nonlinear
Optical Chromophores ........................................... 519
A.M.Kelley and L.С.Т.Shoute
Thymine Dimer Formation probed by Time-resolved Vibrational
Spectroscopy ................................................... 522
W.J.Schreier, T.E.Schrader, F.O.Koller, P.Gilch,
W.Zinth, and B.Kohler
Primary Reaction of Sensory Rhodopsin II Mutant D75N ........... 525
M.-K.Verhoefen, S.Amarie, M.O.Lenz, J.P.Klare,
M.Engelhard, and J.Wachtveitl
Carotenoid Excited State Kinetics in Bacterial RCs
with the Primary Electron Donor Oxidized ....................... 528
S.Lin, E.Katilius, and N.W.Woodbury
Ligand Interconversion Dynamics in the Primary Docking Site
of Heme Proteins in Various Solvents ........................... 531
S.Kim and M.Lim
Time- and Frequency-resolved Two-dimensional Transient
Absorption Imaging of β-Carotene in Solids ..................... 534
J.Takeda, Y.Makishima, and A.Ishida
Determination of Electronic Mixing in Purple Photosynthetic
Bacteria by Two-Color Three Pulse Photon Echo Peak Shift ....... 537
D.Y.Parkinson, H.Lee, and G.R.Fleming
Ultrafast Charge Transfer Dynamics of a Modified
Double Helical DNA ............................................. 540
P.Manoj, C.-K.Min, C.T.Aravindakumar, and T.Joo
A New Class of Ultrafast Photoswitchable Chromopeptides ........ 543
T.Cordes, K.Riesselmann, S.Herre, K.Ruck-Braim,
and W.Zinth
Part IX AMO Physics
Three-Pulse Photon Echo in a Dense Potassium Vapor ............. 549
V.O.Lorenz, S.T.Cundiff, W.Zhuang,
and S.Mukamel
Coherent Population Control of Rydberg Atom by Adiabatic
Rapid Passage .................................................. 552
H.Maeda, J.H.Gurian, D.V.L.Norum, and T.F.Gallagher
Ultrafast dynamics of autoionization in 02 probed
by laser-field-assisted XUV photoionization .................... 555
С.Zhu, K.S.Kang, K.T.Kim, M.N.Park, T.Imran,
G.Umesh, E.Krishnakumar, and С.Н.Nam
Control of Dissociative Ionization of Ethanol Molecule
by Cascaded Double Ultrashort Laser Pulse Excitation ........... 558
H.Yazawa, T.Shioyama, F.Kannari, R.Itakura,
and K.Yamanouchi
Time-Resolved Imaging of H2+ (D2+) Nuclear Wave Packets ........ 561
T.Ergler, A.Rudenko, B.Feuerstein, K.Zrost,
C.Dieter Schroter, R.Moshammer, and J.Ullrich
Slowing down molecular dissociation in strong laser fields ..... 564
Investigation of Coriolis Perturbations on the
Ro-Vibrational n1 Band of H2CO with fs-CARS .................... 567
G.Knopp, A.Walser, P.Radi, P.Beaud,
M.Tulej, and T.Gerber
Rotational wave packet dynamics correlated to ultrafast
non-time-stationary linear and nonlinear optical
susceptibilities ............................................... 570
O.Masihzadeh, M.Baertschy, and R.A.Bartels
Ac Stark-Mediated Quantum Control with Two-Color Pulses
in Two- and Three-Level Systems ................................ 573
C.Serrat and Y.Loiko
Molecular Orientation via Molecular Anti-Alignment ............. 576
E.Gershnabel, I.Sh Averbukh, and R.J.Gordon
Optimal control of molecular alignment with the feedback
of ion images .................................................. 579
T.Suzuki, Y Sugawara, S.Minemoto, and H.Sakai
Part X Solid-State Physics
Evidence for Superfluorescent Recombination from Dense
Magneto-plasmas ................................................ 585
Xiaoming Wang, Y.-D.Jho, D.H.Reitze, J.Kono,
A.A.Belyanin, X.Wei, V.V.Kocharovsky,
V.I.V Kocharovsky, and G.Solomon
Insulator-to-Metal Transition Induced by Mid-IR Vibrational
Excitation in a Magnetoresistive Manganite ..................... 588
M.Rini, J.Itatani, Y.Tomioka, Y.Tokura,
R.W.Schoenlein, and A.Cavalleri
Ultrafast coherent dynamics of the quantum Hall system ......... 591
K.M.Dani, J.Tignon, M.Breit, D.S.Chemla,
E.G.Kavousanaki, and I.E.Perakis
Dynamics of Photoexcited Carriers in Heavy-electron
Systems ........................................................ 594
J.Demsar, V.K.Thorsmolle, J.L.Sarrao,
and A.J.Taylor
Energy relaxation and anomalies in the thermo-acoustic
response of femtosecond laser-excited Germanium ................ 597
K.Sokolowski-Tinten, U.Shymanovich, M.Nicoul,
J.Blums, A.Tarasevitch, M.Horn von Hoegen,
D.von der Linde, A.Morak, and T.Wietler
Enhanced Photosusceptibility in the Insulator-to-Metal
Phase Transition in Vanadium Dioxide ........................... 600
D.J.Hilton, R.P.Prasankumar, S.Fourmaux,
A.Cavalleri, D.Brassard, M.A.E.Khakani,
J.-C.Keiffer, A.J.Taylor, and R.D.Averitt
Ultrafast Dynamics of the Itinerant Antiferromagnet UNiGa5 ..... 603
E.M.E.Chia, H.J.Lee, N.Hur, E.D.Bauer, T.Durakiewicz,
R.D.Averitt, J.L.Sarrao, and A.J.Taylor
Ultrafast Fano dynamics of quasiparticles in a
semiconductor .................................................. 606
J.Lee, J.Inoue, and M.Hase
Unique Behavior of Lattice Modulation Phase Induced
by Ligand Motion of a Mixed-Valence Metal-Halogen Complex ...... 609
F.Araoka and T.Kobayashi
Ultrafast Charge-Carrier Dynamics in Low-Dimensional Solids .... 612
L.Perfetti, T.Kampfrath, M.Wolf, and С Frischkorn
Femtosecond Dynamics of Fano-resonance in Zn ................... 615
M.Hase, M.Kitajima, and J.Demsar
Coherent Phonons in the Zone Boundary Region
of Solid Ar doped with C12 ..................................... 618
M.Fushitani, N.Schwentner, M.Schroder, and O.Kiihn
Ultrafast gigantic photo-response in (EDO-TTF)2PF6
initiated by 10-fs laser pulses ................................ 621
J.Itatani, M.Rini, A.Cavalleri, K.Onda,
T.Ishikawa, S.Koshihara, X.Shao, H.Yamochi,
G.Saito, and R.W.Schoenlein
Femtosecond Dynamics of Coherent Optical Phonons in
Graphite ....................................................... 624
K.Ishioka, M.Hase, M.Kitajima, and H.Petek
Subpicosecond Time-Resolved Photoluminescence of Carrier
Transfer in AlGaN Using Difference-Frequency Generation ........ 627
G.A.Garrett, A.V.Sampath, H.Shen, and M.Wraback
Part XI Plasmonics
Adaptive Control of Nanoscopic Photoelectron Emission .......... 633
M.Aeschlimann, M.Bauer, D.Bayer, T.Brixner, Abajo, W.Pfeiffer, M.Rohmer,
С.Spindler, and F.Steeb
Femtosecond Microscopy of Surface Plasmon Propagation
in a Silver Film ............................................... 636
A.Kubo, N.Pontius, and H.Petek
Ultrafast Optical Nonlinearities of Single Metal
Nanoparticles .................................................. 639
N.F.Scherer, M.Pelton, R.Jin, J.E.Jureller,
M.Liu, H.Y.Kim, S.Park, and P.Guyot-Sionnest
Dynamical Electric Metamaterial Response at Terahertz
Frequencies .................................................... 642
W.J.Padilla, A.J.Taylor, C.Highstrete, M.Lee,
and R.D.Averitt
Nanolocalized Nonlinear Photoprocesses under Coherent
Control ........................................................ 645
Properties of Two-Photon Induced Emission
from Dendretic Silver Nanoclusters ............................. 648
J.M.Gunn, M.Ewald, and M.Dantus
Ultrafast Dynamics of Polarization induced at Surface
Plasmon Resonances in a One Dimensional Metallic
Plasmonic Crystal .............................................. 651
A.S.Vengurlekar, A.V.Gopal, and T.Ishihara
Landau Damping of Coherent Plasmons ............................ 654
M.P.Hasselbeck, D.Seletskiy, L.R.Dawson,
and M.Sheik-Bahae
Part XII Nanostructures
Polarization Dependence of Nanostructure Formation
in Transparent Solids .......................................... 659
P.P.Rajeev, M.Gertsvolf, E.Simova, С.Hnatovsky,
R.S.Taylor, D.M.Rayner, and P.B.Corkum
Time resolved magneto-optical microscopy of individual
ferromagnetic dots ............................................. 662
J.-Y.Bigot, A.Laraoui, J.Venuat, M.Vomir,
M.Albrecht, and E.Beaurepaire
Nonlinear Optical Microscopy of a Single Self-Assembled
InGaAs Quantum Dot ............................................. 665
M.Betz, M.Wesseli, С Ruppert, S.Trumm, H.J.Krenner,
and J.J.Finley
Microscopic Many-Body Analysis of Ultrafast Photocurrents
in Semiconductor Nanostructures ................................ 668
T.Meier, Q.T.Vu, H.T.Due, B.Pasenow, H.Haug,
and S.W.Koch
Intraband Spectroscopy of GaSe Nanoparticles and InSe/GaSe
Nanoparticle Heterojunctions ................................... 671
D.F.Kelley, H.Tu, and X.-B.Chen
Observation of the Optical Stark Effect in Semiconducting
Carbon Nanotubes ............................................... 674
D.Song, F.Wang, G.Dukovic, M.Zheng,
E.D.Semke, L.E.Brus, and T.F.Heinz
Nonlinear Optical Approach to Multiexciton Relaxation
Dynamics in Quantum Dots ....................................... 677
V.Huxter and G.D.Scholes
Memory and Nanostructure Formation in the Intense Field
Ionization of Fused Silica ..................................... 680
P.P.Rajeev, M.Gertsvolf, V.R.Bhardwaj, E.Simova,
С.Hnatovsky, R.S.Taylor, D.M.Rayner, and P.B.Corkum
Auger Recombination of Excitons in Semiconducting Carbon
Nanotubes ...................................................... 683
F.Wang, G.Dukovic, Y.Wu, M.S.Hybertsen,
L.E.Bras, and T.F.Heinz
Probing Exciton Dynamics of Semiconducting Single-Walled
Carbon Nanotubes Using Photon Echo Spectroscopy ................ 686
Y.-Z.Ma, M.W.Graham, L.Valkunas, S.M.Bachilo,
and G.R.Fleming
Modeling of the Extreme Nonlinear Optical Response
of Semiconductor Nanostructures ................................ 689
D.Golde, T.Meier, and S.W.Koch
Dephasing of Inter-Landau level Raman Coherences in GaAs
quantum wells .................................................. 692
K.M.Dani, I.Cotoros, J.Wang, J.Tignon, D.S.Chemla,
E.G.Kavousanaki, and I.E.Perakis
Real time observation of non-linear coherent phonon
dynamics in semiconducting single wall carbon nanotubes ........ 695
C.Manzoni, A.Gambetta, G.Cerullo, G.Lanzani,
E.Menna, M.Meneghetti, S.Tretiak, A.Piryatinski,
A.Saxena, R.L.Martin, and A.R.Bishop
Ultrafast Interfacial Carrier Dynamics in UV-Blue
Photoluminescing ZnSe Nanoparticles ............................ 698
V.V.Matylitsky, M.O.Lenz, J.Wachtveitl, A.Shavel,
N.Gaponik, and A.Eychmtiller
Selective measurement of ultrafast exciton spin relaxation
in quantum dots ................................................ 701
J.Kim, С.Y.Wong, and G.D.Scholes
Part XIII X-Ray Studies
Direct Observation of Electron Dynamics at Surfaces
using X-ray Spectroscopy ....................................... 707
W.Wurth and A.Fohlisch
Carrier Dependent Stability of a Semiconductor Lattice
Measured with Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction .................... 710
K.J.Gaffney, P.B.Hillyard, A.M.Lindenberg,
S.Engemann, A.Deb, and D.A.Meyer
Probing strain propagation in nanolayered perovskites
by diffraction of femtosecond x-rays ........................... 713
C.v.Korff Schmising, M.Bargheer, M.Kiel,
N.Zhavoronkov, M.Woerner, T.Elsaesser, I.Vrejoiu,
D.Hesse, and M.Alexe
Lattice Motions from THz phonon polaritons measured
with Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction ............................. 716
A.Cavalleri, S.Wall, M.Rini, С Simpson, N.Dean,
M.Khalil, E.R.Statz, D.W.Ward, K.A.Nelson,
and R.W.Schoenlein
Ultrafast XAFS of transition metal complexes ................... 719
T.Lee, С.Reich, С.М.Laperle, X.Li, M.Grant,
C.G.Rose-Petruck, and F.Benesch-Lee
Picosecond X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Photochemical
Transient Species in Solution .................................. 722
M.Khalil, M.A.Marcus, A.L.Smeigh, J.K.McCusker,
H.H.W.Chong, and R.W.Schoenlein
Femtosecond X-Ray Diffraction on DIABN Single Crystals ......... 725
M.Braun, C.Root, T.E.Schrader, P.Gilch, W.Zinth,
M.Bargheer, C.V.Korff Schmising, M.Kiel,
N.Zhavoronkov, M.Woerner, and T.Elsaesser
Imaging Plume Dynamics with Ultrafast Hard X-Rays .............. 728
F.Shan, R.Porter, N.Cheng, D.J.Masiel, and T.Guo
Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction and Optical Reflection
Measurements of Coherent Optical Phonons of CdTe ............... 731
K.G.Nakamura, Y.Hironaka, J.Irisawa, K.Kondo,
K.Ishioka, and M.Kitajima
DNA Strand Breaks by a Laser-Driven Electron X-rays Source
(LEXS) ...................................................... 734
F.Shan, J.D.Carter, and T.Guo
High intensity XUV-FEL interaction with solids:
first experimental results ..................................... 737
K.Sokolowski-Tinten, N.Stojanovic, D.von der Linde,
U.Zastrau, F.Perner, E.Forster, R.Sobierajski,
R.Nietubyc, M.Jurek, J.Krzywinski, J.B.Pelko,
L.Juha, V.Hajkova, J.Cihelka, A.Velyhan, J.Kuba,
J.Chalupsky, T.Tschentscher, S.Toleikis, S.Dusterer,
H.Redlin, S.P.Hau-Riege, R.A.London, R.M.Bionta,
H.Chapman, R.W.Lee, M.Bergh, K.Caleman, and J.Hajdu
Part XIV Ultrafast Electron Studies
A Nanometer-Sized Femtosecond Electron Source at 80 MHz
Repetition Rate ................................................ 743
C.Ropers, D.R.Solli, C.Peter Schulz, C.Lienau,
and T.Elsaesser
A spatially and temporally localized sub-laser-cycle
electron source ................................................ 746
P.Hommelhoff, C.Kealhofer, and M.A.Kasevich
Time-Resolved Photoemission of an Insulator-Metal
Transition ..................................................... 749
L.Perfetti, P.A.Loukakos, M.Lisowski,
U.Bovensiepen, and M.Wolf
Electronic Thermal Expansion and the Coherent Acoustic
Phonons Generation ..ююю........................................ 752
X.Wang, S.Nie, H.Park, R.Clinite, and J.Cao
Femtosecond Electron Diffraction Study on the Melting
Dynamics of Gold ............................................... 755
R.Emstorfer, M.Harb, T.Dartigalongue, С.Т.Hebeisen,
R.E.Jordan, L.Zhu, and R.J.D.Miller
Characterization of ultrashort electron pulses ................. 758
C.T.Hebeisen, R.Ernstorfer, M.Harb, T.Dartigalongue,
R.E.Jordan, L.Zhu, and R.J.D.Miller
Part XV THz
A compact radially polarized THz source based on velocity-
mismatched optical rectification ............................... 763
G.Chang, C.J.Divin, C.-H.Liu, S.L.Williamson,
A.Galvanauskas, and Т.В.Norris
Carrier Dynamics in ZnO Nanowires and Films Measured
by Time-Resolved THz Spectroscopy .............................. 766
J.B.Baxter and C.A.Schmuttenmaer
Stimulated Terahertz Emission from Excitons in Cu20 ............ 769
R.A.Kaindl, R.Huber, B.A.Schmid,
Y.R.Shen, and D.S.Chemla
Terahertz nonlinear response in lithium niobate ................ 772
T.Hornung, K.-L.Yeh, and K.A.Nelson
Spatio-Temporal Properties of Single-Cycle THz Pulses
Generated by Relativistic Electron Beams in a
Laser-Plasma Accelerator ....................................... 775
C.Toth, J.van Tilborg, С.В.Schroeder,
C.G.R.Geddes, E.Esarey, and W.Leemans
Terahertz Emission from Nano-structured Metal Surfaces ......... 778
G.H.Welsh, N.T.Hunt, and K.Wynne
High Power Compact THz system based on ultrafast Yb-doped
parabolic fiber amplifier ...................................... 781
G.Chang, C.J.Divin, C.-H.Liu, A.Galvanauskas,
Т.В.Norris, and S.L.Williamson
Phonon-Polariton Excitation in Ferroelectric Slab
Waveguides and Photonic Crystals ............................... 784
E.R.Statz, D.W.Ward, and K.A.Nelson
Using of 2D PPLN Crystal for Surface-Emitted THz-Wave
Generation by Optical Rectification of Laser Pulses ............ 787
Y.H.Avetisyan, K.Khachatryan, and H.Ito
Dynamical Properties of Terahertz Radiation from Coherent
Longitudinal Optical Phonons Confined in a GaAs/AlAs
Multiple Quantum Well .......................................... 790
K.Mizoguchi, M.Nakayama, S.Saito, A.Syouji,
and K.Sakai
Characterization of Magnetization Dynamics using Terahertz
Emission Spectroscopy .......................................... 793
J.M.Schleicher, S.M.Harrel, С A.Schmuttenmaer,
E.Beaurepaire, and J.-Y.Bigot
Single-shot, High-resolution, THz Field Reconstruction
using Phase-retrieval 796
B.Yellampalle, K.Kim, R.D.Averitt, G.Rodriguez,
J.H.Glownia, and A.J.Taylor
Nonlinear THz Spectroscopy of n-Type GaAs ...................... 799
P.Gaal, K.Reimann, M.Woerner, T.Elsaesser,
R.Hey, and К.Н.Ploog
Terahertz amplification in high-dielectric materials ........... 802
K.-L.Yeh, T.Hornung, J.C.Vaughan, and K.A.Nelson
Part XVI Imaging and Microscopy
Tissue imaging with shaped femtosecond laser pulses ............ 807
W.S.Warren, D.Fu, T.Ye, H.Liu, and M.C.Fischer
Selective Two-Photon Imaging of a Biological Sample ............ 810
L.Schelhas, J.C.Shane, and M.Dantus
Time-resolved Single-beam CARS with Shaped Supercontinuum
from a Photonic Crystal Fiber .................................. 813
B.von Vacano, W.Wohlleben, and M.Motzkus
Optical Coherence Microscopy and Cellular Imaging .............. 816
A.Aguirre and J.Fujimoto
Novel applications of broadband excitation to multiphoton
microscopy ..................................................... 819
J.P.Ogilvie, D.Debarre, M.Gui, J.Skodack,
X.Solinas, J.-L.Martin, A.Alexandrou,
E.Beaurepaire, and M.Joffre
In-vivo multi-nonlinear optical imaging of a living cell
using a single femtosecond Ti:Sapphire oscillator .............. 822
H.Kano and H.Hamaguchi
Optically Active Sum Frequency Generation Microscopy
for Cellular Imaging ........................................... 825
K.Zhang, N.Ji, Y.R.Shen, and H.Yang
Two-photon Bio-imaging with a Mode-locked
Semiconductor Laser ............................................ 828
H.Guo, K.Sato, K.Takashima, and H.Yokoyama
Author Index ................................................... 831